The Clan
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Event: EuroCup VIII
<i>Full Name:</i> <b>TuLLs</b><i>Short Name:</i> <b>uts</b>
<i>Country:</i> <b>Sweden</b>
<i>Active Since:</i> <b></b>
<i>Website:</i> <b><a href="">http://www.TuL...</b>
<i>irc:</i> <b>#tulls</b>
<i>Main archiements:</i><blockquote><li>1st Q3 TDM AIRLAN
<li> 1st Q3 TDM SMAU ILP
<li> 1st Q3 TDM NGI Lan party 2
<li> 1st Q2 TDM Quit 99
<li> 1st Q3 TDM ILP 2000
<li> 1st Q3 TDM Q3ITL
<li> 1st Q3 TDM Quit 2k
<li> 1st Q3 TDM ILP 2001
<li> 1st Q3 TDM DownundeR4LAN
<li> 2nd Q3 TDM Fragfest
<li> 4th Q3 TDM Clanbase Eurocup I
<li> 4th-8th Q3 TDM Clanbase Eurocup II
<li> 4th-8th Q3 TDM Lan Arena 5
<li> 4th-8th Q3 TDM Lan Arena 6
<li> 7th Q3 TDM ELSA CPL London
<li> 8th-16th Q3 TDM Frag 4</blockquote><i>News Around team:</i>
<i>About the team:</i>