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Posts: 16
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Registered:  10 May 2012
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Age:  33
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Timezone:  Europe/Warsaw
Country:  Poland
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Last Login:  2 Dec 2012
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Re: DM17 Duel Tournament - $50 Paypal fo
Posted @ 15:34 GMT 30 May 2012
Hell5pawn is twice position 11 and 15
Re: Quake Live Community Promotion Movie
Posted @ 14:54 GMT 30 May 2012
Yes ofc :) gienek you can send too some your frags <podeslij mi jakies twoje a
Re: Quake Live Community Promotion Movie
Posted @ 08:32 GMT 30 May 2012
I won't change anything, because atm I have 4mins of pure frags done already. Co
Re: Quake Live Community Promotion Movie
Posted @ 08:25 GMT 30 May 2012
No worries guys! I have alot of good music rap music and still don't know which
Re: DM17 Duel Tournament - $50 Paypal fo
Posted @ 19:17 GMT 29 May 2012
username: MusTTanG Sounds great ;p
Re: Quake Live Community Promotion Movie
Posted @ 22:15 GMT 28 May 2012
Hehe, but mine is different like all, it's pretty nice and short :) without blac
Quake Live Community Promotion Movie
Posted @ 21:46 GMT 28 May 2012
It's really short movie but I can't do nothing more if I don't have enough demos
Need demos for Quake Live Community
Posted @ 10:20 GMT 18 May 2012
As in title guys! Yep that is true. I need your demos dosen't matter what type
How to change RG style in WolfCam?
Posted @ 00:54 GMT 17 May 2012
I have really strange problem with my RG style. I would to change on "quake 2".
Re: MusTTanG - Rockets Flow Frag Movie
Posted @ 19:47 GMT 16 May 2012
Please guys, don't fight. I just want to say one thing, even some people don't l
Re: MusTTanG - Rockets Flow Frag Movie
Posted @ 19:28 GMT 15 May 2012
"ps: it really seems to me that it plays a big role who created the movie. the m
Re: MusTTanG - Rockets Flow Frag Movie
Posted @ 15:41 GMT 15 May 2012
I see, but let me guess guys if i will make next time shortly movie some people
Re: MusTTanG - Rockets Flow Frag Movie
Posted @ 10:27 GMT 15 May 2012
Well what can I say? If you think that my frags was really poor you are in mista
MusTTanG - Rockets Flow Frag Movie
Posted @ 22:21 GMT 14 May 2012
Hello guys. I want to show you me new frag movie. It's not over edit, but I thin
MusTTanG - Rockets Flow Frag Movie
Posted @ 22:16 GMT 14 May 2012
Hello guys. I want to show you me new frag movie. It's not over edit, but I thin
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