======= Quick tutorial =======================================================
Creating a match server with broadcasting capability:
set ri_maxViewers to 1
set ri_useViewerPass to 1
set g_viewerPassword to something
set g_repeaterPassword to something else
set net_spawnRepeater to 1
spawnServer as normal
Connecting a repeater to the match server to broadcast to spectators:
set ri_maxViewers to the number of desired viewers
optionally set ri_useViewerPass and g_viewerPassword
optionally set ri_privateViewers and g_privateViewerPassword
set net_spawnRepeater to 2
set password to the g_viewPassword on the match server
set privatePassword to the g_repeaterPassword on the match server
connect to the match server's repeater port with the connect command ("connect IP:PORT")
Connecting a cilent to the repeater:
Connect as normal; be sure to specify the right port.
======= New Commands =========================================================
Spawns a repeater
setr cvar value
Sets a cvar and transmits it in serverInfo requests
(like sets, but for repeaters)
======= New Cvars ============================================================
0 - Do not spawn the repeater automatically
1 - Spawn the repeater automatically when a server is spawned
2 - Spawn the repeater automatically when a demo is played or server is connected to
3 - Spawn the repeater automatically when a server is spawned or demo is played or server is connected to
Custom "si_name" for the repeater
Maximum number of viewers to allow
Number of private slots for viewers (g_privateViewerPassword required)
0 - don't use g_viewerPassword
1 - use g_viewerPassword
Password for viewers
Password for private viewer slots
Password for repeater slaves
Creating a match server with broadcasting capability:
set ri_maxViewers to 1
set ri_useViewerPass to 1
set g_viewerPassword to something
set g_repeaterPassword to something else
set net_spawnRepeater to 1
spawnServer as normal
Connecting a repeater to the match server to broadcast to spectators:
set ri_maxViewers to the number of desired viewers
optionally set ri_useViewerPass and g_viewerPassword
optionally set ri_privateViewers and g_privateViewerPassword
set net_spawnRepeater to 2
set password to the g_viewPassword on the match server
set privatePassword to the g_repeaterPassword on the match server
connect to the match server's repeater port with the connect command ("connect IP:PORT")
Connecting a cilent to the repeater:
Connect as normal; be sure to specify the right port.
======= New Commands =========================================================
Spawns a repeater
setr cvar value
Sets a cvar and transmits it in serverInfo requests
(like sets, but for repeaters)
======= New Cvars ============================================================
0 - Do not spawn the repeater automatically
1 - Spawn the repeater automatically when a server is spawned
2 - Spawn the repeater automatically when a demo is played or server is connected to
3 - Spawn the repeater automatically when a server is spawned or demo is played or server is connected to
Custom "si_name" for the repeater
Maximum number of viewers to allow
Number of private slots for viewers (g_privateViewerPassword required)
0 - don't use g_viewerPassword
1 - use g_viewerPassword
Password for viewers
Password for private viewer slots
Password for repeater slaves