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who remembers cooller and jibo (2 comments)
Posted by ctc @ 09:39 CST, 14 November 2015 - iMsg
on the map that is now called "oldendomain"

so what was it called back then? those times were pure gold.
2481 Hits
thread about "game feels different now" (94 comments)
Posted by ctc @ 09:26 CST, 4 November 2015 - iMsg
i cannot be the like the only one.

the game feels like "too smooth" is the only way i can describe it.
i overshoot everything. lowering sens/accel or anything doesn't help. the feeling is changed so much.
i tried changing and adjusting values as i said but it doesn't help.

i can imagine nonaccel users not having these issues. and it's funny enough that this is not beeing all over the forums.

no placebo or adapt talk please kthx
30466 Hits
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