Event: CPL WT05
Managed to record one really nice game today (Saturday). It was Ztrider vs Fatal1ty and one of the best I have seen.On Sunday, I'll try and get some of the later games, of course Fat and Vo0. I'm not staying in all day to record, but I'll make sure to record the final games.
All streams are recorded from TSNCENTRAL which has been good for me, but I hear others are no so lucky.
Due to a broken stream on sunday there was very little coverage.
I did manage to grab a few minutes from the vo0 vs Fatal1ty game on Sunday.
This is all I have:(
- Movie File - Sat - Ztrider vs Fatal1ty (ztridervsfatality.rar) 85MB
- FileFront (229 clicks)
- Levitation (385 clicks)
Edited by Jamerio at 14:59 GMT, 10th Sep 2005 - 19705 Hits