The two media companies
BLAMMO are going to research the possibilities of eSports. They find each other the perfect partners because Endemol has a wide history of media while Blammo Media has 14 years of experience in gaming media. Also Blammo Events is the host of the
Firstlook event in the Benelux every year.
“Blammo onderscheidt zich al jaren met succesvolle, innovatieve mediaproducties en heeft veel verstand van gaming. Die expertise kunnen wij goed gebruiken. Omgekeerd profiteert Blammo van onze kennis en ervaring en de toegang tot een internationaal creatief en commercieel netwerk.„ — Jurian van der Meer, commercial director Endemol Shine Nederland
"Blammo distinguishes itself for years with successful, innovative media productions and has much knowledge of gaming. This expertise enables us to use it well. Conversely Blammo benefit from our knowledge and experience and access to an international creative and commercial network'' - Juriaan van der Meer, Commercial Director Endemol Shine Netherlands
“eSports maakt een spectaculaire ontwikkeling door en verspreidt zich over steeds meer platforms. Dat biedt veel perspectief, want met name de media- en storytelling-kant van eSports is wereldwijd nog redelijk onderontwikkeld. Met een partner als Endemol aan onze zijde hebben we een sterke uitgangspositie om die mogelijkheden te benutten.„
— Ruben Heere, Blammo
" ESports made a spectacular development and spreads over more and more platforms. This offers great perspective , especially because the media and storytelling side of eSports worldwide still fairly underdeveloped. With a partner like Endemol on our side we have a strong position to take advantage of these opportunities . "
- Ruben Heere, Blammo
The companies sees financial opportunities as since eSports is seeing a massive growth the past few years. With more than 27 million people watching League of Legends championships live it is comparable with sports such as ice hockey and swimming.
Endemol was founded in 1994 and is well known from TV productions such as Fox Sports, Wheel of Fortune, The Voice or Big Brother. They sold their programs to more then 130 countries and works with more then 300 broadcasters.
Their business covers development, production, marketing, distribution, franchise management and multi-platform initiatives including digital video, gaming and apps. So them investigating in eSports could be a big deal.
However, it's not their first time that they looked at eSports, back in 2005 they had a pilot program named: "Totally Esports" (with
Lauke), even though this was a small succes, Endemol felt it was a bit to early to jump into the world of eSports and cancelled the TV program.
There is an
official press release, however that is in Dutch.