Lets actually put it through its paces then and for comparison I used an Everglide Titan pad of the same size and also a cloth based pad. I used a standard Logitech (corded) MX518 with standard dpi as our test mouse and disabled acceleration in XP. I also wanted to test how the accuracy and precision felt on the pad in a couple of games as well as in windows, so I have used Quake 4, UT2004 and CS:S to compare and contrast. Every setup is very different and mouse sensitivity is very different from mouse to mouse and player to player, so I will list my standard sensitivity alongside any changes I had to make using the new CT pad.

Windows XP
The first thing I noticed was how easily the mouse travels across the pad in windows and also how little I had to move the mouse now to get anywhere. Precision was good, no skipping or jumping, which occasionally happened on the Titan (it is a little old however) and the lack of use of the whole pad, leaves me thinking the medium sized version would be more than up to the task in windows, rather than the bulky A3 sized monster.
Quake 4
I used my standard sensitivity to start with (8.3) and this was way too high for this pad, so after a bit of juggling and messing about finding my bets 180 degree turn with minimal movement, I settled on 5.4. I found it pretty amazing that the smoothness of the pad had meant such a drastic change of sensitivity, but never the less, my play was nice, no skips, good precision and dare I say it, it seemed to help me achieve 50% rail, something I hadn’t done for some time. Was this all pad? Maybe not, but hey if in my mind the pad made me aim better, then its done its job hasn’t it?
This one was a little weird and I cant put my finger on it either. The only way I can say it is that my movement now felt like treacle, although the mouse movement felt smooth on the pad. I had a sensitivity of 1.75 on the Titan and this felt too slow on the QPAD, so I ended up with 2.25 and it whilst the mouse speed felt way too fast, my movement improved, which is totally at odds with what should happen. My accuracy also fell though as a result and after further tweaking with the mouse settings I ended up with a 1.25 setting that gave me back my accuracy but compromised my movement. This didn’t matter too much though as I had plenty of room on the pad to play with, it could have made it a bit harder though if this was on the smaller version.
As this game is a little different I was interested to see how the pad would work with low sensitivity required for shots with the AWP and yet still plenty of reaction movement at close range with the M4 and AK weapons. As it worked out my standard mouse sensitivity didn’t need to be changed, but my aiming became a little smoother. I did not however notice any greater accuracy with the CT pad.
Windows XP
The first thing I noticed was how easily the mouse travels across the pad in windows and also how little I had to move the mouse now to get anywhere. Precision was good, no skipping or jumping, which occasionally happened on the Titan (it is a little old however) and the lack of use of the whole pad, leaves me thinking the medium sized version would be more than up to the task in windows, rather than the bulky A3 sized monster.
Quake 4
I used my standard sensitivity to start with (8.3) and this was way too high for this pad, so after a bit of juggling and messing about finding my bets 180 degree turn with minimal movement, I settled on 5.4. I found it pretty amazing that the smoothness of the pad had meant such a drastic change of sensitivity, but never the less, my play was nice, no skips, good precision and dare I say it, it seemed to help me achieve 50% rail, something I hadn’t done for some time. Was this all pad? Maybe not, but hey if in my mind the pad made me aim better, then its done its job hasn’t it?
This one was a little weird and I cant put my finger on it either. The only way I can say it is that my movement now felt like treacle, although the mouse movement felt smooth on the pad. I had a sensitivity of 1.75 on the Titan and this felt too slow on the QPAD, so I ended up with 2.25 and it whilst the mouse speed felt way too fast, my movement improved, which is totally at odds with what should happen. My accuracy also fell though as a result and after further tweaking with the mouse settings I ended up with a 1.25 setting that gave me back my accuracy but compromised my movement. This didn’t matter too much though as I had plenty of room on the pad to play with, it could have made it a bit harder though if this was on the smaller version.
As this game is a little different I was interested to see how the pad would work with low sensitivity required for shots with the AWP and yet still plenty of reaction movement at close range with the M4 and AK weapons. As it worked out my standard mouse sensitivity didn’t need to be changed, but my aiming became a little smoother. I did not however notice any greater accuracy with the CT pad.