Event: ESWC 2005
Fuel is back, this time with a solid frag selection from the ESWC 2005 tournament. It's a pure frag video with minimalist editing. All the efforts goes on viewing demos and tweaking the quality to give you the best visual experience. It take me 3 months to capture the movie material with a full blend (1000fps).Featured players :
cooller, czm, fox, socrates, toxic, jibo, enemy, keeper, st_germain, chance, cherya, fazz
Thanks to the Levitation crew for hosting a mirror.
Bonus: you will find a tutorial to achieve same quality as q3fuel2.
- Movie File (q3fuel2.zip) 174MB
- filefront (1262 clicks)
- Google Video (145 clicks)
- levitation (3646 clicks)
- PlanetQuake3.net (1140 clicks)
Edited by Sujoy at 23:17 GMT, 26th Dec 2005 - 276262 Hits