Event: ESWC 2005
Loser:yes, he will, Odds: 46% (2.1:1)
Bets placed: E$10569, betting open: 06:19 CDT 1 Jul 2005 to 18:59 CDT 8 Jul 2005
Winner:no, he won't, Odds: 53% (1.8:1)
Bets placed: E$12856, betting open: 06:19 CDT 1 Jul 2005 to 18:59 CDT 8 Jul 2005
Take a look at the photo.
djWHEAT: Ok here is the story behind this... The French naked man pictured here was thrown out of the party... not for his terrible dancing, but because he was naked. Now while that may seem a tad odd, the real beef behind it is, he did it TWO YEARS IN A ROW. It's pretty obvious that he's saying, "Look LAM, this is my 2nd year I've come naked and I'll sure as hell make it three."
Now the big bet is... will the Naked Man attack again at this year's ESWC goodbye party?
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