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Q3 ServerStatus Page FINAL (11 comments)
Posted by XBlade_RunnerX @ 07:33 CDT, 21 September 2015 - iMsg
Hi guys! :-)

Just wanted to share my final polished Quake III Server Status page with all of you.

Check it out here:

Special thanks to Austinb for developing the GameQ PhP Library found here:

You guys like? Any suggestions or criticisms?
12199 Hits
Missing Textures (5 comments)
Posted by XBlade_RunnerX @ 05:20 CDT, 3 September 2015 - iMsg
This is probably a noob question, so I apologize in advance, but here it goes:

Sometimes when I download a custom q3 map, it will have missing texture(s). I have no idea how to find the missing textures, and install them, so that they are no longer missing.

I have read in some places to "Install the three-wave pack"

I see it here:

Is it enough to simply put this pk3 in the Q3 Server's Baseq3 folder?

Does it also have to be in the client's folder, or will it auto-download if needed?

Also, what if I am still missing textures that are NOT included in the Three-Wave pack? How do I find out what the missing textures are, and how to obtain them?

Thanks in advance for any help :-)
10996 Hits
Quake3 Map Filename -> Mapname List (6 comments)
Posted by XBlade_RunnerX @ 19:06 CDT, 14 August 2015 - iMsg
Two Questions:

1. Does anyone have any idea of where I might find a list of Quake3 Maps with their corresponding Map Names?

For example:

pasdm1 -> Dynasty
cpm21 -> Foolish Legacy
pasctf3 -> Maximus Overdrive
q3dm1 -> Arena Gate

Help is very much appreciated :-)

2. I forgot my second question while I was typing my first :(
I will get back to you on that lol ...
11584 Hits
Q3 Dedicated Server Bandwidth Cap (3 comments)
Posted by XBlade_RunnerX @ 07:06 CDT, 11 August 2015 - iMsg
I got my server all setup, and the auto-download for clients works.
The only problem is that the client can only download at a maximum of around 10-15K/sec !! I have the excessive+ mod installed and one of the files is around 13 MBs large. Just that one file will take 20 minutes to download.

Does anyone know if there is a fix for this? A cvar maybe, or a patch, or something? I tried increasing the sv_maxrate but no change in speed.... Please help!

Thanks :-)
4239 Hits
Quake 3: On Steam (13 comments)
Posted by XBlade_RunnerX @ 05:22 CDT, 10 August 2015 - iMsg
Does anyone happen to know anything about the Steam version of Quake 3: team Arena? Combatibility wise (In terms of setting up a dedicated Server).

- Can you setup a dedicated server with the steam version?
- Can non-steam players connect to steam players?
- Anything I should know before buying Quake 3 from steam, if I am planning on using it for a dedicated server?
- Any other relevant advice?

Thanks in advance :)
7803 Hits
Quake IV - Server Stats Page (65 comments)
Posted by XBlade_RunnerX @ 07:32 CDT, 9 August 2015 - iMsg
I just finished programming my website's custom "Server Stats Page", and I was really proud of it, so I wanted to share it with you guys, and see if anyone likes it :-)

I am pretty amateur with web design, but I think it looks pretty awesome :-)

Check it out here:
17653 Hits
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