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Registered:  15 Sep 2015
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Age:  42
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Country:  Germany
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Last Login:  18 Jan 2016
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Re: 125FPS Sunday Cup#22
Posted @ 01:53 GMT 17 Jan 2016
what is cypher up to? i read delirium is played and thought of him right of the
Re: Reflex Run - Simplicity x wh1te
Posted @ 21:17 GMT 21 Dec 2015
stopped reading at "Reflex"
Re: thread about "game feels different n
Posted @ 17:38 GMT 19 Dec 2015
some people think that the game feels different after the last major update.
Re: thread about "game feels different n
Posted @ 21:17 GMT 16 Dec 2015
not sure but if you delete all cfg files from your base folder, it will write a
Re: thread about "game feels different n
Posted @ 19:31 GMT 6 Dec 2015
i had to tweak alot to get comfortable. i even started changing things that were
Re: I con-troll the world.
Posted @ 12:57 GMT 26 Nov 2015
hey zhu! i always wanted to know, WHAT IS YOUR POWER ANIMAL?
Re: who remembers cooller and jibo
Posted @ 19:04 GMT 14 Nov 2015
i actually watched that back then i think. those rockets are timeless
who remembers cooller and jibo
Posted @ 15:39 GMT 14 Nov 2015
on the map that is now called "oldendomain" so what was it called back then
Re: Uninstall quake live
Posted @ 15:14 GMT 12 Nov 2015
nice one
Re: Another sens/fov thread.
Posted @ 19:39 GMT 11 Nov 2015
oh you didn't
Re: thread about "game feels different n
Posted @ 23:26 GMT 5 Nov 2015
and what most people say is right and/or good? jolly!!
Re: thread about "game feels different n
Posted @ 23:23 GMT 5 Nov 2015
yes it does. but icemat feels smoother than clothpads, yet i use cloth. i liked
Re: thread about "game feels different n
Posted @ 22:54 GMT 5 Nov 2015
well i for one cannot go and do this. i use settings that give me the highest po
Re: thread about "game feels different n
Posted @ 13:50 GMT 5 Nov 2015
yes sir. all that "slippery" talk is quiet accurate for me. i tried everything i
Re: thread about "game feels different n
Posted @ 23:39 GMT 4 Nov 2015
yes. most noticably when strafing or shafting for me. i mean, everything is of
thread about "game feels different now"
Posted @ 15:26 GMT 4 Nov 2015
i cannot be the like the only one. the game feels like "too smooth" is the on
Re: What you like and dislike about new
Posted @ 21:14 GMT 2 Nov 2015
funny, i have the same issues. game feels completely different. like they use a
Re: autohop is a crime
Posted @ 14:52 GMT 22 Oct 2015
i don't even
Re: autohop is a crime
Posted @ 13:36 GMT 22 Oct 2015
so if autohop is ok, then autoshoot must be as well. fix logic
Re: autohop is a crime
Posted @ 13:36 GMT 22 Oct 2015
most pros use it though. it gives you a huge advantage going up stairs while gai
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