Event: QCon 05
I don't know where it comes from, and to be honest I don't care. I just know this is the video we wanted to see, and there it is, as a present : A Quake 4 Multiplayer deathmatch video, with some rail, some weapons, some action, a real FFA, a ramp jump. What I can already tell is : its looks like fucking good, and we could say : it's Quake 3 gameplay with Doom3 engine. I can already imagine 6 other years of fun, competition, progaming, and all what we had untill that day. No, now, that's sure, I won't stop gaming!The video is 52,4 Mb, and is absolute to see. Enjoy :)
- Movie File (Quake4Multi.mp4) 52MB
- hiphopkonnektoin.free.fr (779 clicks)
- renton.uams.edu (406 clicks)
Edited by netrex at 23:30 GMT, 12th Aug 2005 - 44189 Hits