This is a machinima movie made by Dorohnl.
"Done on Sep. 7th 2005. This is my first attempt at Half-Life 2 machinima making.
Tools used : Source Hammer, 3dmax, Faceposer, and Cannonfolder's Half-Life 2 Tools. I had no prior experience with 3dmax until I started the project :)
Basically I tried to recreate each scene from the original trailer with the exact same cut and angle within the Source Engine.
The sound effects and music are from the original trailer (or the ending of Enter The Matrix)
Have fun :D"
- Movie File - Low Resolution (Watch in Browser) 10MB
- (90 clicks)
- Movie File - High Resolution (HL2MatrixRevByDorohnL20Mb.wmv) 19MB
- (167 clicks)
Edited by netrex at 14:15 GMT, 10th Sep 2005 - 14951 Hits