Posted by thizito @ 09:54 CDT, 10 April 2015 - iMsg
"The dev talked to me, asking to remove my post here, as it's still in a test phase, with lots of leaks and they are testing server load (which is done at his own home server) and other things with a small group of people (only Brazilian community for now)."
Edited by thizito at 10:43 CDT, 11 April 2015 - 44073 Hits
The context here is that:
1) syncerror&sponge have taken almost a decade to develop a functioning anticheat and nothing has been shown yet, so we can't rely on them.
2) The SA community is packed with cheaters, so something had to be done. I applaud this BR effort because of that, and I had no idea about this project until this was posted. For example I recently started playing again and in the Chilean servers it's absurd how many cheaters there are in every single lolca server, which is something that didn't happen a couple of years ago.
I don't fully understand. This software is run by the user and it logs your name into some server while you play quakelive so someone can check if you are running the software, like a match ref during an official game?
its a software, which scans modules and variables, methods of injection, and also a heuristic technique
I not envolved with the creator, just a player
it shows who used the ac, when used, for how long, start and ending time.. dont think its easy to 'trick/avoid'
From what I can tell this thing can only be enforced (and be useful) for tournaments. You don't use the anticheat while playing the tournament = assumes cheating, expelled from the community.
About the laptop trick, they must have thought of something, right? Maybe it takes screenshots and automatically sends them to the interwebz, who knows.
it's not about enforcing, it's about creating a record of community members who can, according to this anticheat program, confidently be played against without concern about being cheated against. moron.
This is pretty cool, VAC and Steam only is close tho, this anticheat can run concurrently with VAC? Would be nice to have 2 different ACs running, if it doesn impair gameplay ofc.
No one bar Teen Queen seems to want to take the flack of playing devils advocate on this so screw it I guess I get to be hated again, sigh:
It would be ethically wrong of me not to point out that this is currently unendorsed third party software from a completely unknown source.
This is completely useless at it's claimed task if it doesn't require admin elevation.
If it does require elevation then it's a security risk, though the current download is clean on virustotal, that doesn't guarantee it doesn't download anything extra during installation that may be infected. (If I have time tomorrow I'll see if there's anything I can find out from it in a VM). edit: scratch that I stayed up just to check it out for you all, see below.
There was a post I saw stating SOME of the source code, not all, would be released, but there is none that has currently been released. The part that never has source released could still be doing absolutely anything to your system.
Do not put your QL password into the sign up page, they could be stealing accounts. It is not clear that that's a 'put in the password you want' field as its wording isn't clear and there is no second password verification field, so even if it's not your QL password they're after, I bet some poor users put their QL account details in risking losing their account.
I'm sorry to the authors, but I don't have a clue who you are, even thizito who posted this on ESR states he's not the author, just a player.
Absolutely anyone could be blacklisted by this for any reason at all, for this reason alone it will likely never be endorsed.
You shouldn't run software from an untrusted source especially if it requires elevation, and some random player is definitely not a trusted source.
I certainly hope that this doesn't prove to be malware, but people shouldn't just race into it blindly because 'wooo anticheat'.
Ok I threw a VM together and all I can say for sure so far without going through its account validation process is:
Without logging in it certainly doesn't download anything extra. No idea what it does after logging in.
It doesn't require admin privs. Therefore it's useless as an anticheat, it can't possibly detect any of the modern hacks that don't hook into the game at all, but into elevated processes like the gfx driver/opengl.
It's not secure AT ALL, it connects directly to a MySQL database using the default MySQL port on a .ch hosted address without encryption, sending your username and password in plain text (wireshark capture of the outgoing traffic):
"................ id from ac_users where username='LOOK_IT\'s_ME' and password='ThisISMyPassword' and active = 1 and approved = 1 and ac_version='1.0'"........"."
I would advise the authors actually shut their server down and sorted out their security before they're compromised.
This does call into question their ability to write a basic anti cheat.
Any users of this system to date should be changing their passwords in QL if they were the same, and on the SA:AC site and make sure they're not similar.
Lemme bring my little experience about it, because I can see a pattern and events happening again.
In our UT community, there was a ""well known"" anti cheat for ut2k4 made mostly by wormbo: ANTITCC
It caught some cheaters and kicked the most obvious ones (the one that basically you didnt need an anticheat to guess what was up with the dudes, though, it replaced an admin, obliviously unable to be 24-7 on the server(s)/pc and clean a bit the pubs. IIRC, the ut2k4 unique GUIDS were sent to a database and when one of the cheaters would join another server with antitcc, he would get kickbanned.
Due to how it was working, it was fastly bypassed and very easily apparently so any "more than 2 brain cells" cheaters would have an easy time bypassing the anticheat. I found out later, ANTITCC "flaws" was bringing its own trouble. With admin access to the server, you could apparently navigate into people-on-the-server pc and remotely create random files. You could for example, remotely create a file or more, called helios.exe, x22cheat.exe anything blacklisted , you name it, and easily, but above all wrongly, throw suspicions to someone's name....
Now that you have the context, lets get straight in;
More and more cheaters in ut2k4, and lots of people fishy.... ofc unable to be caught with antitcc....UT3 running, with no effective anticheat...
Some french guys from a known clan (ST2) worked hard and created a custom anticheat. At first it was a secret hidden one in "partnership with clanbase" and unofficially helped busting some people suspected of cheating for YEARS : ramp for example, an ut2k4 german player pasing below the radars (dat puns bro, dat puns). Some corruptions of admins protecting their friends since years etc (it was FUCKING DALLAS irl, rofl) got revealed etc...
The anticheat would work in such a way it would scan your WHOLE fkn pc/hard drives for some precise .dll or .exe extensions if I do recall correctly with an addition of blacklisted file names. When it was "discovered", there was a lot of fuss about it. It then became WREX anticheat for ut2k4 and ut3.
The dudes were from a known nice and friendly french clan but were kinda unknown in term of trustworthiness. The paranoia came between the ones:
- really having difficulties (which I perfectly understand) letting their whole pc be scanned by some 3rd party software from unkown people.
- Not caring much and happy some people would take care of this (sh)eats
I mean the clanbase topics were 800-1000+ comments commenting on sueing, usa jurisdiction vs europe/france jurisdiction, file security, content stored on pc, the fallaciousness of thinking your anonymous on the internet etc....(people would whine there were some work secret projects on their pc'es or sex vids/pictures of gf etc which they were answered that if it was stat secret it should be, anyway, stored on another drive an encrypted blabla) anyway the anticheat would not scan such files and even thoguht it was told to them by devs, ofc they were questioning the trustworthiness of such claims...
At the end of the day..... To my knowledge (I used this anticheat and even helped a bit for the ut3 part) never ever suffered any privacy problem. It caught cheaters that were suspected (or not) and always went through.... Even caught a guy with pedoporn on his pc afaik.... Nonetheless, there were so much relevants (and unrelevants) arguments in favor or not of the anticheat and despite the fact no one had trouble with privacy things, it went slowly but surely to the limbs of "standby" for the sake of privacy. NB: Wormbo and some CB official (aspharazon(?)) checked the source code WITHOUT finding any malignancy in it)
Some cheaters were ofc worried, why wouldnt they be :) .... and hidden behind some legitimate concerns, the ANTICHEAT died (caught still cheaters in ut2k4-3)
tl;dr: By experience, those guys could be driven by the best intentions but all the privacy things related to scanning your datas will bring up so much concerns, it will most likely die fast (even though it could be legit and even slightly efficient). Here, it's even worse cause quakelive staffs didnt approve anything and ql is linked with bank accounts and usa jurisdiction/laws blabla
In this case i would be more then worried as ql user/pw can be stolen in two ways.
One is checking the ql logs where username and a md5 password exists (easily broken as md5 has been cracked for 10+ years).
The other way is capturing the starting parameters directly that the launcher or bat/link etc sends to the quakelive.exe.
Looking through what overflow has written he states he has been "collecting" algoritms in preperation of this program.
I find that a incredibly weird thing to write as the vast majority of algoritms are not GPL in any way. The majority are also proven to be fairly weak.
He is also stating that among these algoritms there is one that compares player behaviour/patterns to old users and what not.
For it to be able to do that it needs constant updates to their servers(mysql in this case).
From people who have tried it, it apparantly doesnt do shit.
Last we come into overflow (author of the AC), a person that alot of people (who have played him) suspect toggles as his skill level fluctuates from hardly being able to beat mediocre players to all of a sudden crushing everyone he plays with ease.
This could be nothing i guess but it doesnt exactly speak in his favour.
because I have seen few ppl become from mediocre players to pro inside the same game and when they are down and need to up their game to have a chance at winning.
is this possible? can someone start a game without cheats and turn them on midway?
Last time i checked the most commonly used cheat in ql has a toggle for every function it has.
Sadly alot of people have started playing with some kind of cheat available as they have become fed up with the current fakenicking/cheat wave that has been going on the last 2years.
I've the same ELO range for about a year... It just depends of how much I play. I'm a QW player adventuring on QL, so sometimes I spend a few months without playing QL and sometimes I play everyday.
Besides, nobody ever accused me. If someone do, I have no problem whatsoever in send the demo. :)
Anyways, you are afraid to put a name to your player, so who cares.. :)
An accusation would be me flat out calling you a cheater, which i havnt done.
I just find you very suspicious as your skill level will drop all of a sudden some days despite you playing several hours almost every day.
Also why would i ever need a demo when we have tools like wolfcam?
As for you never getting accused, last time i specced you which was about 2-3 weeks ago you got "accused" twice.
Not sure what my name would do in this case so it sounds more like your trying to blindly get back at me for some reason.
It's being a long time I stop to answer accusations about me cheating, but because you seem to be writing to understand the reasons and not to accuse without any fundamental logic, I'll reply to you.
I hope you are talking about me tho, because I don't play several hours everyday.
Anyway, I find your post a bit contradictory. If I was hacking, my skill level definitely would not have these drops, don't you think? For me at least, it's the most natural thing. Having a job, wife, kids, life problems, I'm sure you understand that sometimes we are not with the mind into the game, but still connect and play to relax a bit. Does this happen to everybody or I'm just too old?
My QL time is pretty much the same since I moved to Europe (4 yrs ago), with my playing QL when QW is empty or between QW League breaks, as I don't like to mix both games on the same time when there is a league going on (especially because I become very inconsistent in both games). Of course, for QL I don't care so much as I don't play anything competitive here, but for QW where I play EQL that's quite bad.
Feel free to check my qlranks page and recognize that "active to inactive" pattern.
Also, don't really recall lots of people accusing me like you said, especially because I mostly play with the same group of people.
Usually when somebody accuses me, it's a very low skilled player and I barely care to answer, saying the usual : "feel free to get my demo", or then some rage kid players like kamk4m that tells me I'm cheater mostly because I got him banned for kick on duels when loosing a game.
And I have no idea what is Wolfcam or either how to used it. Don't really watch or manipulate demos in QL.
The reason why I asked your nick is because I play Quake since 98 and was accused many times, especially when I was active and good. Within this time I learnt that usually an accusation that came from an unnamed is mostly endorsed by troll and/or rage. But it doesn't seem to be your case.
Last, in case you want to spec my games, feel free to add me as a friend on QL and join my duels. Especially now, I've been playing quite good, as I manage to play a lot on these last weeks. But be fast, because there is a draft league starting in QW and soon I stop play QL and of course, become shit again. As you probably know, I mostly (or only?) play aerowalk, which is originally a qw map.
You went from saying "i never get accused ever" to "its being a long time i stop answer accusations"
Do you even stop to think what your typing?
The people i have discussed with have never accused you of anything, they have suspected you though.
The difference is that accusing would mean we come out and call you a chater, which we havn't done cause we honestly cant say with 100% honesty that you are.
Though i and others have suspected you and discussed in private.
If you still dont understand the difference then it's not really my problem is it?
Also, a fake anticheat?
Why do i feel like there is more to it then that?
In 2000 when I was an active QW player, deep into competition I was accused many times online. Until my first LAN event, where I won everything.
But then I stop playing for about 7 or 8 years and returned to gaming when I moved to Europe. But never went competitive anymore and even close to play on the same level I used to do.
So like I said, in QL I was never accused or got any complain/question about it, except from Kamk4m and from a guys that barely knew the map, which in both cases, I don't really care to be bothered as they are very weak point of reference. So yeah. Never got anything from an at least average player.
Like a said, you and whoever "suspects" of me are very welcome to add me as a friend and spec my games. Personally, I even enjoy when I'm being watched. It makes me play better.
The line between accuse me and come to a public forum, posting without nick and saying that "a lot of people suspects that I'm cheating" is very narrow. Feel free to get any of my demos (I have absolutely ALL of them) and do something useful with your suspections instead of post nonsense things.
PS: I'm kidding! Keep posting/suspecting, as that kind of stuff just makes me more famous in Euro! :P
Last, yeah, a fake AC. And the idea is working as it should, with people using it and a brazilian league starting soon.
What you probably mean is that it's a fine line between being an accusation or not.
Other then that why do you assume i dont allready have you on my friendslist?
Also why do you assume that we can't spec you anyway?
My whole point here is, why would we bother?
You came up in a discussion twice more then a year ago, other then that i really dont care.
See it from others perspective instead, a suspicious player with skill level going up and down to the point of being ridiculous all of a sudden releases an anticheat?..
All this has proven is that you have no issue lying to people online, so why is it such a stretch to assume you would be able to cheat aswell?
Well, to be honest I don't really know or care so much about who is in my actual friendlist in quakelive. Always when I receive a request I just accept, so 80% from my list is people that I've played and they added me, and 20% are my brazilian friends and some qw players.
But that's useful because mostly when I play I just join one of those people's server.
If I already have you in my friendlist, you are definitely a big pussy. Why so much fear to tell who you are? Actually, I don't even know why I keep exchanging messages with an unnamed that is even afraid of show his face.
ven't! :-)
See, you seem to be getting very personal with the whole thing, even though you saying that you don't care. Relax dude, I'm not here to prove a point to you. You just wrote that I'm "suspicious" and I'm writing that in case you need any demo, or watch me playing or whatever, you can feel free to do or ask me!
But if you really don't care that much, I don't get the point to keep repeating over and over again the same thing, especially when you don't have the balls to identify yourself. Like I said, or get your suspicion and do something about, or if you don't really bother, then maybe stop bothering me with that?
All your other arguments of skill going up and down doesn't make any sense whatsoever and I already answered.
About the anticheat, you will see my reply tomorrow. Don't forget to check this thread, as it will clarify about the AC for you.
I dont know you and you dont know me, i dont have you on my friendslist im just pointing out that you are making wide remarks and assuming a whole lot of stuff that in the end doesnt matter whatsoever.
I have played you before and that is it, the only one taking it personally is you and the fact that your constantly pointing out that im writing anonymously is more proof of just that.
I dont need any clarification, i know why you did it as cheating is rampant at the moment and you dont know how to code a proper anticheat.
What i dont understand is why you havn't looked up more resources, you know like a proper anticheat?
something like this perhaps?
Instead your first choice was to lie to the whole community.
The reason why I keep asking your nick is because you keep making wrong assumptions and telling things on which you believe is true, but in fact they are not.
"What I don't understand is why you havn't looked up more resources"
"Instead your first choice was to lie to the whole community"
You just wrote that we don't know each other. How come you are there, telling what I did or what I did not? You have no idea of the things our Brazilian community tried so far, and as it seems, you don't really care anyway.
At the beginning, I genuinely thought your questions were honest, and I did my best to answer it to you. But now it's pretty clear that you are just raging for whatever reason, which makes quite obvious who you are, considering the little number of people I know in QL and the relation I have with them.
PS: Obviously I can't code a proper AC. That's not even my job. I'm glad of what I have coded so far, considering that my knowledge about it is very little. Still, the most important is that it's working for what was supposed to.
If that overflow is the same that used to play in 2002, I honestly doubt that he is cheating. Back in those days when I used to follow the brazilian scene I've got to know him and he was a very solid and known player. He also did a lot with some others for his community.
I actually expected him to be better at qlive comparing to what he used to play.
I don't see him playing qlive so often, but I usually watch his teammate nhd dueling. He's currently #7 on qlranks and probably the best dueler from SA.
Not long ago, that nhd guy was banned without real proofs. He even made a thread here:
Yeah, I'm that guy.
What is your nick? I remember of some EU players that I got to know during this time. Bash, Cr4zyCow, Blaze, Fifi? Unfortunately I lost contact with all of them.
Sadly, I never got the chance to dedicate in QL, as I started to play only when I moved to Europe. In Brazil, we just got QL servers about a year ago, and the community still have to pay lots of money every month for the datacenter, as ID refused to put a server there for us for free.
Also, different than most people, I did not play either Q2 or Q3. So the transition from QW to QL it's quite hard in my opinion. It's totally a different game.
Take a look, an aerowalk QW match:
It's another game!
But some of my teammates did play Q2 and Q3.
Nhd that you just mentioned is one good example of it. Another one was Reef, you probably will remember him, as he became famous for beating Fatality in a CPL final of Q3.
Do you play QL or QW? Add me and we can play some matches, would be very nice to play with people that I got to know that time.
Look at QLTV during evenings (, you will most likely find me playing there some night.
- We all got effectively peer pressured into running a client that could create any file on our PC.
- One guy got "caught" with an illegal file on his pc.
Your intro absolutely contradicts your conclusion.
'save the children' is about the ultimate blanket excuse to pass something that is inherently wrong.
An anti-cheat has no business scanning image files, and uploading their names or contents elsewhere. what other personal files was it stealing from your computers?
The chain of custody on that evidence was non existent, it's just as likely that the anti cheat client put said image there. Or there was no image in the first place and the authors just abused their position to completely crush a player they didn't like for some reason.
If the police were called and found further evidence that he was a paedophile then great a criminal got caught.
But if the end of your story was simply "xxx was found with child porn on his PC by ANTITCC" then you're not asking enough questions.
Rofl, i wasn't giving an opinion or any sort at all but shared a pattern I reckoned in two similar situations. My goal wasnt to convince but to share a story.
You focused on a by-product (the guy with some pedo materials) even though, barely anyone "cared" of it (it was just an ""anecdote"" in the story) and never ever one used that to say "omagad use the anticheat to save childrens". It's said twice that the wrex anticheat wasn't looking for pictures so your senetnce about it doesnt even make sense.
So I dont "contradict myself" in any way at all as, once again, I wasnt even trying to convince anyone but inform them.
Plus you mixed up everything
- The possibility to create files remotely was with antitcc that everyone embraced without problems almost 10 years ago but few knew about (me included) and not the custom WRex anticheat (it was possible with wrex too though iirc) but it's wrex that caught the guy with pedo materials.
- your "'save the children' is about the ultimate blanket excuse to pass something that is inherently wrong. " is completle utter bs as no one talked about that at all as an excuse to make the anticheat legit (not even close).
So well, some ppl are saying "yakumo this and that" but apparently you don't read THIS good what's written, extrapolate fallacious things on top of mixing them up :) . Plus you focused one 1 few word sentence and totally went through most of the substance of the message. Nice combo man ;) .
So for the record, I wasn't for or against what happened with the custom UT anticheat and what's happening with the ql one. I just brought the story of "how and what happened" because both situations were very similar:
Lack of official/efficient anticheat by devs => rise of cheaters => annoyment from the community => some guys with good intentions (or not) create a custom anticheat => they aren't known or barely so the legitimacy to let your pc scanned by a 3rd party software is VERY questionable => lots of blabla may happen about privacy etc => anticheat will die quite fast (whether the creators were driven with good or bad intentions and whether the anticheat was efficient or not :) .
Keywords I guess??
This guy was caught cheating too (maybe I should have mentioned that: x**nz / wh), maybe he stored all his "dirty" things together? how would I know?
I just believe the software wasn't scanning for it. I knew the guys just a very little bit and talked with them, i dont think they wanted to do anything aside from getting cheaters. Why? especially since the mutators system we have in ut. Join a RANDOM a ut2k4 TAM servers (if theres any still left rofl), you will prolly download 50 Mega of ridiculous soundpacks and mutators. if the guys REALLY wanted to spy you or give you somehard time/stole informations, they would have never do it that way with an anticheat, giving source code to experienced and known coders, or worked with cb. They could have simply name the "mutator" RBTT sounds 16.1.904.mp3 and NO-FKN-BODY would have never noticed ANYTHING at all and they could have done way more harm than they did (which one btw?).
You obliviously arent neutral to such thing and seem to be very biased maybe for legit reasons but start maybe to see it a neutral way. I gave you a complete almost copycat story of what is currently happening in ql, you did what, focused on the pedo anecdote :rolleyes:
You didnt underline, for example, that the super uber first anticheat ANTITCC was obsolete quite fast, non efficient, allowed remote creation of random files under certain conditions and created by a trustworthy guy and everyone embraced it ...well.. just because... and when someone created something way more effective and randomly happened to find a pedo file, you summed everything up to this: how the fuck it found a pedo file, blasphemy.
You could have underlined also the jurisdictions troubles involved but no.
It was unclear to me which AC was which, and if one was just an evolution or a different team.
Either way,stop focusing on the pedo stuff, it could have been about any file that the software shouldn't have been examining, certainly shouldn't have been uploading anywhere, it just so happens that the case that you highlighted should have resulted in someone actually being arrested.
Maybe it wasn't uploading anything from the users machine, but it was certainly doing things outside of its remit. That is all.
hum? That wasn't me "focusing on it" but rather you having for unique question about a 300+ words comment, smth related, as an anecdote in the message, about "it". Whatever lets call it a day.
Once gain, if you would have read carefully, I said it was scanning .dll and .exe and was also checking for blacklisted words.
I remember a discussion about it because a guy was working for a company called Helios (helios being a known UT cheatmaker). The example was a file called helios.jpg or smth along this line.
It would have been detected because of the name but would have been surely put aside as a false positive because it would have been a .jpg .png .doc or whatever but not a possibly troublesome bringing extension (.dll , .exe etc you name it)
Well i'm afraid i can't really inform you in details of what exactly happened.
My best guess was all the "dirty" files were together and maybe a word triggered the AC (or the root of where the file was located was fishy?? I dont know, I just know it happened.
Those guys caught cheaters that passed below the radar for years (easily bypassing the current and non efficient enough AC), worked with cb, had the code at least partially checked by trusty people, and nothing harmful never happened to anyone using this AC. So.. hum...
It's like you're looking on your 10yo son pc to fix a misbehaving software. You're displaying the hidden files to access system files and find out he has some midget sexytime actions on his pc... "it wasn't intended to do so, but it happened as a "by-product of the process".
Also, i'm sure the creators of this anticheat would have more ease to find some nude pics on the interwebs than lokking through your pc and possibly get some trouble for it, dont you think?
Answer is simple - I don't know. Your example is exactly what makes me doubt intentions of the author.
Who can tell what will be "by-product of the process"? My email? Anything and everything related to credit card info? Photos of me having sex with inflatable Keel doll compromising photos?
And I dont either dude... What's amazing is ppl are focusing about that instead of the fact that it caught cheaters that always went through and nobody never had any troubles whatsoever with that anticheat (WREX or his ancestor NHK than ran on some servers since 2008 without anyone knowing but the author and cb).
Anyway, wrex is dead and this anticheat was a fake one, so why should we keep on commenting about it? :/
Maybe because people would rather stop playing altogether than having their credit cards datas stolen, or their girlfriend's nudes wanked over by anonymous random people.
It's a pity, that the ClanBase website is down or else we could witness the story in it's entire length. Do you refer to raMp ? ( ) He has been active on the ESL since 2003. But yes, I can confirm that he has been very suspicious for a long time in the Instagib community. Due to his performance he was placed as defender iirc.
There was an infamous video of an iCTF 5v5 match on CTF-Grendelkeep-PRO where a defender did put himself on the lower right part above the tunnel entrance on the small rocks and from that player's pov that particular player was tracking instantly and kinda weird - depicting he was using a wallhack and aimbot. I don't know if it was him.
But he was one of the most annoying players to play against, since he was so .... fast in terms of reaction and other terms. *sigh*
He played ultimately in the the clan inevitable together with Kenny, and others..
Ye, i mean the whole thing looked like a Dallas Episode, with Denk "protecting" raMp, the whole "omagad secret anticheat wtf?" and the 500+ comments etc etc (i still have all the old bookmarks of the said topics!!!).
Another thing, WREX caught iMpure with a hack too (apparently it was "for Alien versus Predator not UT"). Hes playing ut4 now, like me.
related links:
-> nhk being the ancester of WREX when it was mostly "secret" and in collaboration with cb crew. Check in particular the answers from Davvador (author of the anticheat). He explains what did NHK
I don't know about him in qlive, but I play qw with him and he is very good there... Also quite oldschool afaik...
From his personality in qw, it's unlikely he would cheat, but who knows...
hah trolled by yakumo. He is a paid troll. You were foolish to remove the link. id just wanted to shut you down as they are working on their version of it.
Ok, I've probably debated this too long and should have done it earlier, but I wanted to get some input on my thoughts on it from some upstanding people (csiql and more).
Shortly after I highlighted the security issue with this software the author contacted me revealing that it's basically scareware in a way, it's fake software that they were trying to use to scare the cheats in the Brazilian community into going legit.
I feel it's just ethically wrong for me to not reveal this, as fake software is just not ok, irregardless of the true intent of the author, it's using social engineering to convince you to install fake software and start to put trust in it, and as shown in my earlier post it's insecure from the start even before it evolves any further, so it's really just not ok to let this continue and end up with people feeling compelled to install it.
It also further highlights issues brought up elsewhere with other proposed user made anti cheats, though the author assured me it wouldn't ever mark someone a cheat, at the end of the day it could have been used to report anyone they chose as being a cheat, and the more people duped into believing it the worse it would be for that player.
I am sorry to overflow for busting his plan, I'm sure he was just trying to do something beneficial, but the security implications are just too great. Please take solace in the fact that VAC is coming, and coming fairly soon from sync's twitch comments.
However, now that we know VAC is around half a year away I suppose it would be wrong for anyone to be angry at you for exposing this ploy. If he's being honest, it's a bit sketchy but with good intentions.
I think you should obfuscate his email address though, out of respect.
If he cared so much about popularity, he couldn't do what is right, instead of just tryin to 'win' situations in life. That guy should of never tried to do that...
The e-mail being up briefly was an accident, I'd cropped out rest of his contact methods previously.
And a general response on things that are bound to come up:
Not publicly busting it would have made me completely complicit in the lie.
Not posting his message would have meant no-one would have believed anything I said.
Yakumo is fuckin awesome at times. This is truly one of them.
Freedom of choice is best even when it means you could die because of your choices. Obviously this wouldn't kill anybody, but, nice detective work Yakumo :)
Actually yes I have.
In q3 and more importantly, real life.
What does he do exactly? He spent the last 4 years telling everyone any problem with QL was on the user end, not id's. Took him until the community was fed up with all the bs before steam release for him to even admit maybe the lag was on id's end. Yakumo's breath smells like syncerrors ass for some reason.
I haven't seen him do anything other than post some cvars and be a lapdog shill.
Lorfa used to be a shill, seems he got sick of that. At least he made a list cvars on a webpage. That's more effort.
I don't download anything posted on esr.
If people in a community are that desperate to make a fake anticheat "scareware" app....
Why ruin it for them? id isn't doing anything about it. They let the brazilians sit there for 3 months with no servers even after members of their own community paid for them.
Maybe not a shill.... you were a warp denier though.
They get flack for the right reasons... every time. The only thing I've seen them do right was to move the game to Steam... 6 years to late... My grandma moves faster than that, and she's dead.
After loadouts, i don't think there is anyone, anywhere, or anyway to properly complain. Either there was no focus group or they recruited T1 nade tards to test it out.
I've never said the lag was on id's end.
I've also never explicitly said the lag was on the users end either unless their trace showed that was the case.
All I've ever done was try to teach them to run tracerts to locate where the lag was *actually* coming from as the end user is the only person that can do that.
You really don't have a clue what goes on there do you.
Read those messages from Yakumo makes me feel sick. A real example that this world is totally fucked up.
The AntiCheat was posted here from a member of our community without my approval and therefore deleted a few hours later. It wasn't supposed to be here and it was in a test phase. Also, it supposed to be used only by our Brazilian community, with the main focus in our next league that is going to start soon.
The anticheat was not originally my idea, it was an idea/suggestion in our community forum, and together with the league admin we had the final idea to make this social engineering anticheat application.
Also, for the Brazilians, the application didn't come from an unknown source. We all know each other very well. We barely have new players. 90% of the actual players are exactly the same that were playing Q1, Q2 and Q3 15 years ago, therefore we all were teammates, rivals, had good moments, bad moments and so on. There is not an unknown player in our group. Nobody had even 0.01% of problem by using an application made by me, or by any other player of our community, like happened previously in Quake 1 and Quake 2, with clients and so on.
Yakumo didn't show at any moment the desire to understand the situation better, or get to know more details about it, even though with me writing him a few times about it. Read his messages, pretending to be the "white knight" of the whole situation just makes me sick. Not only me, but the whole Brazilian community and perhaps south american too, who would eventually have the chance to benefit from the anticheat.
We, Brazilian players, are a small group of players and for past few years we have been fighting hard to survive into the FPS scene. Our Quake Live servers for example, is not for free. We had to contact a datahost and send thousands messages to ID, for them to do something. On top of that, we have to pay for the datahost a large amount every month to keep the server running. We never had free servers, which is a real shame. I believe the same happen in other south american countries like Argentina and Chile. When you are forgotten, you have to find ways to survive by yourself. And that's what we did. Until Yakumo fucked it all up. Not because he wants peace. Not because he wants to be fair. But to satisfy his pathetic ego.
The last thing I would do, as a man, is to try take advantage of somebody that is in need for help. Or you turn your back and ignore it, or you help. But take advantage of the situation is really pervert.
You wear that speech of "morality", but you don't do that because you want to be helpful but because you want to satisfy your poor ego. Especially because you strongly made sure to have said that despite everything you were "helping". Yeah, helping...
I'm sure there is people that admires you. This world is mostly made of people that lack of leadership. But your attitude was pathetic and low. And you are even lower, because you need those people to feel superior. You saw that this thread was calming down and people were not caring so much anymore, nobody but the small Brazilian community had access to it, and then you decided to post the private message I've sent you. Without even have the minimum of interest to find out how is the idea going, or what our community was thinking about it, and so on.
You are a coward. A coward of the worst type.
I already met people like you in my life. You are the type that likes to help a colleague when your boss is looking just to project yourself. Always when you have a chance, you will try to give a "life lesson" like an older brother do, but for your own benefit and not to really help somebody. People like this go far in life. They have intelligence, however they use this "mean" intellect. Without that, they would go far anyway. But they can't stop being like that because of this sadistic pleasure of feel superior and show that to other people, but of course, always pretending to be "cool and fair".
Maybe is not even your fault to be like that. Maybe your parents fault, or your grandparents that raised you this way. The fact is that people like this know that they are like this, without ever admit it. And they will never do because they are too narrow minded for it.
Anyway, I already waste too much time with somebody that doesn't deserve my honesty. Good luck with your little life.
You attempted to push software onto the community to control it with lies, your entire premise was completely morally bankrupt from the very beginning.
The fact that it was so poorly written it put your server and your users at risk was additionally irresponsible, though that could have been fixed.
You wanted me to keep it covered up and seemed to think that I should just let it slide because your target was only a small community far away from me, so revealing it for the fraud it is was all that I could do.
Your pain comes from the small amount of time you invested in this, and the loss of the gain that you sought, and that is causing you to fail to accept that what you were doing was completely and totally WRONG from the get go and thus shouldn't have started this in the first place.
And a coward would have hidden, and not revealed this instead of accept the hatred and backlash from you and those misguided enough to think the possible positives were worth it, so you're wrong on that too.
“That which can be destroyed by the truth should be.” - P.C. Hodgell, Seeker's Mask
You have to acknowledge the concept is rather nice tho. Since id software has not developed a working anticheat in QL's 8 years, then I think it's a good idea that the community creates it. That reasoning is what made QW, Q2 and Q3 great; heck QL's best features were not made by id even when id does its best to stop the community from contributing.
Also this is meant to be used for tournaments only, and for those it's always nice to have extra protection.
You perhaps have missed that part where he admitted it was completely fake ( ), it did nothing bar connect back to their server insecurely. though he said he would never abuse the power it would give him and blacklist someone, the only time it could have marked someone as a cheat would have been if either their server was hacked (likely), or he marked someone as a hacker by his own will.
I indeed missed it and from what I read it seems like the whole thing wasn't well developed at all, but still I liked the concept a lot.
What I mean is that I disagree with your logic or concept of that since there's VAC protection incoming (one day) then the community shouldn't do something about cheaters, as with that logic QL wouldn't have things as QLRanks, or #tdmpickup and so on.
At the same time, I agree with you on that it is a shame how (somehow) this brazilian developed anticheat thing ended up being a straight up lazy effort, if not a plausible scam; and of course at how then the brazilians came act like brazilians do. Really, every time a south american comes to ESR that I end up so ashamed of my roots.
The AntiCheat was posted here from a member of our community without my approval and therefore deleted a few hours later. It wasn't supposed to be here and it was in a test phase.
This is the person you should be upset with.
Once it was here it was available to be considered, analyzed by, and posted about by anyone.
Someone noticed that it pretty much qualified as grayware and posted about it. The rest is history.
If you're trying to keep secrets, don't post your secrets on public forums like ESR.
Here is where your arrogance shines through, the fact that you post the "anticheat" on a public forum and then expect people to want your approval or permission to do so is just sad.
The fact that you cant even recognize just how morally your in the wrong is beyond pathetic.
How is lying to the community in anyway shape or form helpful?
What is stopping people from trying to cheat anyway and how the hell would you prove if he was or wasnt?
Basically you are given power to basically blacklist anyone in your little community with the only "security" being your word of not abusing it.
You have allready proven to be vindictive and have no issue lying to people so why exactly would your word be worth anything?
For all we know it's a software that steals your credentials and works differently than promised, and it's dev asked yakumo (a stranger for him) to hide this fact because - as he assured - he had good intentions.
Maybe it sounds reasonable to you, but I don't know any of these guys behind it and to me it sounds like a fraud.
Overflow don't even play with us, he live in Europe. A group of people , selected by our community would have admin of the anticheat. The anticheat is very transparent like overflow said.
Do you also vote in Brazil? No, right? Do you know why? Is because you are not part of our community. So is not up to you to decide things.
It does not matter if was good or poor writen. It works for what is supposed to do.
Do you even help us paying the server every month? No, so shut the fuck up and stop acting like a hero because the only thing you did was acting like a selfish bastard.
ID dont do nothing for us, never, and when a guythat is well known in our group does, you try to fuck everything, without even try to understand the whole situation.
The software was insecure.
The software did not actually DO anything, there was ZERO anticheat code.
Installing it was literally installing a vulnerability on your machine and nothing else.
This would not have stopped a single cheat, and exposed innocent users to vulnerabilities.
Not revealing this would have made me a far worse person than anything you are thinking now.
Goback to fagVill fagbotz. I bet your in favor of the government doing everything for everyone all the fucking time too. Reguardless of rather or not they want it. Also reguardless of rather or not its a lie in the process ;)