She's gone. She pulled away from me, but I forced her to. I'm too much of a weakling to break up with her myself, so I forced her to do it. Did I ever really love her? Do I? Is this a broken heart? How could she have loved me if she could so easily walk away after so many years. God knows, I deserve it. Yet people like me don't exist in the realms she will condemn herself to, and this has happened before. Months of seperation to come full circle. This isn't the same, I went too far. I said too much, I was far too insulting. She can't forget that, she told me herself she can't forgive such things. And I could turn it around in my head, she fucked up it's her fault. Fuck her. No, I will learn from this. I have at least that much intelligence.
I think.
rock on.
I think.
rock on.
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