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Coverage: masterscup
South Africa - 2018 VS Gaming Quake Champions LAN Final (No comments)
Posted by Linchpin @ 06:56 CDT, 14 September 2018 - iMsg
The VS Gaming Championship is the largest competitive LAN in South Africa. Taking place at the first ever Comic Con Africa event, from 14 - 16 September.
This annual championship event is the culmination of the regular VS Gaming League competitive season. The VS Championship accommodates the best Players and Teams from around the country across nine different video game titles.

Confirmed Players:
Seed 1 - South AfricaPh4ntom (Stephen Cloete)
Seed 2 - South AfricaShase (Travis Weedon)
Seed 3 - South AfricaAdrenalin (Henk Boshoff)
Seed 4 - South AfricaVoid (Mark Van Heerden)
Seed 5 - South AfricaSwift_Manslayer (Michael Liebenberg)
Seed 6 - South Africalickwidice (Farhaz Essa)
Seed 7 - South AfricaKaoticZA (Dwayne Mangiagalli
Seed 8 - South AfricaToothpick (Tyron Kidd)

Stream :

(going live 1 hour before event starts.)

Schedule :
(SAST , South African Standard Time, UTC+2)

Edited by Linchpin at 06:56 CDT, 14 September 2018 - 5928 Hits
CPM Masters 2014 Players & Finals (82 comments)
Posted by EKSelenc @ 09:56 CDT, 20 October 2014 - iMsg
Scheduled: 10:30 CDT, 1 November 2014 to 17:00 CDT, 1 November 2014
Schedule: Passed

The 2nd Qualification has ended this Saturday thus concluding the Qualification stage. Good games have been played, with eight players rising up to the occasion and finishing high enough to advance to the Finals.

The Finals will take place on 1st of November, 10:30 CDT. The brackets will be generated and posted in IRC a few hours in advance. For full information on CPM Masters 2014 see the announcement.

Donations are still accepted via PayPal to from anyone willing to take part or show some support for cpma CPMA. Please include your name in the transfer donation, so that your support could be made known in public. As of 19th of October the total prize pool is $485. Best of luck to all the participants in the upcoming Finals!

Stream: nekon, deliberatemurder, disco_420, dr0_vision
Links: Brackets, mIRC#masterscup, demos
Edited by xou at 11:28 CST, 4 November 2014 - 49047 Hits
CPM Masters 2014 Qual 2 (21 comments)
Posted by xou @ 12:17 CDT, 17 October 2014 - iMsg
Scheduled: 09:30 CDT, 18 October 2014 to 16:00 CDT, 18 October 2014
Schedule: Passed

The second qualifier for the CPM Masters 2014 will be played Saturday 18th of October, starting at 09:30 CDT.

During the first qualifier, the following players earned their slot in the cup: Canada kwong, Lithuania eThaD, Finland LuGiaa, Sweden funnyb.

Streams: flyfunnyb, uashad, dr0, deliberatemurder, readyupradio
Links: Sign-up, Tournament page
Edited by xou at 11:28 CST, 4 November 2014 - 14787 Hits
CPMA Masters 2014 2nd qualifier (1 comment)
Posted by AoDHyDr0 @ 19:30 CDT, 16 October 2014 - iMsg
Held this saturday october 18th, I will be streaming here . Join #cpmduel on irc for other stream options as well there will probably be 2 or 3 other streams, mine is from North America there will be euro and Russian streams as well. Hope to see you all there.
Edited by xou at 11:28 CST, 4 November 2014 - 6394 Hits
CPM Masters 2014 Announce (49 comments)
Posted by EKSelenc @ 13:14 CDT, 5 October 2014 - iMsg
So it's been a month since the pre-announce and it's time to assess the situation.

CPM Masters 2014 will take place in full double elimination system, with Qualification stage on 12th & 18th of October, Finals in November.

Given the current amount of donations from the European community equals mighty $50 (thanks to France xou for that), with a total of $374 as of 5th of October, the mode for the Cup, for obvious reasons, is 1v1. No suggestions have been made as of now on the map pool, so it is to remain neo-classic.

Newcomers, experienced players and veterans - all are welcome to participate and fight for the prize!

Donations are accepted via PayPal to from anyone willing to take part or show some support for cpma CPMA CPM. Please include your name in the transfer donation, so that your support could be made known in public.

No broadcasters have currently planned to stream the event. Contact the admins if you want to be the first.

Links: 1st Qualification: Sign-up, Tournament page - 2nd Qualification: Sign-up, Tournament page - mIRC #masterscup
Edited by xou at 11:29 CST, 4 November 2014 - 34710 Hits
CPM Masters 2014 in the makings (257 comments)
Posted by EKSelenc @ 13:02 CDT, 1 September 2014 - iMsg
It is now time to get prepared for CPM Masters 2014. The next Cup is to start on late November, with finals being closed out somewhat at the end of the year.

November 2013 was a great month for cpma Promode. Not only did we hold the first Cup with a decent prize pool in a long time, but we also managed to fund it well enough to actually become the highest stakes' event ever in the history of the favorite title. What's more important, we stated, as a matter of fact, that we are capable of making such kind of thing happen all by ourselves, starting from the donations and through to the winners announcement. Love and passion for the game has been retained throughout the whole tourney, bringing spectators some of the finest jewels to marvel at, including matchups between veterans and newer players, adepts of different playstyles and approaches.

Donations are accepted via PayPal to from anyone willing to take part or show some support for CPMA CPM. Any sum is welcome, but this time the goal should probably be trying to beat last year's pool of $1,400. As for the tournament's format, the discussion is currently open to the community.

We welcome any members of the community to share thoughts on the upcoming event in the comments or on #masterscup. A news post on ESR will be made once the details has been worked out. Show your love for Promode once again! Donate for Masters Cup to be big this year.
Edited by xou at 11:29 CST, 4 November 2014 - 123437 Hits
Promode Masters Results (31 comments)
Posted by neverGreen @ 11:16 CST, 29 November 2013 - iMsg
With some delay we bring you what's left after cpma Promode Masters Cup. Because of lineup and $1500 price money we could see some really exceptional performances from the best quake/promode players. At the end Finland gaiia with unmistakable aim, movement and mind took the Gold title! Silver 2nd place goes to WB winner Spain memphis and the Bronze third to our next president Canada gellehsak. Complete results, all the demos I could gather as well as VODs are listed bellow. If you have any more demos and stuff, please don't hesitate and put it in comments. Thanks to everyone involved! And don't forget! PLAY MORE PROMODE!!!

P.S.: I think we can expect some short fragmovie from this
Edited by neverGreen at 03:03 CST, 30 November 2013 - 20582 Hits
Talking To Masters - A Question of CPM (40 comments)
Posted by xero- @ 11:30 CST, 20 November 2013 - iMsg
Hi guys, in preparation of the CPM Masters Final, I decided to ask some of the players a few questions (let's just call it a mini-interview), in hopes of familiarizing the community with the participants. I did try to get in touch with all the players, but unfortunately did not get responses from everyone. However, a number of players did respond, providing for insightful, funny, and at times down right strange looks into our lovely community.

This tournament will commence this Saturday, November 23, 2013 at 10:30 CDT, and will be streamed via United Kingdom NoProblemTV, United Kingdom ddk, United Kingdom BunnyHopTV and Russia PM.RU.

And onto the topic of our discussion, the interviews, enjoy!

Just wanted to say thank you to all the people who have worked hard to help realize this tournament, especially Czech Republic neverGreen!!!

Links: Brackets & Rules, mIRC#masterscup, Poster
Edited by xou at 14:39 CST, 20 November 2013 - 22935 Hits
Posted by neverGreen @ 13:02 CST, 17 November 2013 - iMsg
Scheduled: 09:30 CST, 23 November 2013 to 14:00 CST, 23 November 2013
Schedule: Passed

After thrilling qualification rounds from which 8 finalists have risen the time has now come to announce CPMA_text CPM masters grand final. 8 invited players will meet 8 qualified players at 09:30 CST, 23 November 2013. Since there is 1400 bucks as price money they will have really something to fight for! We are really proud to see some top class players from across Q3 QUAKE scene and I believe that this will be the cup to remember. Make sure you will watch streams provided by our beloved casters - DDK, nekon and ShadyAK who will be streaming promode action all night long. If you really don't want to miss any game, you can connect to a GTV and pick a game you want to watch.

Links: Brackets&Rules, mIRC #masterscup, Poster
Edited by PerpetualWar at 16:22 CST, 23 November 2013 - 125612 Hits
Posted by neverGreen @ 11:55 CST, 7 November 2013 - iMsg
Scheduled: 09:30 CST, 9 November 2013 to 13:00 CST, 9 November 2013
Schedule: Passed

On this Saturday another 4 finalists will rise up from the second qualification round of cpma PROMODE DUEL MASTERS CUP. Amongst those who will meet on the promode battlefield on Saturday are e.g. Sweden funnyb, United States of America entik or Netherlands Padawan. The battle will begin at 16:30 CET. Players need to check in which they can do so in #masterscup channel. Check-ins are open from 10:00 CDT to 10:30 CDT. If you don't want to miss anything go to #masterscup channel! All players who failed in last qualification round are welcomed to try again - so they can fail again:D

Links: Cup page | United Kingdom BunnyhopTV, Russia & Russia 102 | mIRC #masterscup
Qualified from 1st round: Poland afghan, Canada kwong, Bulgaria Norz, Finland Lugia
VODs from 1st round: nekon |
UPDATE: Last four qualified finalists are: Sweden funnyb, Sweden rokky, Russia Lunokhod-2, Russia DEZ. Congratulations! The Grand Final of CPM MASTERS will be played on Saturday 23rd of November!
VODs from 2nd round: nekon | | 102
Edited by xou at 11:27 CST, 20 November 2013 - 17281 Hits
Posted by neverGreen @ 05:23 CST, 3 November 2013 - iMsg
Scheduled: 09:30 CST, 3 November 2013 to 14:00 CST, 3 November 2013
Schedule: Passed

Today is the day when first 4 finalists will rise up from the first qualification round of cpma PROMODE DUEL MASTERS CUP. Amongst those who will meet on the promode battlefield today are Sweden funnyb, roboty aimer Finland LuGia, our NA fellows Canada kwong and United States of America entik and other noticable players as Russia Lunokhod-2 or Netherlands Padawan. The battle will begin at 16:30 CET. Players need to check in which they can do so in #masterscup. Check-ins are open from 10:00 CDT to 10:30 CDT. If you don't want to miss anything go to #masterscup channel! If you are not able to play today don't worry because next weekend 2nd round of qualification will be played!

Links: Brackets - Russia 102 & United Kingdom NoProblemTV - #masterscup
Update: Yesterday we saw really solid performance from all players but four of them exceeded others. Qualified players are: Poland afghan, Canada kwong, Bulgaria Norz, Finland Lugia. Congratulations to all! Those who didn't succeeded are welcomed to try it again in 2nd qualification.
VODs: |
Edited by xou at 11:27 CST, 20 November 2013 - 16846 Hits
Promode Masters Duel Cup 2013 (315 comments)
Posted by adem @ 15:42 CDT, 20 October 2013 - iMsg
It's been a long time since the last CPMA_text Q3 Promode tournament with actual prize pool (as in 'more then 20 bucks') took place. Tears have been shed about the grim future of Promode, glorious fights that have been fought, great time we've had and so little hope we had left over the past few years.

The community is organizing a worthy tournament with a prize pool to spice up the challenge and make things a bit more interesting. Most of people still involved in community donated so this is where it kicks in.

All players are welcome to participate. Older 1v1 veterans are encouraged to flex some muscles and get in. We hope United States of America U.S. & Canada Canada players would consider participating as well.

Stream: NoProblemTV // Russia102 (if you are interested in streaming, please contact with admins in IRC)
Links: 1st Qualifier Sign-up, 2nd Qualifier Sign-up // mIRC#masterscup, poster, poster 2.
Edited by xou at 11:26 CST, 20 November 2013 - 170233 Hits
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