Basic info
Pierre-Emeric Portier
Alias: l1nkje
Clan: fnatic
Games (currently played): Quake Live
Favourite song: Slagsmålsklubben - Kom Igen Kommissarien (Redtzer Remix) at the moment
Favourite movie: Leon

Bonjour, can you begin by telling the ESReality members something about you that they are unlikely to already know.
I'm the little brother of AppleSeed, but i think a lot of people knew that. Well, let's say that i have 2 cats, one named "Apple", the second one named "Seed". Yes, our mom is very funny! :P

How would you describe your average weekday/weekend?
Well, since two weeks, it's almost everytime the same. During the week, i wake up, drink some orange juice, go out running, come back home, take a shower, eat some again, play soccer with friends, hang out with them, and i try to practice for quakecon during the night. During the week end, i go partying with my friends whenever i can :P

Having played QuakeLive since its release what do you think of the current state of the game? What needs changing? What features need adding?
Well, they really need to put more effort in it. It took so long to have those brightskins, but we still need more things like, spectator mode (we can't spec anything due to the slots etc..), the netcode is fucked up (rail hitting when you're 10km away from the wall for instance), GTV should be added, they really need to do smth about crosshairs, because we really can't see them properly. The colours are not intense, and they should add some RGB stuff in it i think

What are your thoughts in regards to 10 minute matches?
I think it's too short. You can't really make a comeback with 10 mins, or it's way harder. I always thought that 15 mins was a bit too long for 1v1, but 10 is really not enough.. I'd play with 15' again tbh.

You've recently signed for fnatic, is vo0 still in fnatic or will you be the only Quake player?
VoO is not in fnatic anymore, and i'll not be alone. I'm joining with a few mates, mostly for the CTF tourney at quakecon, but also for the future TDM/CTF events, and of course some 1v1 if i don't like that so much :P

Looking ahead to Quakecon and the 1v1 tournament what are your thoughts on the maplist?
Well, it's supposed to be a new game, and we still see too many old maps. A lot of maps like pukka in q3 weren't really used, and i can name pukkatourney2 / 5 that are incredibly good in 1v1. Anyway, the system is different from Q3, weapons balance is not the same so i don't think we should play on old maps.. c'mon 10 years from now on, can't we see smth else? And not CA2 style plz, it's the worst map i ever played in 1v1.

But House of Decay is awesome right?
This map looks great actually, only played it during the fnatic play tournament, but i kinda liked it. Gonna pracc it after quakecon (?!!? :D) :P

If you decide to enter where do you expect to finish?
At the top of course! No i don't know, we didn't set any goals yet with the team, but it will depend i guess on the incoming tournaments!

Who do you think will be the top 3?
I'd say Rapha, Stermy and av3k (w/o any particular order)

Besides rapha can the Americans even compete?
I really can't tell. I was never impressed by the Americans, except him and of course the old "czm". Plus, i don't duel enough to judge properly, maybe i'm wrong and they'll be very though this year, i don't know.. I hope they will compete so i can spec some nice matches when i'll be out of the 1v1 tournament :D

You'll be competing in the CTF tournament along with other European players...Do you believe it will be an easy victory for you? Who (if any) do you think will put up a serious challenge?
No. There are 2 Americans teams that are playing a lot : EG & EMG. It's hard to judge over the internet. They seem to have a great teamplay etc.. so we'll see, i'm looking forward to play them and show them the europe style! :)

Is the level of strategy involved in CTF significantly greater than in 1v1?
Hehe; well i think it depends on maps. Strategies are very important in both mods, 1v1 & CTF. It's not the same but you gotta have solid basics at least to deal with the opponents. In 1v1, you're kinda only timing items, running, and waiting for a mistake of your ennemy. It can be very slow and boring... In ctf, you can put a lot of pressure and see a lot of action, and still, you gotta also think about your basedef, base items, enemys items i'd say yes, for sure. (but i'm not a real dueler so, hehehe)

Are you the best CTF player in the world?
I don't know, am i ? it's not a question that i can answer myself. I'm just doing my best

What are your opinions of the maplist?
I kinda like the new maps, but i don't understand why they put in CTF9 or smth, an old Q3 CTF map which is completely dumb. That map sucks, can have QUAD + HASTE, what the fuck? Otherwise it's kinda cool

Do you think that more organisations should include CTF tournaments or does the community size/quality not justify it?
A lot of players are playing CTF in europe, more than in TDM. They should really put game team, we've always seen 1v1, everytime, everywhere.. can we change a bit? ctf ? tdm ? 2v2 ? it pwns.. !

What about some CA action?
it's very fun aswell, but so boring to watch..

Quick fire round
CTF, TDM or 1v1:
RL, LG or Rail: LG
QuakeLive or Quake 3: Q3

Thanks for taking the time to do this interview. Shoutouts?
Thanks to you for the interview, and i'd like to thank fnatic for sending me to QuakeCon, and to my ctf mates! Cheers.
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