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Coverage: QC16
Quakecon 2016 Frag Videos by FaceIt (9 comments)
Posted by Lilie @ 20:03 CDT, 10 August 2016 - iMsg
FaceIt did a couple frag videos for the event based on Thursday and Friday's game play. Enjoy them here:


Quake Live:
14762 Hits
Quakecon 2016 Demos and Configs (29 comments)
Posted by Lilie @ 17:30 CDT, 10 August 2016 - iMsg
We put the finals demos up in the demo section, but here are the demos, config files, and hud files from the Quake Live Quakecon 2016 participants. Also the demos from the Quakeworld tournament.

(Thanks to MaverickMSG for the new link.)
Edited by Lilie at 19:12 CDT, 10 August 2016 - 42278 Hits
5 story lines for QuakeCon 2016 (7 comments)
Posted by RadoNonESR @ 09:55 CDT, 6 August 2016 - iMsg
In the article I take a look at what is for me the 5 most interesting story lines at QuakeCon 2016's duel tournament. Hope you enjoy it and feel free to let me know if you got questions or criticism.

I meant to post it on 4th, before the event but experienced some technical difficulties I couldn't fix in time since I was planning to post it just before the tournament starts. I hope it is still enjoyable read.

Link to the article on

If you are interested in my opinions regarding esports and want to keep track of future articles @RadoNonfire on twitter.
Edited by RadoNonESR at 10:17 CDT, 21 June 2017 - 20300 Hits
Quakecon 2016 Day 3: Finals (633 comments)
Posted by Badb0y @ 21:52 CDT, 5 August 2016 - iMsg
Today the QuakeCon finals will play out for the ql Intel QUAKE LIVE Duel Masters Championship and the QW Intel QUAKEWORLD 2on2 Team Deathmatch Open. Each tournament has $25,000 prize money in total.

Estimated times:
10:00 CDT Losers Bracket Round 6
11:15 CDT Winners Bracket Round 5
12:30 CDT Losers Bracket Round 7
13:45 CDT Losers Bracket Round 8
With Russia evil, Australia Fraze, Germany k1llsen, United States of America rapha, Sweden Spart1e, and United States of America Zero4

19:00 CDT QW 2on2, Grand Final - Finland Ragnarok [Milton, Rikoll] vs Sweden Rune [carapace, LocKtar]
20:00 CDT QL Duel, Grand Final - United States of America rapha vs Russia evil

Live Streams: twitch Quakecon, twitch QuakeCon2, QuakeCon TV
Links: Quakecon Home, Quakecon Tournament Info and Brackets, Coverage sites & VODS
Edited by Badb0y at 14:32 CDT, 9 August 2016 - 349463 Hits
Quakecon 2016 Behind the scenes. (2 comments)
Posted by easytarget @ 13:26 CDT, 5 August 2016 - iMsg
Just some of the shots I have taken throughout the event so far.
Edited by easytarget at 16:03 CDT, 5 August 2016 - 11123 Hits
Quakecon 2016 Day 2: QuakeWorld 2on2 (62 comments)
Posted by Asuka_ @ 01:12 CDT, 5 August 2016 - iMsg
The first time Quake 1 was uniquely featured in a tournament at QuakeCon was in 1996, when NetQuake was the premiere competitive mode. Only a year later a QuakeWorld 1on1 tournament took place at QuakeCon. This years ql white QuakeCon celebrates the 20th anniversary of Quake featuring a $25,000 QUAKEWORLD Intel QUAKEWORLD 2on2 Team Deathmatch Open.

QuakeWorld is one of the fastest FPS there exist. On this day the Quake scene looks at the QuakeWorld tourney at QuakeCon.
Andeh wrote on
One of the biggest tournaments in QuakeWorld history is at our doorstep just waiting to start and it's time for a power rank! The 11 teams confirmed to participate shall all be ranked from top to bottom with no regards to region. $25'000 is up for grabs in this wonderful 20 year anniversary tournament and I'm sure every team would like a bite of that cake. In a LAN setting, anything can happen and dreams will undoubtedly be shattered in Texas. There are many teams that could be crowned champions in this tournament and each of the big teams have been practicing to reach the goal of becoming the 2016 QuakeCon Champions. This tournament will never be forgotten. One team will go down in history. One team will always be remembered as the team that won QuakeCon 2016. The 20 year anniversary. The most grand of them all. Let's get right into it...
More info about the 11 teams you can read in the article Quakecon 2016 Power Rank.
QW Tournament on Friday starts at 10:00 CDT. Login for your timezone. The 16 team slots seems full. (toornament)

The QW scene did also some cups on QuakeCon Day 1 yesterday.

Brackets:, toornament

Live Streams: twitch Quakecon, twitch QuakeCon2, QuakeCon TV, watch the matches ingame via QTV
Links: Quakecon Home, Quakecon Tournament Info and Brackets, Coverage sites & VODS
Edited by Badb0y at 20:11 CDT, 6 August 2016 - 39633 Hits
QuakeCon 2016 - Coverage sites & VODs (5 comments)
Posted by Badb0y @ 14:58 CDT, 4 August 2016 - iMsg
Coverage: France, Germany derquaker

Article: 5-story-lines-for-quakecon-2016s-duel-championship



Edited by Badb0y at 10:59 CDT, 2 September 2016 - 19316 Hits
QuakeCon 2016 Day 1: Quake Live Duel (192 comments)
Posted by Badb0y @ 11:16 CDT, 4 August 2016 - iMsg
The biggest ql Quake Live LAN event is finally here. Like previous years, the tournament will be divided into different tournaments throughout 3 days. On Thursday, day 1 we'll see a focus on Quakelive Duel. On Friday, the second day, the granddaddy of First-Person Shooters returns - QW Intel QUAKEWORLD 2on2 Team Deathmatch Open will take place on regular QuakeCon stream. Last but certainly not least, day 3 will wrap it all up with two grand finals - Quake Live duel and QuakeWorld 2on2. Don't miss the action and keep on quaking!

Thursday August 4, 2016 (Quake Live Duel)
Friday August 5, 2016 (Quake World TDM 2v2)
Saturday August 6, 2016 (Finals)

The Intel QUAKE LIVE Duel Masters Championship on QuakeCon LAN just started at 10:00 CDT! Login to see your timezone. Tune in now for a long QL evening! Thanks for the games - Zenimax, id Software, QC team, Intel, and all the specific sponsors of the players. Shoutcast gets provided from FaceIT with our beloved United Kingdom Daniel "ddk" Kapadia, United States of America Alex "Jehar" Popa and United Kingdom Xavier "Zoot" Dhorne.

Attending duel players are Australia camma, United States of America carnage, United States of America cha0ticz, United States of America chance, Russia evil, Australia Fraze, Canada griffin, Germany k1llsen, Australia Python, United States of America rapha, Sweden Spart1e, United States of America Zero4, and other us players. 29 players in total. Unfortunately, some big quake names like Cooller, Cypher, DaHang are missing from the tournament this year, however we've got some nostalgia inducing names from oldschool quake veterans such as Python and Zero4. Map Pool is Battleforged, Blood Run, Cure, Elder, Furious Heights, Hektik, Sinister.

On Stream 1 with shoutcast was shown: rapha vs spart1e, evil vs spart1e, rapha vs evil, griffin vs Zero4, k1llsen vs Fraze, zar vs psygib, rapha vs spart1e, evil vs Fraze. I counted a highpeak of estimated 5.500 viewers on both streams.

Solo VODs are up, but theres also our VOD link site.

Schedule: quakecon-duel
Brackets: toornament, quakecon-duel

Live Streams: twitch Quakecon, twitch QuakeCon2, QuakeCon TV
Links: Quakecon Home, Quakecon Tournament Info and Brackets, Coverage sites & VODS
Edited by Badb0y at 13:18 CDT, 6 August 2016 - 107738 Hits
Quake Live Polls (107 comments)
Posted by zaggs @ 14:45 CDT, 3 August 2016 - iMsg
An announcement from the tournament team:

"QuakeCon and FACEIT are pleased to be giving the community a choice in what games will be streamed during the group stages of the Intel Quake Live Duel Masters Tournament. Please place your vote for each of the three group stage rounds!

Voting will end 9:00AM CDT – one hour before the first group stage round."

Vote here:
50610 Hits
FaceIt to Return to Quakecon (34 comments)
Posted by Lilie @ 14:32 CDT, 31 July 2016 - iMsg
FACEIT returns to QuakeCon to broadcast QUAKE LIVE and QuakeWorld!

Links: FACEIT, twitch QuakeCon stream, twitch QuakeCon2 stream
Edited by Lilie at 16:37 CDT, 31 July 2016 - 27556 Hits
Fraze, Cam and Python off to Qcon 16 (104 comments)
Posted by M05 @ 21:27 CDT, 27 July 2016 - iMsg
Hello everyone, as some of you may or may not already know Oceania have three quake live players heading over to Quakecon 2016 this year in Dallas, Texas. Rumoured to surface more information about iD Software’s most recent announced game, Quake Champions, Quakecon has always been one of the biggest Quake Live tournament events since the games release in 09.

This year is no exception hosting the Duel Masters Championship showcasing a $25,000 prize purse and bringing in the top European and North American players. With our players, Australia Andrew ‘Python’ Cha Cha, Australia Frazer ‘Fraze’ Hockley and Australia Cameron ‘Cam’ Hockley, nearly packing their bags, we sat down with the Twins to get their thoughts on the trip. Players from within the 4sg community have even donated their own money to help everyone feel a little more comfortable whilst over there. Fraze has also just been picked up by Australian Team Corvidae.

Links: Fraze iview, Cam iview, Quakecon, Corvidae
Edited by Badb0y at 00:35 CDT, 29 July 2016 - 53689 Hits
TrueDamage Road2Qcon Tournament Results (2 comments)
Posted by TheEarl @ 15:39 CDT, 25 July 2016 - iMsg
The Quakeworld Road2QCon tournament, known as the TrueDamage International 2on2 Series, is complete. Here are the results heading into QuakeCon:

1. cup_gold FinlandNorway Ragnarok
2. cup_silver SwedenSweden Rune
3. cup_bronze United States of AmericaUnited States of America Thump4 Serp MAGA

4 . BrazilBrazil Plague Goats
5 . SwedenSweden DRKN
6 . SwedenSweden AeronautS
7 . RussiaRussia Red Threat
8 . SwedenNorway Whiskey Tango
9 . CanadaUnited States of America BloodBogo
10. PortugalPortugal Rebellion of Thunder
11. RussiaRussia IOWA
12. FranceNorway Kilcoini

QuakeCon 2016, only a few days away, celebrates the 20th anniversary of Quake. This year will feature a $25,000 2on2 quakeworld tournament. The first time this game was uniquely featured in a tournament at quakecon was in 1996, when netquake was the premiere competitive mode, and the last time this game was featured was in 1997, when United States of America Dan "RiX" Hammans won the prizeless tournament. During this same quakecon in 1997, id software co-founder John Carmack met his future wife. So come along and join us at Quakecon, where you can meet your future wife!
Edited by TheEarl at 17:56 CDT, 25 July 2016 - 8463 Hits
QuakeCon 2016 Power Rank (37 comments)
Posted by leopold @ 04:13 CDT, 25 July 2016 - iMsg
SuddendeathTV's Sweden Andeh posted a great write-up of the Teams that signed up for QuakeCon 2016 QW 2on2 Tournament!

Will Norway Rikoll-Finland Milton roflstomp?
Will Sweden carapace unleash Sweden locktar at the right moment?
Will Brazil gt finally break the speed-of-light barrier?

Read all the glory details over at about what to expect/fear from all known competitors.

Links: QW Get QW, QW Community, QW Watch it
21630 Hits
Tournaments schedule for Quakecon 2016 (60 comments)
Posted by Lilie @ 12:28 CDT, 18 July 2016 - iMsg
Head over to the page to see the full schedule and current list of participants.

Summary of our Schedule:
Thursday 10-7 CDT will be Quake Live
Friday 10-7 CDT will be Quake World
Saturday 10-2:30 CDT will be more Quake Live
Grand Finals for both will be on stage Saturday evening. Finals night starts at 6 pm CDT.
Edited by Badb0y at 12:46 CDT, 24 July 2016 - 35640 Hits
FACEIT Road2QuakeCon 2016 (227 comments)
Posted by roychez @ 08:13 CDT, 14 July 2016 - iMsg
Scheduled: 13:00 CDT, 17 July 2016 to 19:00 CDT, 17 July 2016
Schedule: Passed

This year the inaugural QuakeCon is taking place on August 4-7th in Dallas Texas and is preceded by the FACEIT Road2QuakeCon on July 16-17th!

A total of eighteen North American players will battle it out in the FACEIT Road2QuakeCon Duel Tournament, as a warm-up for QuakeCon 2016.

In the first two rounds, the players will be placed in a best-of-three bracket, to narrow the player count down to eight. The final eight players will be placed into two best-of-three double elimination groups. The top two of each group progress to the best-of-five semifinals.

A total of $2,000 is up for grabs, and all the action will be brought to you by United Kingdom Zoot, United States of America Jehar and other guests on!

Stream: United Kingdom QuakeCon
Links: Brackets, Schedule, FACEIT, Quakecon
Edited by Lam at 02:59 CDT, 17 July 2016 - 94434 Hits
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