I figured that probably there are more people that feel the same as me, and that may also be willing to put up some money to get

The target of the campaign is €1000, so he can get a proper rig. It's a fixed campaign, so all donations will be refunded if the target isn't met. If it is, the raised amount will be automatically credited to Ins' PayPal account.
In return for your money, you can choose from several perks we've set up to get privileged access to Ins' deep insights and potentially a huge Elo boost!
If you miss his high-level game analysis and commentary, join us and help bring back to all our lives the awesomeness of The Amazing Ins! :)
Links: IndieGoGo campaign page
Edited by twister_ at 13:29 CST, 1 February 2015 - 98062 Hits