Event: DHS'12
Unfortunately we did have a few unexpected drop outs from the tournament. As many of you have heard Stermy will not be able to attend since he's attending to the ShootMania LAN in France. Neither can p0ni, cnz, Kaide or gerppa but because of other reasons. As replacements we've found a bunch of Swedish players: pitch, mdf and ani. We also invited Hipnotic. There's still one spot open in the tournament, all the replacements we've currently asked no one of them was able to go. So if you're still interested in going contact us either through mail (esport@dreamhack.se) or #Dreamhack.Quake (message blaze or slayzah) on QuakeNet as soon as possible.
But without further delay; here are the seeds and the current player list for the tournament!
Update: Hopefully we'll find a replacement in the next few days and can announce them then. Until then, stay tuned for the live show with The GD Studio tomorrow for the groups to be tossed. Last spot is now filled by Xeron. The GD Studio goes live at 18:00 CEST. remade.
Links: DreamHack, The GD Studio, #Dreamhack.Quake
Edited by Badb0y at 07:50 CDT, 10 June 2012 - 43839 Hits