There have been three videos of the retail version of Quake4 floating around the net for the past few hours. The three videos show off Quake4 CTF, a 1vs1 match in Q4DM1, and a walkthrough of "The Edge", one of the classic maps from Q2. As most people around the world looking for Quake4 at stores starting today, these videos give us a glimpse of the fun ahead. DivX is required.
- Movie File - Edge Remake Walkthrough (eoc.bad_q2dm1_run.avi) 17MB
- Levitation (920 clicks)
- (581 clicks)
- QGL (183 clicks)
- Movie File - Q4CTF Footage (eoc.bad_q4ctf.avi) 18MB
- Levitation (619 clicks)
- (448 clicks)
- QGL (162 clicks)
- Movie File - Q3DM1 1vs1 Battle ( eoc.bad_vs_rocket_q2dm1.avi) 70MB
- Levitation (1698 clicks)
- (1455 clicks)
- QGL (999 clicks)
Edited by Levi240 at 16:28 GMT, 18th Oct 2005 - 133327 Hits