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Posts: 5
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Level:  New User
Registered:  21 Jul 2014
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Timezone:  Europe/Budapest
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Last Login:  12 Nov 2014
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Re: There's a little dot next to the ch
Posted @ 12:43 GMT 25 Jul 2014
It was the health bar :\ :D. My bad. Thanks for the answers. (don't know how co
There's a little dot next to the ch
Posted @ 19:25 GMT 24 Jul 2014
My monitor is OK. I don't have this problem in windows or another game. Anyone k
Re: I have 1 fps since no prism.
Posted @ 16:52 GMT 23 Jul 2014
Yakumo, you are a hero. New GFX driver fixed my problem. Nothing else worked. Th
I have 1 fps since no prism.
Posted @ 08:42 GMT 21 Jul 2014
I used QL Prism, had 125 fps. Great. Then, I wasn't able to play for 6 months an
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