Satan - victim of q3-society?
Well, i was very shocked as i read this esreality news about my mate and i couldn't believe it. I had to stack away from pc for about 30 minutes and think about everything what happened in the last 3 weeks, as i met satan for the first time and about the nice time we had. I couldn't believe what he should have done and that he should have cheated our opponents and me too. After this 30-minutes-shock I went back to my computer, downloaded the demos, a offline wallhack and watched them over and over again. I analyzed demos and talked to hundreds of people for 4-5 hours. I watched demos of me with wallhack and I did so with demos of toxic and other players to compare them. What I have here created is a imaginated dialogue that includes 99% of the questions and statements that i had to answer on the 1xx queries i've got on this saturday the 26, the saturday on which satan the cheater was exposed.
so = some dude ; mao = me (the 2o2 mate of satan)
Hey mao, did you already kicked cheatersatan from a-L? =))
No he quit q3. I came online on this saturday and I read in the topic of our 2o2 chan that he stops q3 cause the same thing as 2 years before happened to him. (I think what he wanted to say is that everyone believes that he is a cheater)
Don't you believe it?
At the beginning I couldn't believe it but then I saw the demos with wallhack and I read the statement of SK|fox and then it was kind of clear to me that he was a cheater. After this shocking moment I started to analyze demos of satan, me and toxic with wallhack.
And after this, i wasn't sure anymore if he really cheats.
Wtf? are you totally blind? look at the way his shaft, plasma and mg move. It's sooooo obvious.
I know this kind of shaking, its cause of an aimbot. 100%!
Hehe, zealot told me the same. He told me that this shaking is because he switches the aimbot on and off while he is shafting. Thats where this "twitching" comes from.
It is really a crazy twitching and I would agree with you that this is an aimbot IF (!) he would have a good aim with these weapons. Take a closer look and you see that satan is so
bad with those weapons that he would aim 2x better without aimbot cause he wouldn't have to press this button all the time. Imagine that always when you have to shaft, you have to press a key on/off/on/off/on/off. This way of shooting is not only looking subspicous, it also makes you unable to hit a thing (as you can see here). So you have to be really really stupid if you aim like this. Don't try to tell me that you think that satan has a good pg- or ssg- or even SHAFT-aim.
So how do you explain this strange twitching?
Since I know satan, I also know a good friend of him called wCm`doz3r who knows satan for 4 years now. He was on many LAN's together with satan and I had long conversations with him before and after this cheating-accusations. He has played with satan many games in LAN and he told me that he is -god knows why- twitching with ssg/shaft/plasma cause he thinks that he aims better with this technique. As I mentioned above and as you can see by yourself if you watch the demo, he is a noob with shaft,ssg,pg, with or without bot.
Hehe, you can't proof that doz3r said this or that this whole thing is true! It is your friend so you could have invented all this to cover him!
Well, go and ask appleseed, unity, lizahd or other players that played on LAN with him. They already got to know satans individual shooting-style on LanArena7. They can tell you
the same as i did above. Since we're just talking about LA7, this is not only the counterargument for your shaft/ssg/pg-bot-accusation but also a good counterargument that he is cheating. How can he get on such a big event if he is a noob? Some of the people that queried me said that you can see that satan is a noob without aimbot cause of his movement. Well yes he is not the best in moving but still better than 99% of you out there.
Otherwise he wouldn't have made it to LA7. Please don't try to tell me now that you think that he cheats on LAN too ...
No but why is he looking on his stats during the game? It is obvious that he is just doing to see if his accuracies are too high, that he can spam them down.
Erm, this is a ridiculous argument since i know 897349 of q3 players that take a look onto their stats during the game. Don't tell me now that you think all of them are cheating :(
Well no but can you tell me why satan is such a good player now ?? Storm said that he wasn't that good in former times as they played together.
Storm and rage played together with satan 2 years (!) ago. Maybe satan improved his skill during those 2 years? Or do you think players can't improve their skill and toxic played on this level on the first time he started q3?
Ok but he already cheated in former times, thats why he got kicked out of c58 and aNc!
Interesting. Seems like you are better informed than i am. I know that satan was seen as cheater after a demo was upped by a member of revolutionary girlz on which you saw a player
called c58*satan cheating.
Haha, wanna tell me now that someone faked this demo?? ahahahh FOR SURE mao...
Well, a few people recognized that the movement shown on the demo was too good to be satans. They did some researches and found out that the ip of the member that posted the thread/news and upped the demo, was the same as the one of the player that was called c58*satan on the demo. After the demo-fake was discovered, the demo on the esreality page was deleted by Yot, former aAa coach and esreality admin. Satan was kicked 1/2 (!) year later, together with ALL international squads from c58 by Polosatiy (so the reason was definetly NOT cheating) Maybe thats the reason why everyone thinks to remember satan as a cheater. Furthermore satan wasn't kicked out of aNc since he was the leader of it at the time he is pretended to got kicked out, he simply LEFT it. So much about history.
You can't tell me that you rape storm&rage so hard. They are really good players! Your only possibilty to do this is to cheat..
mao: Well, we trained 3 weeks very hard vs very good teams and after one week of training we got pretty good and the server we played on was always fulled up with specs. So satan would have had to cheat ALL the time while people specated him. Since we didnt loose one time on dm6 to anyone except to ic (and we played vs very the best 2o2 teams of eu like aAa, pay/redemz, EYE) he would have had to cheat ALL the time with specs in EVERY game. And since he has much fans he knows that his demos get recorded. I don't think that DC (storm/rage) trained so hard as we did and maybe, yes MAYBE we are simply better.
Ok but look at his rail. It is so incredible good that it HAS TO BE an aimbot.
Yes it's really amazing but i think that there are a couple of players out there that rail even better (e.g tox'). Furthermore I don't see a piece of an evidence that he has an aimbot on rail.
There are a few scenes on which he rocks hard with rail (especially in the beginning) but i already saw more crazy ones. I also saw demos of botusers and I can tell you that my railaim (even if it is not so good as satans) looks more like a bot than satans. Yes, he has a nice railskill but many good players have too. Thats everything.
And what about the 5:38 scene? SK|fox said that he is 100% for sure that a bot was used while shooting the second plasma burst.
I viewed this scene about 10 times (also with fov 50 and timescale 0.1). The scene starts with satan coming from RA bottom over LG and shards to YA. Satan already saw, while he was at RA, that an enemy is at rail (he sees my lg and the rail of an opponent). Arriving at YA-stairs he picks up a dropped PG and does the first burst to rail. He walks up and down the stairs and does a second burst to rail (2 shots hit the enemy). I don't know if fox talked in his statement about this burst or the next one but it doesn't matter cause i will analyze both. After the first burst Satan walks up and down the stairs and does the next burst with his "twitching-aim". I think the reason why it looks like an aimbot is because 1. your body twitches when you walk up the stairs and 2. satans pg-aim twitches all the time (and he doesn't hit a thing !!!!). Since I already analyzed the twichting aim above, I wont talk about it here again. It is pretty sure that the enemy on the rail is trying to rail him since it is an easy frag. Thats why satan expects the enemy to jump down, to rail him. Satan knows that the enemy
will either jump down from rail or from the railcurve. So he starts to spam first a little below the rail (if the opponent jumps down from there) and then a burst to the 2nd floor-curve (if the opponent is going to jump down there).
What makes satan suspicious is the fact that in exactly that moment in which he starts that 2nd-floor-curve spam, an enemy is jumping very fast through the door and eats a few balls of satans burst. If we would only look at this scene or this burst, I would also think that satan is a cheater. Either he has a wallhack and saw the enemy or it was just luck that the other enemy ran into the spam that was not destined for him. But since this is the only suspicous scene in the whole game and it is not sure out of which reasons he started the spam. Maybe because of the fear that the railer jumps from railcurve to 2nd floor curve or maybe because he had a wallhack and saw an enemy coming through the door? We can't say that you see a hack here. And IF there is a hack, it is a wallhack and no aimbot like fox said. (In my opinion).
If you watch the demo with a wallhack you see that there are many scenes in which he KNOWS that there is a enemy in a certain area/place without hearing or seeing it.
Yes, maybe that is because we are using TS? Of course i tell him that an enemy is camping at RL or that an enemy is here or there. Furthermore, there are hundreds of scenes in which
it is obvious that he cannot have a wallhack. For example he spawns, jumps on the Jumppad to RL and gets killed by quad that comes from bridge. I watched it with wallhack and you
won't jump up there if you would have wallhack. If you think that he "acts like he wouldn't see it" then i want to get a scene of you in which you can prove it. Zealot told me that is so
obvious that he acts like he wouldn't have seen the enemy standing behind the corner. I didn't see one scene which could be used as evidence. And if you find a scene then think about
the 100 factors that also could be the reason why he looked to that point. Maybe he expected an enemy to be there? Maybe he heard something? Maybe he is just not playing the way you
Since I also disrespect cheating I started reasearches in which I analyzed demos of top players with the technique of storm, rage and fox (and probably many others). I always thought that it is not possible that we get beaten by someone on dm6. But tox and fox did! I started to watch demos of toxic because i already thought for a long time that this aim can't be real. But since saturday i know that it has to be a cheat! I know you won't believe me now but just keep on reading and watching and i will show you what I've found out.
I analyzed this GTV-demo of ic vs rC (think it is from a q3tour a few days ago) - I only mentioned the most important scenes.
@ 04:34:
A few miliseconds after the enemy disapears, tox' crosshair moved again on the enemy that he couldn't see anymore and shoots once with the rail. This is 100% an aimbot binded together with autoshoot.
@ 06:06:
Look at this pg spam, it is like the one of satan (famous 05:38 scene) but the difference is that toxic diddn't know that there is an enemy. He could only see this with a wallhack.
@ 10:11
Guys, i really can't imagine a railshot that is more IMPOSSIBLE than this one. Please watch it with timescale 0.1 first plus aimbot and then watch it without aimbot and with
timescale 1. You don't have to play this game for a long time to recognize that this railshot simply CAN NOT be made by human hands. This scene is the best evidence for toxic beeing a cheater. This railshot is sponsored by aimbot plus autoshoot. Thanks to the audience.
@ 10:43:
It is obvious that the crosshair is exactly on the opponent although he was behind the wall. This has to be wallhack in my opinion.
@ 11:08:
You can see that toxic saw the enemy but acted like he wouldn't have seen it to cover his wallhack. He saw it, thought about attacking it and finally decided to walk away to not make his wallhack too obvious.
I hope everyone of you understood my irony. I don't think that toxic cheats. What I want to tell you is that if you want to find a cheater then you will find a suspicious scene in EVERY demo of a good player.
!One scene is not an evidence, nor are two!
As long as Punkbuster is not reporting a violation there is no cast iron proof for cheating.
If you watch satans demo with a wallhack, then please be aware of the following 4 facts:
We are in TS. This means that you know sometimes where a opponent is without seeing/hearing him
If you watch a demo with the knowledge "satan is a cheater - I am going to watch a cheaterdemo now" then you will find a scene which SEEMS to be a proof for cheating. You always find
something if you search for it.
If you watch a demo with a wallhack, there are lots of situations in which you think: "YES here he spammed to railammo-spot without knowing that the opponent is there"
I acted the same as i watched the demos for the first times. But I recognized that if you watch a demo with a wallhack you totally concentrate on the visual senses. You don't concentrate on the sound thats why you think that he couldn't have seen the opponent but he heard him. Satan is a incredible good dm6 player what he already proofed on big LAN
events on which he has beaten strong players like appleseed and unity.
I think it's sad that satan gets stamped beeing a cheater with NO PIECE of an evidence. We got kicked out of the q3tourney from the final just because a good player wants to see a cheat in a scene of satans demos. Furthermore the whole community thinks that he is cheating and satan has NO possibility to warrant himself. This whole "cheater-crying"-stuff reminds me on the persecution of witches in the mediaeval. One person with a little influence can kill identities. His word is more worth than a clear evidence.
Don't get me wrong, I for myself can't decide if satan cheats or not. The lines that I wrote above are meant to be a counterpost to storms post, that is guided by subjective motives without a clear or wrong backround information and mischief-making against someone that storm and rage maybe cannot accept that they lost to.
Satan wasn't online since saturday and this here:
a-L|satan is mokka@ * mokka
a-L|satan on #a-losers @#play.promode #cata #computerbase #Evil-Killers +#smr! #sk.painkiller @#schnuffel-net +#massive.attack @#daredevil +#clan-ladnet
a-L|satan using * QuakeNet IRC Server
a-L|satan mkka is authed as
a-L|satan has been idle 3hr 21min 53sec, signed on Tue Mar 22 04:35:48
a-L|satan End of /WHOIS list.
is a FAKE, so don't confound him with the real satan. This is NOT the auth of the original
satan. Seems for me like there is/are someone(s) that is/are really committed to make satan as bad as possible.
Sorry toxic that i had to use you as a guena pig :)
Sorry for my bad english
so = some dude ; mao = me (the 2o2 mate of satan)
Hey mao, did you already kicked cheatersatan from a-L? =))
No he quit q3. I came online on this saturday and I read in the topic of our 2o2 chan that he stops q3 cause the same thing as 2 years before happened to him. (I think what he wanted to say is that everyone believes that he is a cheater)
Don't you believe it?
At the beginning I couldn't believe it but then I saw the demos with wallhack and I read the statement of SK|fox and then it was kind of clear to me that he was a cheater. After this shocking moment I started to analyze demos of satan, me and toxic with wallhack.
And after this, i wasn't sure anymore if he really cheats.
Wtf? are you totally blind? look at the way his shaft, plasma and mg move. It's sooooo obvious.
I know this kind of shaking, its cause of an aimbot. 100%!
Hehe, zealot told me the same. He told me that this shaking is because he switches the aimbot on and off while he is shafting. Thats where this "twitching" comes from.
It is really a crazy twitching and I would agree with you that this is an aimbot IF (!) he would have a good aim with these weapons. Take a closer look and you see that satan is so
bad with those weapons that he would aim 2x better without aimbot cause he wouldn't have to press this button all the time. Imagine that always when you have to shaft, you have to press a key on/off/on/off/on/off. This way of shooting is not only looking subspicous, it also makes you unable to hit a thing (as you can see here). So you have to be really really stupid if you aim like this. Don't try to tell me that you think that satan has a good pg- or ssg- or even SHAFT-aim.
So how do you explain this strange twitching?
Since I know satan, I also know a good friend of him called wCm`doz3r who knows satan for 4 years now. He was on many LAN's together with satan and I had long conversations with him before and after this cheating-accusations. He has played with satan many games in LAN and he told me that he is -god knows why- twitching with ssg/shaft/plasma cause he thinks that he aims better with this technique. As I mentioned above and as you can see by yourself if you watch the demo, he is a noob with shaft,ssg,pg, with or without bot.
Hehe, you can't proof that doz3r said this or that this whole thing is true! It is your friend so you could have invented all this to cover him!
Well, go and ask appleseed, unity, lizahd or other players that played on LAN with him. They already got to know satans individual shooting-style on LanArena7. They can tell you
the same as i did above. Since we're just talking about LA7, this is not only the counterargument for your shaft/ssg/pg-bot-accusation but also a good counterargument that he is cheating. How can he get on such a big event if he is a noob? Some of the people that queried me said that you can see that satan is a noob without aimbot cause of his movement. Well yes he is not the best in moving but still better than 99% of you out there.
Otherwise he wouldn't have made it to LA7. Please don't try to tell me now that you think that he cheats on LAN too ...
No but why is he looking on his stats during the game? It is obvious that he is just doing to see if his accuracies are too high, that he can spam them down.
Erm, this is a ridiculous argument since i know 897349 of q3 players that take a look onto their stats during the game. Don't tell me now that you think all of them are cheating :(
Well no but can you tell me why satan is such a good player now ?? Storm said that he wasn't that good in former times as they played together.
Storm and rage played together with satan 2 years (!) ago. Maybe satan improved his skill during those 2 years? Or do you think players can't improve their skill and toxic played on this level on the first time he started q3?
Ok but he already cheated in former times, thats why he got kicked out of c58 and aNc!
Interesting. Seems like you are better informed than i am. I know that satan was seen as cheater after a demo was upped by a member of revolutionary girlz on which you saw a player
called c58*satan cheating.
Haha, wanna tell me now that someone faked this demo?? ahahahh FOR SURE mao...
Well, a few people recognized that the movement shown on the demo was too good to be satans. They did some researches and found out that the ip of the member that posted the thread/news and upped the demo, was the same as the one of the player that was called c58*satan on the demo. After the demo-fake was discovered, the demo on the esreality page was deleted by Yot, former aAa coach and esreality admin. Satan was kicked 1/2 (!) year later, together with ALL international squads from c58 by Polosatiy (so the reason was definetly NOT cheating) Maybe thats the reason why everyone thinks to remember satan as a cheater. Furthermore satan wasn't kicked out of aNc since he was the leader of it at the time he is pretended to got kicked out, he simply LEFT it. So much about history.
You can't tell me that you rape storm&rage so hard. They are really good players! Your only possibilty to do this is to cheat..
mao: Well, we trained 3 weeks very hard vs very good teams and after one week of training we got pretty good and the server we played on was always fulled up with specs. So satan would have had to cheat ALL the time while people specated him. Since we didnt loose one time on dm6 to anyone except to ic (and we played vs very the best 2o2 teams of eu like aAa, pay/redemz, EYE) he would have had to cheat ALL the time with specs in EVERY game. And since he has much fans he knows that his demos get recorded. I don't think that DC (storm/rage) trained so hard as we did and maybe, yes MAYBE we are simply better.
Ok but look at his rail. It is so incredible good that it HAS TO BE an aimbot.
Yes it's really amazing but i think that there are a couple of players out there that rail even better (e.g tox'). Furthermore I don't see a piece of an evidence that he has an aimbot on rail.
There are a few scenes on which he rocks hard with rail (especially in the beginning) but i already saw more crazy ones. I also saw demos of botusers and I can tell you that my railaim (even if it is not so good as satans) looks more like a bot than satans. Yes, he has a nice railskill but many good players have too. Thats everything.
And what about the 5:38 scene? SK|fox said that he is 100% for sure that a bot was used while shooting the second plasma burst.
I viewed this scene about 10 times (also with fov 50 and timescale 0.1). The scene starts with satan coming from RA bottom over LG and shards to YA. Satan already saw, while he was at RA, that an enemy is at rail (he sees my lg and the rail of an opponent). Arriving at YA-stairs he picks up a dropped PG and does the first burst to rail. He walks up and down the stairs and does a second burst to rail (2 shots hit the enemy). I don't know if fox talked in his statement about this burst or the next one but it doesn't matter cause i will analyze both. After the first burst Satan walks up and down the stairs and does the next burst with his "twitching-aim". I think the reason why it looks like an aimbot is because 1. your body twitches when you walk up the stairs and 2. satans pg-aim twitches all the time (and he doesn't hit a thing !!!!). Since I already analyzed the twichting aim above, I wont talk about it here again. It is pretty sure that the enemy on the rail is trying to rail him since it is an easy frag. Thats why satan expects the enemy to jump down, to rail him. Satan knows that the enemy
will either jump down from rail or from the railcurve. So he starts to spam first a little below the rail (if the opponent jumps down from there) and then a burst to the 2nd floor-curve (if the opponent is going to jump down there).
What makes satan suspicious is the fact that in exactly that moment in which he starts that 2nd-floor-curve spam, an enemy is jumping very fast through the door and eats a few balls of satans burst. If we would only look at this scene or this burst, I would also think that satan is a cheater. Either he has a wallhack and saw the enemy or it was just luck that the other enemy ran into the spam that was not destined for him. But since this is the only suspicous scene in the whole game and it is not sure out of which reasons he started the spam. Maybe because of the fear that the railer jumps from railcurve to 2nd floor curve or maybe because he had a wallhack and saw an enemy coming through the door? We can't say that you see a hack here. And IF there is a hack, it is a wallhack and no aimbot like fox said. (In my opinion).
If you watch the demo with a wallhack you see that there are many scenes in which he KNOWS that there is a enemy in a certain area/place without hearing or seeing it.
Yes, maybe that is because we are using TS? Of course i tell him that an enemy is camping at RL or that an enemy is here or there. Furthermore, there are hundreds of scenes in which
it is obvious that he cannot have a wallhack. For example he spawns, jumps on the Jumppad to RL and gets killed by quad that comes from bridge. I watched it with wallhack and you
won't jump up there if you would have wallhack. If you think that he "acts like he wouldn't see it" then i want to get a scene of you in which you can prove it. Zealot told me that is so
obvious that he acts like he wouldn't have seen the enemy standing behind the corner. I didn't see one scene which could be used as evidence. And if you find a scene then think about
the 100 factors that also could be the reason why he looked to that point. Maybe he expected an enemy to be there? Maybe he heard something? Maybe he is just not playing the way you
Since I also disrespect cheating I started reasearches in which I analyzed demos of top players with the technique of storm, rage and fox (and probably many others). I always thought that it is not possible that we get beaten by someone on dm6. But tox and fox did! I started to watch demos of toxic because i already thought for a long time that this aim can't be real. But since saturday i know that it has to be a cheat! I know you won't believe me now but just keep on reading and watching and i will show you what I've found out.
I analyzed this GTV-demo of ic vs rC (think it is from a q3tour a few days ago) - I only mentioned the most important scenes.
@ 04:34:
A few miliseconds after the enemy disapears, tox' crosshair moved again on the enemy that he couldn't see anymore and shoots once with the rail. This is 100% an aimbot binded together with autoshoot.
@ 06:06:
Look at this pg spam, it is like the one of satan (famous 05:38 scene) but the difference is that toxic diddn't know that there is an enemy. He could only see this with a wallhack.
@ 10:11
Guys, i really can't imagine a railshot that is more IMPOSSIBLE than this one. Please watch it with timescale 0.1 first plus aimbot and then watch it without aimbot and with
timescale 1. You don't have to play this game for a long time to recognize that this railshot simply CAN NOT be made by human hands. This scene is the best evidence for toxic beeing a cheater. This railshot is sponsored by aimbot plus autoshoot. Thanks to the audience.
@ 10:43:
It is obvious that the crosshair is exactly on the opponent although he was behind the wall. This has to be wallhack in my opinion.
@ 11:08:
You can see that toxic saw the enemy but acted like he wouldn't have seen it to cover his wallhack. He saw it, thought about attacking it and finally decided to walk away to not make his wallhack too obvious.
I hope everyone of you understood my irony. I don't think that toxic cheats. What I want to tell you is that if you want to find a cheater then you will find a suspicious scene in EVERY demo of a good player.
!One scene is not an evidence, nor are two!
As long as Punkbuster is not reporting a violation there is no cast iron proof for cheating.
If you watch satans demo with a wallhack, then please be aware of the following 4 facts:
We are in TS. This means that you know sometimes where a opponent is without seeing/hearing him
If you watch a demo with the knowledge "satan is a cheater - I am going to watch a cheaterdemo now" then you will find a scene which SEEMS to be a proof for cheating. You always find
something if you search for it.
If you watch a demo with a wallhack, there are lots of situations in which you think: "YES here he spammed to railammo-spot without knowing that the opponent is there"
I acted the same as i watched the demos for the first times. But I recognized that if you watch a demo with a wallhack you totally concentrate on the visual senses. You don't concentrate on the sound thats why you think that he couldn't have seen the opponent but he heard him. Satan is a incredible good dm6 player what he already proofed on big LAN
events on which he has beaten strong players like appleseed and unity.
I think it's sad that satan gets stamped beeing a cheater with NO PIECE of an evidence. We got kicked out of the q3tourney from the final just because a good player wants to see a cheat in a scene of satans demos. Furthermore the whole community thinks that he is cheating and satan has NO possibility to warrant himself. This whole "cheater-crying"-stuff reminds me on the persecution of witches in the mediaeval. One person with a little influence can kill identities. His word is more worth than a clear evidence.
Don't get me wrong, I for myself can't decide if satan cheats or not. The lines that I wrote above are meant to be a counterpost to storms post, that is guided by subjective motives without a clear or wrong backround information and mischief-making against someone that storm and rage maybe cannot accept that they lost to.
Satan wasn't online since saturday and this here:
a-L|satan is mokka@ * mokka
a-L|satan on #a-losers @#play.promode #cata #computerbase #Evil-Killers +#smr! #sk.painkiller @#schnuffel-net +#massive.attack @#daredevil +#clan-ladnet
a-L|satan using * QuakeNet IRC Server
a-L|satan mkka is authed as
a-L|satan has been idle 3hr 21min 53sec, signed on Tue Mar 22 04:35:48
a-L|satan End of /WHOIS list.
is a FAKE, so don't confound him with the real satan. This is NOT the auth of the original
satan. Seems for me like there is/are someone(s) that is/are really committed to make satan as bad as possible.
Sorry toxic that i had to use you as a guena pig :)
Sorry for my bad english
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Edited by tom at 12:42 GMT, 28th Mar 2005 - 84430 Hits