10 May 2009
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Berlin, Germany
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formerly: www•zerious•eu
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Last Login:
21 Nov 2021
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Buddy list: Bookmarks:
- Column Rocket dodging guide by Aeon (17) saved at 13:30 CST, 26 February 2017
- Forum scrolling between new comments (1) saved at 11:48 CST, 21 January 2015
- Column New gaming mice (vps-)invention and more (51) saved at 16:09 CDT, 1 October 2013
- Forum John Carmack Archive (45) saved at 22:35 CST, 1 February 2013
- Forum Stream Quake Live in fullscreen with OBS (68) saved at 08:11 CST, 20 January 2013
- Journal CPMA huds (8) saved at 01:55 CST, 1 February 2013
- Forum DHS 2012 Rating of current invitees (47) saved at 22:07 CDT, 14 May 2012
- Forum Timing to the second: A Method (113) saved at 16:30 CDT, 18 April 2012
- News QL4v4 CTF LAN Tournament - Eindhoven, NL (498) saved at 18:20 CST, 18 January 2012
- Column STREAM WHILE YOU PLAY (20) saved at 08:21 CDT, 20 March 2012
- Forum dm13 plasma climb. Known trick? New? (21) saved at 16:29 CST, 19 November 2011
- Column So you want to be a caster (40) saved at 22:00 CST, 19 November 2011
- Forum Redesigning the fast paced FPS genre (28) saved at 18:04 CDT, 12 September 2011
- Forum Someone explain all the accel cmds? (61) saved at 05:13 CDT, 3 September 2011
- Demo PS3 Pro Player -vs- exeR_picka (60) saved at 17:41 CDT, 17 September 2011
- Forum QLPrism: QL Launcher AUG 02, 2013 UPDATE (359) saved at 17:12 CDT, 25 October 2011
- Journal Movies that make you play quake after (77) saved at 18:52 CDT, 20 July 2011
- Article Quake Live dedicated servers (481) saved at 16:23 CST, 25 November 2011
- Journal Some (old) thoughts on QL (134) saved at 16:52 CDT, 22 July 2011
- Forum New page to help you memorize timings! (13) saved at 03:40 CDT, 28 June 2011
- Forum How taping fixes high liftoff distance (5) saved at 21:06 CDT, 29 May 2011
- Forum How to play this Q4 demo? (34) saved at 19:12 CDT, 30 April 2011
- Forum Truth about SK-Gaming (30) saved at 06:30 CDT, 30 June 2011
- Forum 3rd party mouse driver GUI located here (67) saved at 06:46 CDT, 31 March 2011
- Forum How to teach Quake? (48) saved at 05:42 CST, 12 March 2011
- News STREAM: zYme Cup #2 - Jee4me (87) saved at 15:32 CST, 7 March 2011
- Forum The QUAKE LIVE Console Guide (26) saved at 14:44 CST, 15 February 2011
- Article Basic Timing Guide (176) saved at 15:39 CST, 31 January 2011
- Forum mouses using flawless sensors (681) saved at 08:27 CDT, 5 August 2011
- Forum Item timming trainer (32) saved at 13:32 CST, 10 January 2011
- Forum Visibility, sound and spawns (16) saved at 23:32 CST, 15 January 2011
- Forum wolfcamql-7.0 (268) saved at 04:16 CST, 22 February 2011
- Forum Tutorial: how to customize Windows accel (111) saved at 19:22 CDT, 31 October 2010
- Forum Gaming communities directory (100) saved at 09:28 CDT, 18 August 2010
- Journal QL standard account ? ok read this !!! (102) saved at 12:30 CDT, 26 August 2010
- Forum -------- (56) saved at 17:50 CDT, 26 August 2010
- Forum ESWC 2010 Sens, Accel and DPI Thread (324) saved at 10:03 CST, 24 February 2011
- News PRO Installer 2.0 released (165) saved at 11:03 CDT, 8 September 2010
- Article <3 ASUS Cups (88) saved at 22:48 CDT, 22 August 2010
- Forum Advanced Client Options (100) saved at 06:46 CDT, 29 August 2010
- Forum Mozilla Prism for ql (38) saved at 12:28 CDT, 26 August 2010
- Forum FnA interviews UT3 PC phenom, 'hypno' (4) saved at 11:22 CST, 11 December 2011
- Forum Quake2 rap (19) saved at 22:09 CDT, 22 August 2010
- News Quick Quake2 Installer (146) saved at 12:17 CDT, 13 September 2010
- Journal Cooller Facts (260) saved at 11:36 CDT, 23 July 2011
- Movie 'ESReality Uncut' Film Released!! (294) saved at 13:14 CDT, 18 July 2011
Unjustified ban from QuakeLive. Since 07.10.2012. Accusal of usage of 3rd party software. Offered all matchmedia (demos, screenshots, config, hud) => no proper reply by ID till this day. Read on...
part 1: http://www.esreality.com/post/2348232/quakeli...tput-imba/
part 2: http://www.esreality.com/post/2352814/ql-the-...n-vgaming/
part 3: http://www.esreality.com/post/2388187/
Various videos to proof the bug, which occured before the ban. They show unbalanced damage output, despite of default settings client-side. Read above linked articles for further explanation and also complete message-log between me and ID-Software:
Former QL-EPS participant: http://www.esl.eu/de/pro-series/season17/quak...er/435672/
Never give up. Seek for the best.
Improve yourself. Be creative.
Enjoy your life.
I am founder of two clans, which are currently in hiatus:
a) #beerstars / www.beerstars.eu / International players united without barriers
b) #dèL.ut / www.delusion-clan.com / The Playmates of iCTF
Formerly competitively played games:
CS 1.5, CS 1.6, UT iCTF, UT2004 (iCTF, TDM, TAM, CTF, BR, DDOM), Cube, Painkiller, WarSow, QuakeLive
Former tasks in clans:
- clanleader
- webadmin
- forumadmin
- trainer
Other tasks in eSport:
- leagueadmin
- newswriter
- interviewer
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