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Hyper Threading (26 comments)
Posted by mgj33 @ 11:18 CST, 2 February 2012 - iMsg
Have been reading around and figured i'd ask this at a site full of gamers. I have an i7 that i use for gaming 90 percent of the time. Should i have hyper-threading disabled in bios and accept the fact i probably would have been fine with an i5? From what i am reading the hyper-threading really only help on certain functions and actually can slow down fps on games and raise cpu temps quite a bit compared to HT off.
5780 Hits
Can you get 1000fps (15 comments)
Posted by mgj33 @ 10:01 CST, 1 February 2012 - iMsg
I have just built a new i7 machine cranked to 4.0 with a 560ti vid card and my quake 3 timedemos at 986fps. My old system with a Q9650 cranked to 3.3 with a GTX 275 would reach about the same. Is there some limit in quake 3 that keeps you from getting over 1000fps? Something other than cpu/gpu like something sound related? I still play at 125, but am just curious if it can be done.
8156 Hits
Newest game for the q3 addict (6 comments)
Posted by mgj33 @ 11:02 CDT, 22 June 2011 - iMsg
I know there are ppl playing quakelive as well as alot of ppl playing the COD games. What new game would you guys consider the best at filling your q3 fix and is also active?
2212 Hits
333 Fps (45 comments)
Posted by mgj33 @ 06:31 CDT, 26 April 2011 - iMsg
Hopefully someone can help me with this problem. For some reason when i try to play quake 3 on line at 333 fps it seems to be hardcapped at 125. When i play it offline it is a steady 333fps. I know ppl are playing in this same server with 333fps so it cant be a server cap. Any ideas as to what is hard capping me online only?

I have also tried connecting from multiple game scanners fearing it was a xfire problem. Still no luck
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