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Posts: 14
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Registered:  26 Apr 2011
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Location:  Atlanta Ga
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  America/New_York
Country:  United States of America
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Last Login:  8 Feb 2012
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Re: Can you get 1000fps
Posted @ 15:03 GMT 3 Feb 2012
alright cyrax what is up? what kind of beastly machine are you running? How can
Hyper Threading
Posted @ 17:18 GMT 2 Feb 2012
Have been reading around and figured i'd ask this at a site full of gamers. I h
Re: Can you get 1000fps
Posted @ 21:14 GMT 1 Feb 2012
Well now that i know it can happen i will have to tweak a lil. My ram is 1866 DD
Can you get 1000fps
Posted @ 16:01 GMT 1 Feb 2012
I have just built a new i7 machine cranked to 4.0 with a 560ti vid card and my
Re: Newest game for the q3 addict
Posted @ 18:21 GMT 23 Jun 2011
thanks for the link
Newest game for the q3 addict
Posted @ 16:02 GMT 22 Jun 2011
I know there are ppl playing quakelive as well as alot of ppl playing the COD ga
Re: 333 Fps
Posted @ 15:51 GMT 2 May 2011
found out my diff in rate of fire was not loading the mod files. Apparently shoo
Re: 333 Fps
Posted @ 14:31 GMT 28 Apr 2011
Thats the same ive been reading about q3 engine games. Im going to figure you gu
Re: 333 Fps
Posted @ 13:41 GMT 27 Apr 2011
my biggest thing was the feeling of being outshot by people using it. Ive read a
Re: 333 Fps
Posted @ 17:44 GMT 26 Apr 2011
I understand alot of mods may disable it, but i know for a fact 2 of the mods im
Re: 333 Fps
Posted @ 15:56 GMT 26 Apr 2011
i have seen alot of ppl in the server i play that seem to have a higher rate of
Re: 333 Fps
Posted @ 15:42 GMT 26 Apr 2011
I think you guys may have helped me. I have to wait to get home to try it to be
333 Fps
Posted @ 11:31 GMT 26 Apr 2011
Hopefully someone can help me with this problem. For some reason when i try to p
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