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Posts: 48
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Registered:  15 Jul 2015
Full Name:  Christopher Gosse
Age:  123
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Canada/Eastern
Country:  Canada
Avatar:  Quake 3 (black)
Homepage:  www•FragZealot•com
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Judgements:  6 made, 13 received
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Last Login:  1 Oct 2015
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Just a Quake Fan...

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Re: Q3 ServerStatus Page FINAL
Posted @ 18:04 GMT 23 Sep 2015
Thanks again. All very good points. I am looking forward to its release :) (D
Re: Q3 ServerStatus Page FINAL
Posted @ 10:56 GMT 23 Sep 2015
Thanks for the feedback :) Ya, I feel you... I did one for Q4, but it is n
Re: Q3 ServerStatus Page FINAL
Posted @ 15:42 GMT 22 Sep 2015
Thanks :-)
Re: Q3 ServerStatus Page FINAL
Posted @ 13:39 GMT 21 Sep 2015
Just for fun... Nostalgia.. Humans can connect and play also... I thought it w
Q3 ServerStatus Page FINAL
Posted @ 12:33 GMT 21 Sep 2015
Hi guys! :-) Just wanted to share my final polished Quake III Server Status
Re: Missing Textures
Posted @ 10:55 GMT 3 Sep 2015
Oh!! That worked! Great! Textures are there now. NO LONGER missing :-) I
Re: Missing Textures
Posted @ 10:53 GMT 3 Sep 2015
Thanks for the reply :) Using Quake3, not QuakeLive. I found this mapmedia.p
Re: Missing Textures
Posted @ 10:45 GMT 3 Sep 2015
I have read that for a particular map that I might need mapmedia.pk3 to fill the
Missing Textures
Posted @ 10:20 GMT 3 Sep 2015
This is probably a noob question, so I apologize in advance, but here it goes:
Re: Quake IV - Server Stats Page
Posted @ 05:32 GMT 17 Aug 2015
Well I figured it out... Really really really annoying that cpma makes a duplic
Re: Quake IV - Server Stats Page
Posted @ 19:15 GMT 15 Aug 2015
Like... In Q4Max In my server Config, I use: seta sv_logXMLStats "1" I ca
Re: Quake IV - Server Stats Page
Posted @ 19:05 GMT 15 Aug 2015
I see the stats folder in cpma i.e. Quake3/cpma/stats How do I tell cpma to
Re: Quake IV - Server Stats Page
Posted @ 18:52 GMT 15 Aug 2015
Wow! Sounds pretty cool :) Very impressive!
Re: Quake3 Map Filename -> Mapname List
Posted @ 01:59 GMT 15 Aug 2015
Wow! That is actually super-awesome, but no... I won't recognize any of them..
Re: Quake3 Map Filename -> Mapname List
Posted @ 00:29 GMT 15 Aug 2015
This is what I have so far: if ($CurrentMapNiceName == "pasdm1") {$CurrentMap
Re: Quake3 Map Filename -> Mapname List
Posted @ 00:15 GMT 15 Aug 2015
Ohhh... I found this one, which is good for the stocked maps that shipped with t
Re: Q3 Dedicated Server Bandwidth Cap
Posted @ 00:08 GMT 15 Aug 2015
Thanks Cyrax! I got it all setup now, and the Downloads are flying! :-)
Quake3 Map Filename -> Mapname List
Posted @ 00:06 GMT 15 Aug 2015
Two Questions: 1. Does anyone have any idea of where I might find a list of Q
Re: Quake IV - Server Stats Page
Posted @ 23:46 GMT 14 Aug 2015
I just noticed... I changed the URL... from:
Re: Quake IV - Server Stats Page
Posted @ 15:19 GMT 14 Aug 2015
Wait a second... Is it possible to do that???? In the Q43A description at the
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