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Quake Live Community Promotion Movie (22 comments)
Posted by Musttang @ 16:46 CDT, 28 May 2012 - iMsg
It's really short movie but I can't do nothing more if I don't have enough demos. So please send me more and more and more demos! :)
7300 Hits
Need demos for Quake Live Community (1 comment)
Posted by Musttang @ 05:20 CDT, 18 May 2012 - iMsg
As in title guys! Yep that is true. I need your demos dosen't matter what type of game is it. Except games INSTA ;)
Any info about next movie? I'm not sure yet. It's gonna be like 3~5min because it will be my first community movie so, I want to spent more time on editing and synchro than concentrate on length of movie.

If you didn't like my last movie Rockets Flow because I used top song from Contenders 2 no worries I won't make same mistake like before :)

Send demos on the best frags Air Rockets, Double RG, Quad Runs, Funny situation, Flag run and more etc.

Pleas demo call your nick from QL and ( time frag ) for example
856 Hits
How to change RG style in WolfCam? (1 comment)
Posted by Musttang @ 19:54 CDT, 16 May 2012 - iMsg
I have really strange problem with my RG style. I would to change on "quake 2". But i can't do it. I was trying use all avalible comments for RG , but nothing work. Even cg_oldRail and cg_railstyle. Well what I'm doing wrong?
910 Hits
MusTTanG - Rockets Flow Frag Movie (1 comment, locked)
Posted by Musttang @ 17:21 CDT, 14 May 2012 - iMsg
Hello guys. I want to show you me new frag movie. It's not over edit, but I think simple and nice. All info you will get on YT chanell, pleas don't forget subscribe me and have a fun :)

Thread locked. See
Edited by xou at 18:04 CDT, 14 May 2012 - 1464 Hits
MusTTanG - Rockets Flow Frag Movie (31 comments)
Posted by Musttang @ 17:16 CDT, 14 May 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.4 (27 votes)
Hello guys. I want to show you me new frag movie. It's not over edit, but I think simple and nice. All info you will get on YT chanell, pleas don't forget subscribe me and have a fun :)
Edited by MaverickMSG at 12:53 CDT, 15 May 2012 - 6192 Hits
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