there was this one time i played nirvana3 times in a row... i managed to get 1 frag during 45 minutes! A combination og me sucking big time and that he's faaawking briliant in q3.
put them in an official tourney and u'd see unkind would own his ass anytime.. anywhere..
even after the "ok :) " in this game nirvana was being hit by him everywhere.. just that 16 and 44 pings also with the fact that u are playing a friendly or some shit like that is definitly a bit different ..
You should be able to believe this, since nirvana had a ping being in the range of 5-15 and unkind 40-50.... it is nearly impossible to win a shaft fight with this kind of ping difference, not to mention the other weapons, still wp by nirvana though :o
Go nirvana. It's confusing that he's never really been competitive, cause he sure is pure talent. gg
I've seen newer demos of nirv and believe me he's used to not missing a single shot...there's not good competition in his country far as I know that is. is an International site, so all non-English postings are removed. Do not use obscene language, or post abusive/inflammatory comments. Read the posting guidelines for more information.