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All Posts movie by ^w!z4 (14 comments)
Posted by RypeL @ 04:25 CDT, 18 July 2006 - iMsg

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Rating: 8 (3 votes)
Czech community frag movie presenting the best frags, chosen from the demos sent in by the Czech people. A lot of good fraggs and nice runs were the result. All put together very nicely by ^w!z4, who shows us his moviemaking skills and his attempt to win the Golden Lama in 2006 for best Unreal Tournament Movie.

Both, Xvid and h264 versions are available.
8444 Hits
Freecam for UT released (18 comments)
Posted by RypeL @ 14:55 CDT, 10 August 2005 - iMsg

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Rating: 8.2 (10 votes)
I made a Cameramod for the UT1 Engine, so its mainly for UT99 and TO. No UT04 version yet :/ but maybe i can do one in the future.
This file includes a Demonstration Video that shows the main features and it includes the tool itself.

The main features are:

- splineinterpolation for smooth Cameramovement
- it can center/follow Rockets, Players, Nades(TO)...
- it can still move when the game is paused
- visible camerapath for easy ingame editing
- mainly everything you need for recamms
Edited by RypeL at 20:25 GMT, 10th Aug 2005 - 13827 Hits
FSL TO Movie - Fragg Show (3 comments)
Posted by RypeL @ 17:14 CST, 29 March 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.3 (3 votes)
A TO Movie on ESR ???... Why Not :)

This Movie could be interesting to UT Movie Makers cause i started to work on a freecam for the Unreal Engine and you can watch the first steps of this mod in this movie. The R3 Clan Trailer motivated me to try doing such a mod for the UEngine and i will try to make it grow. For now the Cam cant roll and it cant focus objects(working on that), but it can move smooth in any direction you like and you have full control over speed/acceleration/braking/pausing. And getting it to work with the UT04 Engine shouldnt be a big problem.
Maybe this mod will help UT Movie makers in the future to catch up with Q3 Movies :)
Its not ready for public release yet. Maybe it will never be, but at least i will try.

Size: 235 MB
Codec: wmv9
Edited by Cyper at 23:18 GMT, 29th Mar 2005 - 8067 Hits
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