Another CPMA movie - shows the reasons for
xano0ch to actually play and love it. Movement, frags and teamplay - that's what is available.
Demos from: xano0ch, mishaul1k, sl1mka, death, noobs anonymous
Author notes: It's all about - why I choose this game, this mode, and why I'm still playing it. I will be glad if you will find in this movie something yourself.

Demos from: xano0ch, mishaul1k, sl1mka, death, noobs anonymous
Author notes: It's all about - why I choose this game, this mode, and why I'm still playing it. I will be glad if you will find in this movie something yourself.
- Movie File ( 262MB
- (510 clicks)
- FileFront (318 clicks)
- Levitation (1393 clicks)
- (18 clicks)
- (705 clicks)
Edited by shaun at 23:38 GMT, 26th Dec 2005 - 168335 Hits