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There's a little dot next to the ch (8 comments)
Posted by gabi @ 14:25 CDT, 24 July 2014 - iMsg
My monitor is OK. I don't have this problem in windows or another game. Anyone knows something about this? I installed a new (the latest) GFX driver recently but it didn't do it the first day. My config is mostly Cypher's config. I only edited a few binds today.
Here are screenshots:
2102 Hits
I have 1 fps since no prism. (15 comments)
Posted by gabi @ 03:42 CDT, 21 July 2014 - iMsg
I used QL Prism, had 125 fps. Great. Then, I wasn't able to play for 6 months and now I can see QL band forget about Prism and made an application, update. And now, I have only 1 fps. Tried a dozen configs.

Anyone any advice? Or someone heard something like this? What's the solution? I really want to play...

(reinstalled windows 7 and QL a dozen times, still 1 fps)
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