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Ask Cypher Interview (76 comments)
Posted by pete- @ 20:45 CDT, 27 March 2009 - iMsg
EUQL have published an interview with renowned Quake player Belarus Alexey "Cypher" Yanushevksy in the first installment of their Ask... feature series.
You once said being a pro gamer for life isn't your dream and you’re only playing because it's what gives you enjoyment. Do you still think that way? (unHuman)

Ye. I like to play and the competition is what I enjoy. That's the most important and my goal is to be the best, my goal is not to become a pro-gamer. That is more the result of things. Because I do many things outside gaming I don't consider myself a true "pro-gamer" although I obviously make money from it and gaming of course is an important part of my life.
The interview can be read in full at
Edited by xou at 12:21 CDT, 28 March 2009 - 19415 Hits
Freedom Isn't Free (21 comments)
Posted by pete- @ 12:14 CDT, 22 March 2009 - iMsg
EUQL have recently published their first feature article entitled "Freedom Isn't Free". The article explores the future of free to play games, their effect on the establishment, and what the future might hold for the entire gaming community.

An excerpt:

"In the past if you walked into Game and asked for a freebie, the most you would get is a free smack in the teeth. Today the internet is a sea of free, mostly crappy games. For years websites like held an almost monopoly on free games, anything from the Britney Spears dress-up experience to watching an animated frog get blended. This genre of “a student’s first go” games are just scratching the surface. There are businesses making a lot of money from offering free services online.

A home for young gamers, casual gamers, and aggressive paedophiles – Neopets offers everyone free access to their sickly cute MMO / RPG world. It’s not alone, even my shielded step-brothers and sister regular Maple Story and RuneScape. These games are making money, a lot of money and it isn’t just advertising either, the key is to get the user hooked. As players become more and more involved they’re offered incentives to start paying up. Spending the odd few pounds on some in-game currency soon leads to signing up to the all bells and whistles package, just to get a few more hats for their character."

The entire article can be read over at
Edited by dallow at 12:15 CDT, 22 March 2009 - 5310 Hits
UKESA Nominations (6 comments)
Posted by pete- @ 09:23 CST, 3 March 2009 - iMsg
The nominations for the UKESA Council were announced a few days ago.

For those that don't know the UKESA (United Kingdom eSports Association) is running 3 seasons a year with £35,000 (39,000 EU / $49,000), and is eventually looking to be the UK gaming equivolent of the Football Association.

The Community Council will be responsible for community related operational and disciplinary matters, including:

* The enforcement of game, tournament and cup regulations.
* Disciplinary breaches of regulations and conduct for UKeSA approved events.
* Allocation of the Dell XPS Premiership seasonal cash retainer.
* Game type recommendations.
* Responsibility for game specific sub committees.
* Signing off game type rules recommended by game sub committees.

A list of the nominee's and the official husting can be found here -

Question selection has already happened and the nominee's answers can be found here -


The reason I'm posting this is that I have been nominated to join the council (Peter "layo" Giblin).

Public Husting:

You can find all my information in the links above, feel free to ask any questions here or in the above.

Since hearing about Quake Live I knew the potential this game has. I played in the closed beta for long while, am running (check out our latest Ask Cypher feature :) ), and am taking a large role in Multiplay's upcoming online and LAN support of Quake Live. As part of the UKESA I will be pushing them hard to provide top quality support of Quake Live.

I want to see a decent prize fund, LAN finals whenever possible with proper media coverage, and for organisations to have more than 1 dueller. I want to see CTF / TDM in the Championship division (i.e. where there is prize money and adequate coverage), the inclusion of EU duellers whenever possible to increase the competitivity of the league, all with the betterment of the UK and wider gaming / QL scene in mind.

Tonight there will be an open discussion on QuadV for all willing nominee's hosted by Redeye.
2369 Hits
Ask Cypher (48 comments)
Posted by pete- @ 08:30 CST, 3 March 2009 - iMsg
Myself my sidekick Dr. Gonzo have been setting up for quite some time now. We are setting up a range of interviews with top players in our "Ask..." feature. In its first installment we have Alexey 'Cypher' Yanushevsky.

If you've ever wanted to ask Cypher anything sign up and post a comment. The best answers will be chosen and given to the current QuakeCon champion later this week.
12462 Hits
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