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Re: What is the difference between OCD a
Posted @ 19:57 GMT 26 Jan 2018
When I started really getting into meditation I realized the best thing to do is
Re: What is the difference between OCD a
Posted @ 09:50 GMT 26 Jan 2018
No meditation isn't like a pill though you do get a buzz from it that last hours
Re: What is the difference between OCD a
Posted @ 07:49 GMT 26 Jan 2018
If anyone is interested in OCD go ahead and ask me questions I will probably ans
Re: What is the difference between OCD a
Posted @ 07:17 GMT 26 Jan 2018
I have had OCD most of my life. Until I started meditating. Ocd does not motivat
Re: Whole foods plant based diet
Posted @ 15:24 GMT 4 Sep 2017
I am sorry about all that. You see I just don't care about this shit as much as
Re: Whole foods plant based diet
Posted @ 06:05 GMT 4 Sep 2017
I fully agree I am pretty stupid.
Re: Whole foods plant based diet
Posted @ 02:20 GMT 3 Sep 2017
It isn't a detox diet. It is eating whole plant foods instead of meat, eggs, and
Re: Whole foods plant based diet
Posted @ 19:24 GMT 14 Aug 2017
That is vegetarian. I do not advise a vegetarian diet because it is pretty unhea
Re: Whole foods plant based diet
Posted @ 04:28 GMT 13 Aug 2017
What clogs arteries? Please learn that and don't say plaque build up, learn how
Re: Whole foods plant based diet
Posted @ 04:01 GMT 11 Aug 2017
I mean feels good for my body. I feel healthier. And your dumb if hacking your l
Re: Whole foods plant based diet
Posted @ 05:32 GMT 10 Aug 2017
That is very good to hear. I am glad you are doing well. I am pretty cheap and v
Re: Whole foods plant based diet
Posted @ 05:30 GMT 10 Aug 2017
I don't believe in any of that shit you said after common sense and I don't thin
Re: Whole foods plant based diet
Posted @ 03:50 GMT 10 Aug 2017
So you want to pay 50 dollars for your dinner every night good for you. There is
Re: Vegan?
Posted @ 05:37 GMT 27 Jul 2017
I agree with your junkfood vegan comments. I didn't mean you were both right. I
Re: Vegan?
Posted @ 00:19 GMT 27 Jul 2017
That is because lacceh is talking about a whole foods plant based diet and dre i
Whole foods plant based diet
Posted @ 02:36 GMT 20 Jul 2017
What do you guys think about a diet of only plant based whole foods? I have tied
Re: Mental safety Zones
Posted @ 22:26 GMT 8 Jul 2017
A negative zone can be educational to the right mind.
Mental safety Zones
Posted @ 22:45 GMT 1 Jul 2017
Why to people feel the need to be in groups and isolate our self from others? Th
Re: Logitech G403 new mouse
Posted @ 22:23 GMT 6 Sep 2016
90 grams > 121 grams
Re: What steelseries mouse should i get?
Posted @ 20:09 GMT 18 Aug 2016
rival 100 review kinzu v3 https://w
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