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Registered:  13 Oct 2003
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Timezone:  Europe/Berlin
Country:  Germany
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Last Login:  23 Mar 2009
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Re: The Abracadabra: The first UT3 movie
Posted @ 10:43 GMT 5 Apr 2008
You can not edit the engine anymore like you could in UT1. Epic decided to stop
Re: UT3 the Quake Killer
Posted @ 17:54 GMT 19 Oct 2007
Q3s chainsaw would be the gauntlet not the minigun. With the gauntlet as with th
Re: UT3 the Quake Killer
Posted @ 15:52 GMT 18 Oct 2007
thx. i feel honored that you care about me :>
Re: UT3 the Quake Killer
Posted @ 15:10 GMT 18 Oct 2007
I didnt say that 90% of the q3 players are noobs. lol why should i say such a re
Re: UT3 the Quake Killer
Posted @ 14:56 GMT 18 Oct 2007
If UT movement would be so bad like you say im wondering why not everyone is pla
Re: UT3 the Quake Killer
Posted @ 11:16 GMT 18 Oct 2007
Painkiller movement is very similar to the way youre moving in Quake. The full d
Re: UT3 the Quake Killer
Posted @ 10:12 GMT 18 Oct 2007
Well i dont know hiss reasons all i know is that nearly all the quake players wh
Re: UT3 the Quake Killer
Posted @ 09:43 GMT 18 Oct 2007
The pros that change to newer games for tournaments/money/fame doesent count :>
Re: UT3 the Quake Killer
Posted @ 09:11 GMT 18 Oct 2007
The problem is Quake players dont know how to use a side dodge to move faster fo
Re: FlashBack
Posted @ 08:48 GMT 10 May 2007
I dont have time to make a new tutorial atm. The most important stuff IS in the
Re: FlashBack
Posted @ 12:08 GMT 6 May 2007
Compare these weapons with the weapons ingame and you would see that the most an
Re: kicked & removed - CPMA DM6 MOVIE
Posted @ 23:19 GMT 14 Apr 2007
So ? A UT´ler who has some clue. Not like all the Quake kiddies in here who thin
Re: #scrofulous - the movie 2
Posted @ 21:51 GMT 18 Mar 2007
There is. But dont ask me how it works. Right now i cant remember :( So long ago
Re: movie by ^w!z4
Posted @ 10:49 GMT 18 Jul 2006
I would donate. Since badct doesent host anymore and filefront got really slow,
Re: movie by ^w!z4
Posted @ 10:47 GMT 18 Jul 2006
Theres also another h264 mirror on own-age if you want to get the h264 and the l
Movie movie by ^w!z4
Posted @ 09:25 GMT 18 Jul 2006
Czech community frag movie presenting the best frags, chosen from the demos sent
Re: Firebreath
Posted @ 13:44 GMT 14 Jan 2006
to sum this movie up: sync, sync, behindview 1,sync, flow, sync, pase, sync,behi
Re: Freecam for UT released
Posted @ 18:20 GMT 11 Aug 2005
if youre intrested in using this pls keep an eye on the "Game co
Re: Freecam for UT released
Posted @ 20:47 GMT 10 Aug 2005
thx voting it 0 only cause i didnt wait for your movie
Freecam for UT released
Posted @ 19:55 GMT 10 Aug 2005
I made a Cameramod for the UT1 Engine, so its mainly for UT99 and TO. No UT04 ve
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