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Posts: 32
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Level:  Regular
Registered:  14 Aug 2008
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  Peter Giblin
Age:  36
Location:  London
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Europe/London
Country:  United Kingdom
Avatar:  Default
Homepage:  www•EUQL•org
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Drafts:  0
Judgements:  0 made, 7 received
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Last Login:  20 Apr 2009
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When I finally got broadband I playing AVP2 online. I played around with a few games until I came upon CS:CZ and got hooked on competitive CS. I then spent the better part of my youth staying indoors playing it until CS: Source came out where I continued to do the exact same thing. I now play Quake Live and run

GameZERO: blk skiddo tils jackw j^rhead
xciteuk: Spl@tio blk ubj Phunky Rig
xciteuk: tils vpr shivers can't remember
insertCOIN: iceo dev ? ?

Counter-Strike never really worked out for me. The best I ever got at a LAN was 5th place at i26 with a team filled with cocaine addicts... I played with quite a few notable players but none of it went anywhere.

When I first started playing with blk and Spl@tio it didn't take too long to find out that we all lived within about 30 minutes of each other. A very awkward first meet up at LAN lead onto better, funnier things. After i30/i31 (I can't remember anymore) I decided to do a write up for We had gone to the LAN just to get as wasted as possible, and we did, and because of it Spl@tio, blk and I all became really good friends and still meet up regularly.

It was just to get a few laughs really, but Penguin ended up asking me to do more. So I started writing the kind of stuff I thought I should write, interviews for example, but I'd just take the piss out of whoever I was interviewing during the editing. Sadly the website is down now, but I had some of my favourite work on that site, mainly because I was just writing for the fun of it. A key person I met around this time (during the first xciteuk roster I think) was Dr. Gonzo, who has since made me his protege and has helped me along to better fill the role of Journalist. Initially I played in a mix with him and called him "fucking shit" for walking outside on de_nuke on his own round after round as we called inside rushes. I was told after he was supposed to be my new manager... a few death threats later we became good colleague and close friend.

When died we decided that we didn't want to write for (I think Gonzo had been banned or something) or GotFrag. We got together with Chefinal from TLR and made

We did have some good times, i33 was our "launch" and the pride I felt for writing a decent 3000 word article on everything wrong / right about the i-series after 3 solid days of drinking and barely any sleep was overwhelming. Not to mention my internet radio debut, where I was quite nervous and decided to drink about 8 beers beforehand which lead the show to become a strange mix of dead air and retarded outbursts. Big thanks to chilli for keeping my only hosted episode on track. InsideSource was meant to be our crowning achievement, but a less than fantastic site, always being behind more established sites, and an eventual lack of enthusiasm from everyone involved the project was laid to rest. At that time I decided to move to GotFrag, and Dr. Gonzo chose to make his GotFrag return.

I would love to have a big section here about GotFrag but I was a random UK teenager writing about EU CSS on a NA CS website... that was never going to work. I had NOTHING go up on that site, not one piece, I did help Gonzo out with some of his pieces but in the end they just didn't give a flying fuck about my stuff. So it was time for another move.

Goodeh had frequently spoken to me about writing for, but I had seen it as the ultimate competition and wanted to better it. I couldn't, so decided to sign my soul away to the mighty Cadred. So far its been a bit of a rollercoaster ride, I've effectively retired from competitive CS: Source - never know with CS2 - and seen some huge changes in the scene (CGS closure etc). With the features section at Cadred beginning to overflow and the salaried set well ahead of mere volunteers I decided to start EUQL.

After moving on from CSS I found Quake Live, loved it, and decided to start my own coverage site. European Quake Live started as an irc channel to shuffle closed beta invites to my CS mates in an attempt to win them over. It developed slowly into what it is today.

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Re: New study: FPS games improve Eyesigh
Posted @ 23:58 GMT 3 Apr 2009
fps games will improve you eyesight, but the monitor you sit at playing 8 hours
Re: Sombra strikes back
Posted @ 18:32 GMT 1 Apr 2009
totally fell for it, can never remember april fools day :E
Re: Ask Cypher Interview
Posted @ 19:09 GMT 30 Mar 2009
a lot of whats up there was after the two week deadline, we gave srs the intervi
Re: Ask Cypher Interview
Posted @ 19:05 GMT 30 Mar 2009
whats the point of answering, if you didn't like the interview you didn't like t
Re: Ask Cypher Interview
Posted @ 13:23 GMT 30 Mar 2009
its not like you can go out and buy a textbook, there's no real way to learn the
Re: Ask Cypher Interview
Posted @ 18:24 GMT 29 Mar 2009
doesnt take 5 seconds to check a thread does it now i already said it wasn't
Re: Ask Cypher Interview
Posted @ 16:26 GMT 29 Mar 2009
its not a very long-term thing though is it, you can't plan your life around a c
Re: Ask Cypher Interview
Posted @ 16:23 GMT 29 Mar 2009
both gonzo and myself came from css, i've now completely dropped the game, don't
Re: Ask Cypher Interview
Posted @ 16:09 GMT 29 Mar 2009
sure i'm going to get over it
Re: Ask Cypher Interview
Posted @ 16:08 GMT 29 Mar 2009
so why are you so emotionally invested? invisioning an obese virgin crying over
Re: MYM kicked out of the G7
Posted @ 01:33 GMT 29 Mar 2009
if i was any of the G7 teams I'd do exactly what they're doing. Make an organisa
Re: Ask Cypher Interview
Posted @ 01:01 GMT 29 Mar 2009
its a fairly standard thing to do if you want to get visitors to a site, but for
Re: Ask Cypher Interview
Posted @ 00:36 GMT 29 Mar 2009
don't see anything wrong with progaming, i'm sure cypher and the rest of them ha
Re: Ask Cypher Interview
Posted @ 00:30 GMT 29 Mar 2009
pretty happy with how far my little quake site has come in about a month, but i'
Re: Ask Cypher Interview
Posted @ 00:26 GMT 29 Mar 2009
there were posts on esr, euql and you clueless twat
Re: Ask Cypher Interview
Posted @ 22:18 GMT 28 Mar 2009
true, the idea is to get the feature series rolling so when tournaments start an
Re: Ask Cypher Interview
Posted @ 22:12 GMT 28 Mar 2009
nice one
Re: Ask Cypher Interview
Posted @ 20:31 GMT 28 Mar 2009
it took a while to get the responses back since his uni life was pretty busy.
Ask Cypher Interview
Posted @ 01:45 GMT 28 Mar 2009
EUQL have published an [url=]interview[/url] with renowned
Re: Ask Cypher
Posted @ 01:39 GMT 28 Mar 2009
btw if you're playing QL without the localprediction railgun command off its goi
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