You get the game home and load it up on your PC/XBox/PS2/Gamecube/ZX Spectrum - only to find your playing the same game you brought 12 months earlier, only this time the sponsor on the front of their shirt is different. After the realisation that you have been had, you get over it and begin making your way through the leagues again.. (only to be conned once more the following year).
Epic managed to link their last two Unreal Tournament games to the year of their production, but there is no annual update for the later, leaving us in 2005 playing a game with 2004 attached to it.
Now I have no qualms with the game, but the 2004 does nag at me in the back of my mind.
So I have spent the last 3 minutes creating a new case for our aged game, in the hope that with this new injection of life, the WCG & CPL will acknowledge that the Unreal series is not ''past it'' & reintroduce it to their competitions.
Note - The first person to mention that we should all be playing Pro Evo & not FIFA gets minused for being a pedant.
Edited by asraaM at 12:02 GMT, 18th Feb 2005 - 4937 Hits