Edited by 2pak at 00:16 CDT, 9 June 2012 - 16569 Hits
Ray tracing isn't really well suited for global illumination; i.e. it can't really simulate light scattering off diffuse surfaces.i hate to be a Jamerio-ass, but this doesn't make any sense. the whole point of ray tracing is to simulate any lighting in a simple manner, including the light scattering off 'mate' surfaces. it is simulating (tracing) all the paths photons might travel (rays), and diffus[ing] surfaces simply send rays in many directions. this is why all realistic renders use ray-tracing for the base technique. the reason it's not used in real-time 3d rendering is because it is slow, yet all that means is that they used it prior to pre-generate light maps, whether these maps are saved as 2d bitmaps, or volumetric raster data (voxels) or vector maps.
it is simulating (tracing) all the paths photons might travel (rays), and diffus[ing] surfaces simply send rays in many directions.
Now I'm absolutely sure there are some clever optimizations I know nothing about, but the fundamental idea is just not well suited to efficiently computing light irradiation.
But this only works well for perfectly shiny surfaces; in order to simulate diffuse materials, one would have to send thousands of rays into the world for every ray/surface collision, as you said. One can easily see that yes, theoretically one could simulate global illumination with ray tracing but it would be insanely slow. Not even close to real time (I'd say it would need hours or even days for a single frame). This is why I said that ray tracing isn't well suited to globally illuminating surfaces in real time.
Yes it is, and when asked to see your qualifications which would permit one to say they have a credible stand for making a "professional opinion" you came back with nothing (as predicted) and talked about about the definition of "professional opinion" (as predicted again) but still nothing from you about your qualifications so we can see how much worth your professional opinion is worth.
As stated above, you're a bigger fan of yourself which means you'll lie and manipulate your entire belief system to be seen as having something to say on a topic.
The scripted events in this demo had little or no impact on performance.
No it wasn't, it was misrepresented by YOU saying it was a reflection of the average quality on PC level using the UE3 engine when it clearly was not because the performance levels are DIRE on this level compared to the average levels that run fine.
COD is a better single player game, quake is a better multiplayer game yes.
Yes and the Doom 3 engine which its based on won a shitload of awards and praise for its innovation. Notice how you forget the other bits?
How do you know this?
Anyone with a clue knows the next big advances will be in conjunction with a display unit, this is why 3D films are all the rage
Who the fuck are you question anyone, let alone carmack?
Its licesned to partners of Zenimax, every company has layoff's and every company has people that quit.
It probably is better designed game than Doom 3. Doom 3 is a visual expereince COD could never come close to matching. games are good for a variety of experiences.
The Doom 3 engine won lots of praise for its level of fidelity.
Rage has sold over 2.5 million copies and has an average score of over 8/10 over 50+ reviews
That's becuause the tech is not here yet, in a decline?
So you say... last I heard carmack said the opposite and he said it personally. Gonna have to take that over you.
I'm happy to play below average gameplay with amazing visuals, than average gamepaly and average visuals
Again, you're just focusing on the negative, I'm guessing your life would be scarier than anything in doom 3.
Sales have nothing to do with a good game, I only said that because you implied id had done badly as producers care mostly about sale, 2.5 million sales in this day and age with a pretty decent game is acceptable.
You'll get my CIT when I get yours for saying...