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Quake Live | COOLLER [Frag Movie] (Classic) (2 comments)
Posted by Regulator @ 10:31 CDT, 27 June 2024 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
This is possibly the greatest Quake Frag Movie ever made.

By popular demand this movie is now back on the internet!

I thought I would share with all ESRers.

WASD Gamers
138 Hits
Re: Quake Champions Classic Mod for Quake 1 (1 comment)
Posted by gojira_ @ 11:17 CDT, 23 June 2024 - iMsg
Nice. I like how we all agree, champions are better played on actual quake engine.
244 Hits
Spiterbot Version .50 RC9 (No comments)
Posted by SquirrelzQL @ 20:12 CDT, 19 June 2024 - iMsg
I already made a post about Version .51 which I just labeled 2023, but I thought I would mention I did finally recover the prior prototype RC9 and I hotfixed it. So I just wanted to make a little update on whats going on with this mod. So basically, I needed to merge the contents within the RC9 Update (VM01.pk3) and overwrite contents inside of the March 29th Version (VM.pk3). After this, the mod works great.

I have decided to release a Hotfix on ModDB for all to use, hopefully you will like what this mod is like now. I think this is basically the restoration project concluded, in the future I will be uploading a few other prototype versions of Spiterbot but I still need to sort through potential incompatibility issues first.

I'd recommend playing any other bot but Spite, typically around level 70. The accuracy and response time are now reduced appropriately to the skill level. Spite is still a raw aimbot with perfect reaction speed, so play him at your own peril.
153 Hits
A note to game developers (No comments)
Posted by ShadyVoltaire @ 01:59 CDT, 19 June 2024 - iMsg
If you want to financially win, then please add more attractive girls with big breasts.
163 Hits
Team fortress mod in quakelive (No comments)
Posted by nined @ 03:08 CDT, 11 June 2024 - iMsg
How about organic integration into quakelive, team fortress mode, like it was before - q3tf. More fun and aternative to other ql team modes like ctf, tdm, ft etc.

And plz remasting and huge refreshing update.
Edited by nined at 03:09 CDT, 11 June 2024 - 219 Hits
TEnEP ETO PYCCKu CAuT (2 comments)
Posted by stpbozin @ 08:07 CDT, 7 June 2024 - iMsg
Chto by u velikih moralistov ne potekli slezki ot brannyh slov i oskorblenij, jetot tekst budet koncentratom faktov. Hot' v pervuju ochered' on i adresovan kom'juniti, razrabotchikam i razlichnym provodnikam, tak zhe stoit oznakomit'sja.

Da, Dzhon Karmak pishet otlichnye dvizhki. Uchityvaja vremja, te obstojatel'stva i metody, kotorye ispol'zoval Dzhon Karmak, ego po pravu mozhno nazvat' geniem. No, chto delaet ego legendarnym, tak jeto to, chto Dzhon Karmak otkryval ishodnyj kod svoih dvizhkov. Blagodarja jetomu, pojavilos' ogromnoe kolichestvo zamechatel'nyh igr. Vsja sut' progressa sostoit imenno v tom, chtoby narabotki odnih talantlivyh ljudej, ispol'zovalis' drugimi talantlivymi ljud'mi, dlja sozdanija chego-to novogo i luchshego, dlja budushhih pokolenij.

Po vsej vidimosti, na Frose zagorelas' shapka, kogda on uvidel moj predydushhij post. Po jetomu on ne smog prochest' i osmyslit' ego, i reshil sam dodumat' o chem shla rech'. Svoimi dogadkami on s udovol'stviem podelilsja na strime, rasskazav chto ih obvinjajut v vorovstve vdizhka ku3. Konechno, bylo by glupo, s moej storony, obvinjat' kogo ugodno, v vorovstve ishodnikov idtech3. No, raz Frosja ne ponjal o chem rech', pridetsja razzhevyvat'.

Kvejk kom'juniti perezhilo mnogoe. Samye jarkie, svetlye, jepichnye momenty, konechno zhe byli v kvejk lajv. Nu, a samye sil'nye potrjasenija, konechno zhe, prines kvejk chempions. Igra, so starta, ne zadalas'. Uzhasnaja optimizacija, kucha bagov, disbalans, lozh ot razrabotchikov. Kom'juniti, izo vseh sil pytalas' chto-to ispravit'. No, kamennye lica, zaranee proplachennyh pro-igrokov, ubezhdali nas chto vse normal'no. Chto vse budet horosho, nuzhno tol'ko PODOZhDAT'' i POMOLChAT''. My zhdali, my molchali, mnogimi mesjacami, godami igraja so slomannymi hitboksami, s raketami bez urona, bez splesha, s dyrjavymi kartami i tak dalee. I terpeli my vse jeto radi togo chtoby igra prosto izdohla, tak i ne stav igrabel'noj?

Jeto ponjatno, chto vremja razrabotchikov stoit deneg. No, po vsej vidimosti, tol'ko razrabotchikov. Po vsej vidimosti nashe vremja, vremja bydla, holopov i ne obrazovannyh skvernoslovov - ne stoit ni chego. Dlja nih my prosto stado, massovka. Oni - svetlye umy, a my nikto. No, im nuzhno nabrat' opredelennoe kolichestvo, bezlikoj, molchalivoj tolpy. Chtoby ta sozdavala vidimost' aktivnosti, vidimost' zainteresovannosti publiki i ne vystupala. No, esli vy budite vystupat', jeto budet meshat' PROEKTU razvivat'sja i vy budite likvidirovany.

Da, mozhno vozrazit'. Pogodite, no JeTO ZhE DRUGOE! Jetot kvejk delajut NAShI dlja SEBJa. Mozhet byt', mozhet byt'. No poka chto, byl oskorblen i unizhen predstavitel' malorossii - pepko, byl podvergnut atake bejz, byl zabanen agent i byli zatknuty za pojas vse ostal'nye. Nu i chto tut drugoe? Esli otnoshenie k kom'juniti takoe zhe kak bylo v kvejk chempions? Nas opjat' uverjajut chto vse horosho, chto nuzhno tol'ko podozhdat' i pomolchat'. Hotja svoimi glazami mozhno uvidet' chto vse ochen' i ochen' ploho. Nam opjat' rasskazyvajut pro malen'kuju indi kompaniju, kotoraja staraetsja tol'ko dlja vas. Opjat' kormjat nas obeshhanijami, rasskazyvajut chto vse tol'ko nachinaetsja. Opjat' provodjat chempionat na slomannoj, syroj igre i zatykajut vsem rty. Zachem vy jeto delaete, zachem vy nastupaete na te zhe grabli? V peredi 6 let beta testa, bez edinogo luchika sveta. I esli vy dumaete chto bladran uzhe luchshe, potomu-chto fps bol'she, to jeto zabluzhdenie, oshibka. Kogda oni nachnut dobavljat' vysokopoligonal'nye modeli i slozhnuju animaciju, vashi fpsy uletjat v trubu.

Vam ne nravitsja kak kritikujut vashi igru? A kto zhe vas zastavljal sobirat' vseh v igre, kotoraja ne sdelana dazhe na polovinu? Vas oskorbljajut, da? A vy dumaete nas ne oskorbljajut beskonechnye chudo razrabotchiki, kotorye obeshhajut nam zolotye gory? Vy schitaete u vas est' pravo izdevat'sja nad ljud'mi, raz vy celuju tyshhu zaplatili? Ja govorju o tom kak vy prinuzhdaete vseh hodit' po stojke smirno. Zastavljaete ljudej ulybat'sja, hvalit' igru i osuzhdat' agenta, ugrozhaja raspravoj(a, kuller ugrozhaet dazhe fizicheskoj raspravoj). Esli dlja vas takoe povedenie priemlemo, to ja ne vizhu ni kakih prichin, po kotorym ljuboe drugoe povedenie mozhet byt' nepriemlemym. Vy hudshie predstaviteli chelovechestva. Kak tol'ko u vas pojavilas' minimal'naja vlast', vy tut zhe nachinaete eju zloupotrebljat'. Ne znaju s kogo vy kopiruete model' povedenija, no jeto hudshee chto mozhno bylo vybrat' iz vsego spektra. Zanimat' poziciju "ne nravitsja - ne igraj", jeto ochen' nizkij uroven'. S takimi sposobnostjami luchshe molchat' i ne kommunicirovat' s soobshhestvom.

Chto kasaetsja kradennogo koda. V predydushhem poste ja opisal unikal'nye bagi, daleko ne vse, kotorye jekskljuzivny dlja kvejk chempions i bladran. I uchityvaja chto kvejk chempions napisan na idtech5, a bladran na idtech3(v kotorom podobnyh bagov ne sushhestvovalo), to takie identichnye bagi ne mogli pojavit'sja sluchajno. Bol'she tut obsuzhdat' nechego, za iskljucheniem togo, chto ispol'zuja kradennyj kod vy rasskazyvaete o morali. Jeto uzhasnoe licemerie i ego, kak i kullera, hotelos' by slyshat' pomen'she. Poskol'ku kuller jeto ne tol'ko chsv, a tak zhe zhivoe voploshhenie licemerija.

Voobshhem, jeto ne ja nachal zatirat' pro moral', a vy. Po jetomu ja predlagaju vam izvinit'sja pered kom'juniti za deviantnoe povedenie, za vashe licemerie i za kullera. Zamet'te, ja ne stavlju pered vami nevypolnimyh zadach, ja ponimaju chto kuller s ego neobosnovannym chsv izvinjat'sja ne stanet. No, ty Frosja, buduchi mjagkim i gibkim, mozhesh' i dolzhen publichno izvinit'sja. Za sebja, za kuller, za vse.
Edited by stpbozin at 14:33 CDT, 7 June 2024 - 359 Hits
Posted by wwwAnyBoy @ 21:58 CDT, 4 June 2024 - iMsg
Now available in Steam and Epic Games store

Balls with bodies.

Edited by wwwAnyBoy at 21:58 CDT, 4 June 2024 - 1518 Hits
Road of Glory (No comments)
Posted by n00k1e @ 14:35 CDT, 4 June 2024 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 6 (1 vote)
Quake II fragmovie by David
Edited by n00k1e at 21:17 CDT, 7 June 2024 - 322 Hits

<< Comment #1 @ 10:46 CDT, 19 April 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm 
overall i like the change cause it simply feels better, but im not sure if the overall effect on gameplay was good. i guess increasing it by 5% would have been a good compromise tbh
<< Comment #2 @ 10:50 CDT, 19 April 2011 >>
By Lithuania GUArd 
first I was: IT'S BAD!
<< Comment #3 @ 11:07 CDT, 19 April 2011 >>
By psychoxou xou  - Reply to #2
so... are you gonna be good now?! :]
<< Comment #6 @ 12:14 CDT, 19 April 2011 >>
By Lithuania GUArd  - Reply to #3
I don't have monitor atm , playing few duels sometimes with notebook 15' 60hz, I suck now hard. maybe I won't start playing ql serious again, who knows.
<< Comment #7 @ 13:09 CDT, 19 April 2011 >>
By Quake 3 (black) crea*  - Reply to #6
get a crt, plug in laptop, own hard!
<< Comment #17 @ 02:48 CDT, 20 April 2011 >>
By Lithuania GUArd  - Reply to #7
have good crt, but to big for my room, where I am using pc..
<< Comment #14 @ 01:15 CDT, 20 April 2011 >>
By Bulgaria cha0z_  - Reply to #2
I told you \:D/.
P.S. Get good lcd/crt with that laptop, seriously(and don't forget about external keyboard/mouse :D).
<< Comment #4 @ 11:13 CDT, 19 April 2011 >>
By lolfly lol frs 
i love it, makes ping have less effect on hitting
<< Comment #5 @ 11:13 CDT, 19 April 2011 >>
By QW horf 
I like it , but I play between 140-150 ms so I guess it's probably natural that I feel that way , but I would like to see a low pingers view of it ( that wants the game balanced)
<< Comment #8 @ 14:26 CDT, 19 April 2011 >>
By QW faerie_ 

Now if they could finally nerf that fucking broken rocket pop we might finally have a really good quake game ( let's not even think about the bugs, only about balance )
<< Comment #10 @ 16:25 CDT, 19 April 2011 >>
By ratmstar ArNoz  - Reply to #8
i have to agree with you on that point.
<< Comment #15 @ 01:17 CDT, 20 April 2011 >>
By Bulgaria cha0z_  - Reply to #8
Agree on rocket bouncing shit (noobs rj friendly bullshit).
<< Comment #19 @ 08:52 CDT, 20 April 2011 >>
By QW faerie_  - Reply to #15
got told that self knockback and knockback weren't even linked.
<< Comment #20 @ 09:45 CDT, 20 April 2011 >>
By United States of America T1E  - Reply to #19
there's an additional cvar for self-knockback, yes
<< Comment #9 @ 15:33 CDT, 19 April 2011 >>
By MLP_FlutterShy Teen Queen 
It's ok I guess.
<< Comment #11 @ 16:37 CDT, 19 April 2011 >>
By United States of America erok 
i like it, the whole antilag mixed with various net commands and time nudge makes for some wacky ass shit sometimes though
<< Comment #12 @ 17:22 CDT, 19 April 2011 >>
By Unset G.I. Jonesy  - Reply to #11
Wish they'd get rid of that antilag crap. It does more harm than good. If you just have a ping difference, or a higher ping, you can measure the effects and adjust your play accordingly. With antilag, you have no idea what the fuck is going on.
<< Comment #43 @ 10:48 CDT, 21 April 2011 >>
By United States of America w0nk0  - Reply to #11
ahaha. feel you man. just played a ctf game the other day in which i got killed like twice where i used the medkit, saw myself using it and yet die before it kicks in. and in the same game saw myself going through a tele and yet dieing before :).

backwards reconciliation does some weird ass shit like that that takes a lot of getting used to. but overall it feels ok. i still voted no because i felt the change in hitbox was unnecessary.
<< Comment #13 @ 19:20 CDT, 19 April 2011 >>
By Dird's Xmas tree ;o Bob 
Edited by Bob at 03:31 CDT, 28 June 2024
<< Comment #16 @ 02:25 CDT, 20 April 2011 >>
By Germany leopold 
I like it, though, again, it's the easy way out. Instead of getting hitbox and models in sync, increase the hitbox:/
I liked it how it was in Q4, even toxjq would hit 25-30 LG max.
IMO high damage weapons that are hard to use > constant damage (easy to use) from low damage weapons.
<< Comment #18 @ 08:05 CDT, 20 April 2011 >>
By Netherlands m1tsumi 
it's good in general because more players are able to hit a better percentage, so the competition increases.

i voted no because initially i thought it was bad for me, since i already had good aim =)
<< Comment #21 @ 15:03 CDT, 20 April 2011 >>
By Quake 3 ischju 
they are good in a way that your aim at times feels more consistent and reliable; but bad in a way that people hit you so easily and it requires next to no skill to hit 60% rail and 40+% shaft.

Strong aim should be rewarded and not punished. I, for one, can have now less of an impact on the game than I did before - so I think that is a bad thing.
Edited by ischju at 15:03 CDT, 20 April 2011
<< Comment #25 @ 19:01 CDT, 20 April 2011 >>
By Poland mefajpE^  - Reply to #21
I don't buy this 'everybody aims like toxic now, it's uber easy' statements.

I don't see other than really good players finishing games wit 40+ lg and 60+ rail, which is normal I guess? Yes you can have here and there great lg in a moment hitting over 40-50% but it's not that easy to stay THAT constant. Occasionally I end up with crazy accuracies, but only occasionally.
Edited by mefajpE^ at 19:02 CDT, 20 April 2011
<< Comment #55 @ 03:42 CDT, 26 April 2011 >>
By B2L - Orange Animated NL Stylezz  - Reply to #21
I agree,

also in duel you get more scores like 19-17 and 23-20 instead of a 5-4, 2-0 or something you know....
<< Comment #22 @ 15:31 CDT, 20 April 2011 >>
By Belgium hydra 
What's the thought behind increasing it?

I'd have decreased it to make aiming a bit more of a challenge (as it was in the ball mouse period)
<< Comment #24 @ 16:22 CDT, 20 April 2011 >>
By United States of America T1E  - Reply to #22
Q3 hitbox size: 1-1.45 times the frontal size/diameter, depending on angle
QL "beta" size: same thing
QL december 09-until now: 1x size from all angles because its a cylinder
QL new hitboxes 1.1x size (still being a cylinder)

it hasn't been increased necessarily, but adapted to a in-between size

- more "fun" to play them
- various influential voices in the community wanted the old rectangular box back
- noobs won't suddenly shoot 40lg as some people might have suggested - it's still "challenging" to hit high accuracies against good dodgers
- byproduct: feels more consistent in online games/netcode related

as you can presume I'm happy with the new hitboxes thats because they deliver a new kind of consistency in shooting and hitting and I approve of the buff compared to the nerf-this-a-little-nerf-that-a-little philosophy
Edited by T1E at 06:00 CDT, 21 April 2011
<< Comment #23 @ 16:08 CDT, 20 April 2011 >>
By CNN Ryan2015 
Sucks for me but think good in the eyes of the comunity
<< Comment #26 @ 20:06 CDT, 20 April 2011 >>
I really didn't care at first, but pretty soon I found myself enjoying the game more.
Hitting more shots is fun ...
<< Comment #27 @ 20:44 CDT, 20 April 2011 >>
By United Kingdom ZeritoN 
Might be good to stick up a poll of which hitbox type you prefered:
- Old box style
- Cylinder style
- Current style
- Anything I've forgotten
<< Comment #29 @ 03:33 CDT, 21 April 2011 >>
By United States of America T1E  - Reply to #27
the more complicated the poll is the more likely it is that people fail in understanding it. cylinder is here to stay and there wasn't much whine about the 10% increase, so it's imho just about checking the overall approval
<< Comment #30 @ 03:58 CDT, 21 April 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm  - Reply to #27
well nobody in their right mind would prefer rectangle hitboxes over cylindrical and then its just about size.
now i could have made a third option but i felt like it would be nice to put people on the spot and decide between positive and negative while the comments are great if you wanna talk about further details
<< Comment #31 @ 04:09 CDT, 21 April 2011 >>
By England vor_  - Reply to #30
Really, I can think of loads who preferred them. You know, preferred what we had that was fine for over 10 years.
<< Comment #33 @ 04:25 CDT, 21 April 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm  - Reply to #31
well but what you prefer is the whole working package and not the form in particular, right?
if not, tell me whats better about it, i dont see one single advantage tbh... but i would certainly like to hear one
Edited by Nukm at 04:29 CDT, 21 April 2011
<< Comment #34 @ 04:35 CDT, 21 April 2011 >>
By England vor_  - Reply to #33
Well there's nothing "better" necessarily but I still preferred them. I know cylinders are technically better but the game has felt shit ever since they changed to them as far as I'm concerned. Although other changes contribute to that feeling as well.
<< Comment #44 @ 10:50 CDT, 21 April 2011 >>
By United States of America w0nk0  - Reply to #34
dunno if uve done it elsewhere but could you qualify why youd prefer the old q3 hitboxes? and hopefully keep it independent of how u feel about the netcode altho i know thats tough considering the interaction between the two.
<< Comment #46 @ 11:25 CDT, 21 April 2011 >>
By 2k2_2 Nukm  - Reply to #44
if i understood it right, then i dont think that he even necessarily finds the hitbox better at all.
its just that a lot of people enjoyed the way weapons/netcode/hitbox once worked together and changing a part of it messes with the whole feel of the game and "demands" adjustments of all other factors
<< Comment #28 @ 03:14 CDT, 21 April 2011 >>
By \0/ fragerr 
tried some games out, its good.. i like it
<< Comment #32 @ 04:10 CDT, 21 April 2011 >>
By Nuke Explosion raithza 
wtf good 75% bad 25%??? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ESR!? should be bad 90%...
<< Comment #56 @ 13:01 CDT, 27 April 2011 >>
By Uruguay gSTRUCTOR  - Reply to #32
word :D
<< Comment #57 @ 14:38 CDT, 27 April 2011 >>
By Batman c1  - Reply to #56
esr forum got popular at ql forums... this explains everything
Edited by c1 at 14:38 CDT, 27 April 2011
<< Comment #35 @ 05:09 CDT, 21 April 2011 >>
Well... i can't say it made a drastic difference to me personally, except that maybe my rg is more consistent? I think it was a good choice overall, seems like people generally enjoyed the increase. I seem to get raped by lg a lot more nowadays, but it encourages me to practice dodging so i don't mind, really.

I'd like to see those no-skill noobs that hit 40% lg and 60% rg all the time without effort, maybe i'd learn something coz i'm a no-skill noob and can't make that shit work for me. 8<
<< Comment #38 @ 09:40 CDT, 21 April 2011 >>
By grey kg  - Reply to #35
With your sens, don't even think about such accuracies. :@
<< Comment #45 @ 11:19 CDT, 21 April 2011 >>
By nihil madbringer  - Reply to #38
<< Comment #36 @ 05:20 CDT, 21 April 2011 >>
By ql hitsu 
game is much faster now, so nice change...
<< Comment #37 @ 05:32 CDT, 21 April 2011 >>
By QW faerie_ 
people whine because everybody has had to up their lg/rail a bit with the small cylinders -> pretty much everyone got up to their old acc or slightly less.
Now all these people are hitting a bit more than they used to in 09 + add the % crushing effect of bigger hitboxes in a good aim ( + shit % ) vs decent aim ( +5% ) battle and in a few days we'll get back to the xerp whine, except that rockets have already been buffed near brokenness 2-3 years ago so there's nothing to compensate hitscans and restore their precious shitty netcode/osp days balance except endlessly nerfing stuff left and right.
<< Comment #40 @ 10:15 CDT, 21 April 2011 >>
By Unset retire  - Reply to #37
Agreed, but my brain ran out of oxygen while reading the last sentence :/
<< Comment #41 @ 10:17 CDT, 21 April 2011 >>
By QW faerie_  - Reply to #40
Didn't sleep last night, you have no idea how hard it was to get this paragraph to make sense, gave up trying to use punctuation :D
<< Comment #42 @ 10:21 CDT, 21 April 2011 >>
By Unset retire  - Reply to #41
Ah I feel you man, neither did I and I've got work tonight, ffs. :)
<< Comment #48 @ 23:08 CDT, 21 April 2011 >>
By potat p4r4  - Reply to #37
It's impossible to just up your aim at will. Aim level hasn't changed.
<< Comment #49 @ 00:29 CDT, 22 April 2011 >>
By QW faerie_  - Reply to #48
gief more gigawatts and Emmett Brown will prove you wrong.
<< Comment #50 @ 02:56 CDT, 22 April 2011 >>
By potat p4r4  - Reply to #49
Emmett Brown is a fictional character, his proof will be fictional too.
<< Comment #51 @ 03:46 CDT, 22 April 2011 >>
By QW faerie_  - Reply to #50
<< Comment #39 @ 09:41 CDT, 21 April 2011 >>
By grey kg 
The good thing is that now you will get destroyed in a rl vs lg fight if you hit horrible rockets.
<< Comment #47 @ 12:25 CDT, 21 April 2011 >>
By Austria - Wien ffx 
I'm twisted because the new hitbox suits my style. Imo the new hitboxes favours aim lgers and not strafers. Hard to explain but I like it. +backers have to hit the initial rockets otherwise you'll rape him if you got the lg aim. Tracking a +backing player with lg is so much easier post patch. I guess it favours mouse aimers more than strafe aimers.
I don't like the new rail though. Hiting someone who is already behind the wall is nice but if you are the guy who tries to dodge it is quite the opposite. Peeking over a ledge is also a lottery. Slow reaction? fuck it he still hits the rail ...
<< Comment #52 @ 09:32 CDT, 22 April 2011 >>
By Poland therm  - Reply to #47
mouse aimers and strafe aimers lol
<< Comment #61 @ 16:22 CDT, 11 June 2011 >>
By Quake 3 ischju  - Reply to #52
he's sorta got a point though. i use both to aim effectively but I always strafe aim more than only using my mouse. pre-patch my aim was definitely better. I hit the same accs post-patch which is quite sad.
<< Comment #53 @ 09:40 CDT, 22 April 2011 >>
By Poland therm 
Edited by therm at 09:40 CDT, 22 April 2011
<< Comment #54 @ 03:42 CDT, 23 April 2011 >>
<< Comment #58 @ 09:52 CDT, 30 April 2011 >>
I finished a match with 50 % LG (40 frags) so guess I'm a sexy mouse aimer ye 8)
<< Comment #59 @ 09:58 CDT, 30 April 2011 >>
By grey kg  - Reply to #58
<< Comment #60 @ 10:31 CDT, 30 April 2011 >>
By Poland vxd  - Reply to #58
In FFA where the enemies just walk
<< Comment #62 @ 05:08 CDT, 12 August 2011 >>
By lightninggun sizzrp 
everybody can aim now ;x

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