Sound Settings & Net Settings



Allows you to disable the Taunt sound when set to "1". Useful if you play against guys like Prozac who taunt at least 100 times a minute :)


Not really a sound setting, at least you cannot hear the difference, but it is still of great importance. Setting it to "0.1" increases the framerate from 170 to 200 FPS on my computer! I don't know the technical theory behind it, but still, the results are amazing. If you have a slow comp you can try to go as low as possible with this command (usually there will be sound problems at "0.07" or "0.08" already). DO NOT overlook this command in your cfg!


Toggles the doppler effect, which is the strange sound when a projectile (from RL or PG) passes you. Eats FPS and is VERY disturbing when playing, so disable it through setting it to "0".



Specifies how many packets/second the client sends to the server. The default is 30. Higher maxpackets will give you a more steady feel on your aim but also add some lag (because more data is sent), depending on your connection. You'll have to try for yourself. I've found out that 50 works well for my ISDN, and I'd recommend about 50-125 for ADSL and Cable (note: there is no difference between values of 60 and 110). The max. for this command is 125, which is also what you should use in LAN.


The server-client updates per second. Default is 20. This command is bound to the sv_fps of the server. Every setting above 25 should do fine for sv_fps 20 servers, and you should use 30+ for sv_fps 30 servers. Above, there is no difference. Somehow people got used to set it to "40", probably because it looks good :)


Specifies how many times a lost packet is resent. Set it to "0" no matter what your connection is, this is only a waste of bandwidth.


Perhaps more of a graphics setting than a net setting. Filtering of player movement. Can smooth out jerky movement of the enemy models caused by packetloss, but even though it looks good (smooth), it is inaccurate and not recommended. Leave at "0".


Processes item pickups client-side and doesn't wait for an acknowledgement from the server, so you will hear the pickup sound instantly even when you have e.g. ping 500. The bad side is, sometimes it will happen that you hear the pickup sound but have no armor/item because the enemy took it before you. Nice idea of a command, but unprecise and thus not useful. Set to "0".

So guys.. that was it. I hope it was an interesting read and you gained something from this article. If you have questions or want to discuss anything, I'm available on email (, ICQ 34962081 or IRC ( on Quakenet).

Over and out, Stony
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