Because there is no GTV available and pretty much no coverage of TDM yet, they streamed games from the qualifier cup #3, and #4 on last sunday. Sometimes TDM players joining them so the comments they make should be a bit more in depth. Level Up try to have in the future more "pro" players on the castings, like they had with
deus yesterday.
Top 4 teams of each of the 4 qualifier cups went directly to the ESL Major Series. This 4th EMS TDM Qualifier Cup it was LowLandLions, fnatic, refuse2lose and East Front. It was very late the last matches were played, fnatic won.
refuse2lose vs steam, refuse2lose vs northstar, East Front vs refuse2lose, fnatic vs refuse2lose
- press play, then at the bottom of that it says "on demand" > Quake > ESL > Extreme Masters
So now we have the 16 teams that are going to the ESL Major Series finals! Isn΄t it great?!
EXEC+ (linkoo, Reynir, 2GD, hazrd, Vium, bab) formerly known as `versatile Gaming`
4Kings (dk, Fan Zhibo, JoCKo, Krysa, nettah, v3rb, zik)
Team Excello (dibbe, tybalt, Nace, madix)
Team Derailed (adr, dest, Disrepute, vor, nvc)
viRus (Smogii, dark, ark1, Br4z1l)
Night Killers (soulreaver, rinnegan, sides, spartaz0r)
k1ck eSports (GaRpY, abso, eden, zsx)
Fear Factory (kertaL, Thrawn, Fanat1c, sch)
eldvakt (bl4jnd, nite, Ironbyte, zscope)
MDMa (ChOu, Dabra, Centinela, DosK)
(2.0) (epiotic, ouzo, wit, kekkie)
Solid Zigimund (dash1, Ghandi, feeder, s7ry)
FnaticMSI (spartie, l1nkje, deus, unity)
EAST FRONT (Cooller, vuduu, silencep, frozen)
LowLandLions (dem0n, draven, forever, Q50)
refuse to Lose (rexor, leo, randal, issue, jilt)
If changes has appear to the teams & lineups, leave a comment.
HF & GL to the teams!