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Coverage: ESL-TV QL Inv
ESL-TV QL inv - Finals (257 comments)
Posted by xou @ 09:00 CDT, 3 August 2009 - iMsg
Update: The tournament is now over! The VoD of the Finals show is now available.

Update 2: The winners of the 3 competitions are now known.

The 4 Playdays of ESL-TV QL Invitational sponsored by Razer are now behind us and saw the victories of Austria noctis, Sweden spart1e, Sweden LLL*fox and Germany k1llsen. These four players already earned themselves 100€ and will now be competing in the Finals for more cash prizes as tonight's winner will be rewarded with 500€ and the second with 100€!

The show covering this tournament will be hosted by United Kingdom 2GD and United Kingdom Joe, who should now be healthier and also older. Everything will start at 12:00 CDT on Monday evening. So don't be late for the action and don't forget to try your luck in the Razer competitions (and don't ever edit your comment!!).

Show streaming: ESL-TV, Alternative host - Premium is only available on ESL-TV's website.
ESL-TV - Razer - mIRC #esl-tv.ql - Coverage: fnatic & fragster (DE)
Edited by xou at 08:02 CDT, 6 August 2009 - 98286 Hits
ESL-TV QL inv - Playday #4 (167 comments)
Posted by xou @ 11:00 CDT, 30 July 2009 - iMsg
Update 3: The VoD of the show is now available.

Update 4: The winners of the 3 competitions are now known.

The very last Playday of the ESL-TV QL Invitational sponsored by Razer will take place this Thursday. Only one out of the 4 players will be able to compete with Sweden LLL*fox, Austria noctis and Sweden spart1e on the 3rd of August for the Finals.

The four contenders for 100€ in this Playday #4 will be Germany k1llsen, Lithuania GaB|GUard, Belarus srs/rzr/cypher France [aAa] link1n and Germany YYT|calipt. As usual the show hosted by United Kingdom 2GD and United Kingdom Joe will start at 12:00 CDT.

Also, you can now vote in polls on ESR to give the r_picmip and cg_fov you would like ESL-TV to use for QuakeLive's streaming!

Show streaming: ESL-TV, Alternative host - Premium is only available on ESL-TV's website.
ESL-TV - Razer - mIRC #esl-tv.ql - Coverage: fnatic & fragster (DE)
Edited by xou at 11:37 CDT, 2 August 2009 - 58215 Hits
ESL-TV QL inv - Playday #3 (138 comments)
Posted by xou @ 10:13 CDT, 27 July 2009 - iMsg
update: The VoD is now available on ESL-TV. Also the ztn demo of fox against draven is available.

Update 2: The winners of the 3 competitions are now known.

This evening the fourth show of the ESL-TV QL Invitational sponsored by Razer will feature the Playday #3 matches. Sweden LLL*fox, Poland SK|bodzo, Netherlands [R]draven and United Kingdom dignitas/HELL will try their best to win this new Playday for a slot in the Finals and 100€.

It's no wonder the show will once again start at 12:00 CDT and be hosted by United Kingdom 2GD and United Kingdom Joe.

Show streaming: ESL-TV, Alternative host - Premium is only available on ESL-TV's website.
ESL-TV - Razer - mIRC #esl-tv.ql - Coverage: fnatic & fragster (DE)
Edited by xou at 12:57 CDT, 28 July 2009 - 56125 Hits
ESL-TV QL inv - Playday #2 (118 comments)
Posted by xou @ 12:00 CDT, 23 July 2009 - iMsg
Update: The VoD is now available.

Update 2: The winners of the 3 competitions are now known.

Tonight the third show of the ESL-TV QL Invitational sponsored by Razer will feature the Playday #2 matches. Sweden spart1e, Sweden xlo-fazz, Sweden PURRI (who now replaces France link1n) and France [M]strenx will be the contenders for a slot in the Finals and 100€.

The show will once again begin at 12:00 CDT and be hosted by United Kingdom 2GD and United Kingdom Joe. The Razer competitions will not be different this time, excepted for the mouse that you can win which is now a DeathAdder.

Show streaming: ESL-TV, Alternative host - Premium is only available on ESL-TV's website.
ESL-TV - Razer - mIRC #esl-tv.ql - Coverage: fnatic & fragster (DE)
Edited by xou at 12:56 CDT, 28 July 2009 - 39629 Hits
ESL-TV QL inv - Playday #1 (79 comments)
Posted by xou @ 11:02 CDT, 20 July 2009 - iMsg
Update: the VoD of the Playday #1 is now available.

Update 2: The winners of the 3 competitions are now known.

Tonight the first matches of the ESL-TV QL Invitational sponsored by Razer will begin during the Playday #1 Show. Austria noctis, Netherlands Ovr-Weird, Poland srs\rzr\av3k and United Kingdom dignitas/GaRpY will battle for 100€ and a slot in the Finals. The show will start at 12:00 CDT with United Kingdom 2GD and Joe. Also 3 little competitions are still running for the spectators to win some hardware prizes from Razer.

Intro show streaming: ESL-TV, Alternative host - Premium is only available on ESL-TV's website.
ESL-TV - Razer - mIRC #esl-tv.ql - Coverage: fnatic & fragster
Edited by xou at 10:08 CDT, 24 July 2009 - 24572 Hits
Win Razer Gear on ESL-TV (15 comments)
Posted by Nukm @ 07:36 CDT, 20 July 2009 - iMsg
Tonight, there will be 3 competitions, so 3 chances to win something from Razer!
So here is how you can get your gamer hands on em!

All entries must be entered in the comments section before the show starts at 12:00 CDT, 20 July 2009. Good Luck!
Edited by Badb0y at 09:11 CDT, 20 July 2009 - 9356 Hits
Take me to your leader (67 comments)
Posted by Vicious @ 04:27 CDT, 17 July 2009 - iMsg
Yesterday was a big day for the Quake Live community.
The Quake Live Invitational by Razer had its début act with two intro matches: fazz vs madix and PURRI vs Weird plus a showmatch between polish “wonderboy” Av3k and Italian “indie progamer” stermy.
The show was hosted by James “2GD” Harding and Joe "joe" Miller who both did a very good job in shoutcasting and hosting the matches.

The intro matches were exciting and well played. Giving a nice 3 mappers to the people watching the live stream offered by ESL TV. In the end was the old schooler baby face Fazz to win the first spot to get into this tournament , Weird played a tight third mapper vs PURRI, had some nice shotgun actions and managed to pass through a very strong opponent. Too bad for the “Kaptain” that showed, even thou he lost, he’s still got a scary aim.

The most anticipated game of the day was Maciej "av3k" Krzykowski vs Alessandro “stermy” Avallone. The game was introduced by a small interview of both players. Av3k was interview by journalist superstar Michal “Carmac” Blicharz. Even thou Av3k hadn't practised a lot for these games (this is my personal opinion) he seemed confident saying he probably was going to lose first map T7 (stermys home map) and destroy his opponent on the others.
Alex was interview by 2GD and was really smooth and polite with his answer, showing to be a little more nervous than his opponent and willing to clear the “Lesson” incident that happened on ESReality.

As the game started T7 was close for some minutes, after stermy got warmed up and a good lead there was nothing to do for the world champion. Some very nice rails were hit by stermy who proved to be really strong on this map.

DM13 was the most interesting map of the series. Av3k had strong confidence to take home this map but this didn’t happen. With a 3 to -1 score stermy won this map by playing a conscious game showing everyone that he improved as a player. His game was careful enough as he created himself the good spots to take the lead, letting Av3k rush at the end of the game and controlling him with a strong defensive mode that gave him the last deciding frag and leaving his opponent with no frags on his home map.
Av3k then wrote in chat: "LOL you are stupid" [n.d. cYmoZz], probably frustated by the conservative play of the italian pro in the last minutes of the map.

DM6 started off with Av3k writing to his opponent in chat: “show me your skill” [n.d. KvaZaR] and stermy replying “there is only one cooller”. Probably this was due to frustration or to get his opponent head, I personally think that wasn’t really a smart thing to do. Av3k is supposed to be a professional player and behaved in a well mannered way. The event was hosted by his team main sponsor and I think he should have put more effort into this if not for the sponsor or his team, at least to show respect to his opponent.

Alex on the other hand had a really strong apparition. Even thou Av3k had little practice, it’s never easy to win 3-0 versus a player of such a calibre. It was also his first official match since his switch to FIFA in the CGS. Alex showed the community the big effort he put into regaining his skill and cover the gap that was created during the time of his inactivity in the FPS scene.
I personally think everyone should give some credit to this kid who is a hard working player and always available to answers question on his site

In the end DM6 was a close map, Av3k did some nice action, the best was gapping the distance with the shaft with stermy controlling the position with the rail at the RA location,
That was really smart and the polish player thought was enough to write again in chat “This is skill” but by doing this he gave the chance to his opponent to steal the mega.
In the end after an important frag Alex rushed the pillar zone without even picking up the red armor. This was to get the spawn frag and have total control of the map, cutting his opponent out of the mega and red + picking up the shaft.
I personally think that was a nice strategy that showed a brilliant strategy by the Italian player plus showing his cold blood.
His decision proved to be worthy as he went into more spawn frags to seal the game into a overall 3-0 maps win.

I guess now 2GD will have to book stermy a lesson, if not a “pack” for the 3-0 sweep of this show match.

Av3k vs Stermy rivalry will have round 2 in Dallas.
Will Av3k find the right motivation to came out on top or will Stermy invincible aim be enough to win this major tournament?
Qcon will answer to all of this questions.

Big thanks to and Razer for hosting such a nice tournament and giving everyone the chance to follow it via stream.

Demos available at:

Vod available at:

Riccardo “vicious” Zanocchio
Edited by xou at 14:30 CDT, 20 July 2009 - 27131 Hits
ESL-TV QL Inv - Intro show (143 comments)
Posted by xou @ 11:40 CDT, 16 July 2009 - iMsg
Update: The show is now over and the results of the matches are updated. VoD is now available.

Heres some informations regarding the prizes which will be given to the spectators during the Intro Show of the ESL-TV QL Invitational sponsored by Razer. The quizz is very easy: you must separately guess the winners of the 2 qualification and the exhibition matches. So you get 3 chances to win! Note that this show will be aired @ 12:00 CDT, 16 July 2009.

In order to play, you must post your 3 choices in the comments of the Intro Show streaming before the show begins. The entrys who guessed the match winners correctly will have a chance to be rewarded with 1 of the 10 ESL-TV Premium accounts for 1 month, this will grant them access to the Premium quality streaming on ESL-TV enabling you to watch it in its best quality. The next shows covering the 4 Playdays and Finals will feature hardware prizes from Razer including mousepads and mice. The quizz for each Playday will be posted on various websites 1 day before the show.

Also, the 14 invitations are now filled with the recent addition of France [M]strenx from Millenium.

Intro show streaming: ESL-TV, Alternative host - Premium is only available on ESL-TV's website.
ESL-TV - Razer - mIRC #esl-tv.ql - Coverage: fnatic & fragster
Edited by xou at 04:53 CDT, 17 July 2009 - 55053 Hits
ESL-TV QL Invitational (88 comments)
Posted by xou @ 06:30 CDT, 13 July 2009 - iMsg
Today seems about a good time to release more informations about the ESL-TV QL Invitational sponsored by Razer. First the schedule has been altered due to the new default update day for QuakeLive being Tuesday, so the shows are now planned on Mondays and Thursdays.

Also the players list will now feature 14 direct invitations and 2 qualifiers. These qualifications will take place during the first introductory show and will be followed by an exhibition match between Poland av3k and Italy Stermy. Unfortunately the Italian player won't be able to play in the tournament because of the changes in our schedule.

Last but not least, it was planned to use the same rules as the incoming QuakeCon duel tournament in order to prepare the European players who will be attending. But after some serious thinking, we decided to stick with the default European map list.

ESL-TV - Razer - mIRC #esl-tv.ql
Edited by xou at 12:46 CDT, 15 July 2009 - 34057 Hits
QuakeLive 1v1 with Razer & ESL TV (261 comments)
Posted by 2GD @ 10:22 CDT, 8 July 2009 - iMsg
Razer and ESL TV are proud to join forces and announce their first ever QuakeLive invitational tournament. Both parties are passionate and fully committed to putting Quake back on the eSports map, starting with our first Live broadcast on the 14th July 2009. Our invitational is destined be the most intense and competitive online tournament since the birth of QuakeLive.

Sixteen of the finest European players will battle it out over three weeks to determine who has the discipline, ambition and reactions to be crowned the champion of the ESL TV QuakeLive Invitational. The stakes will be high with 1000 Euro of prize money on the line.

Furthermore, to signify appreciation to the eSports community Razer will be unleashing 500 Euros of top-notch gaming equipment for the spectators watching live on ESL TV. Want to improve your game with the latest mouse or headset? Each week simply tune in to the stream over at ESL TV and leave your comments! We'll be asking you to guess the winner or predict who might land the first frag... or whatever other crazy ideas we come up with.

13 of the 16 confirmed players are:
Poland srs/rzr/av3k -
Poland SK|bodzo -
Belarus srs/rzr/cypher -
Germany broken`calipt - broken-gaming
Germany k1llsen -
Germany mTw|smoke - - annulation source
Sweden spart1e
Sweden LLL*
United Kingdom dignitas/
United Kingdom dignitas/
Austria noctis
Netherlands [R]draven -

note: final invite list still subject to change.

Keep on Fragging!
ESL TV & Razer – The Pro Gamers’ Choice.
mIRC #esl-tv.ql
Edited by xou at 12:46 CDT, 15 July 2009 - 100644 Hits
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