Posted by mikolah @ 12:10 CST, 23 February 2016 - iMsg
Many of you have seen 8PLAY tag in the name of one of the best QL players - Evil. For some of you it would be interesting to know the story behind it. One of the famous old school quaker Jibo has founded in Russia his own game publishing company named INFIPLAY. Recently with both Cooller and Mikes (producer for EU and RU versions) he released their first game with localization for European auditory - Headshot. It is a casual online-shooter in browser, inspired by classical era FPS games like Counter-strike and Crossfire. Best thing about the game is that to play you don't have to download any kind of plug-in. Just create an account and start playing, give it a try and say your thoughts.
I think everyone can decide for himself, casual and simple F2P browser game or competitive client game. I guess you perfectly understand that audience for both it's pretty different, right?
As an introduction to the genre yes, I suppose there is an audience. I'd be a hypocrite if I said otherwise as I would not have bothered trying quake if it had required installing - I wasn't really interested at the time.
Well... Compare CPMA to Reflex. I can't say Reflex is a rip-off and the quality of the game is awesome.
Then. compare this to CS1.6.
This is not just a ripoff, this is pure and concentrated shit.
why u ashame such brands as evil/qlr with this shitty rip-off of half-life mod 1999year called CS ? its like cheap chineese 30$ smartphone with lamborghini label on it. No fools here
My Moldovan friend, i'm happy for your knowledge of russian, though i don't think that it's connected somehow to this post.
This game is not tripple A client game, but a quality one in terms of browser and casual gaming.
Nobody talking about exemption to criticism. I'm talking about different levels of expectations and requests which can be applied to casual browser game, and AAA client competitive game.
man didnt u know he narrowly beat world legend headshot veteran superstar 0852162961 in an amazing $80,000 bo17 ultra grand final you should have seen it the crowd went wild even i went fucking wild when he turned round just after the last map to high five fatality who was sitting behind him that was so epic omg the afterparty was CRAZY
The trailer looked like a cheap counter strike clone. However, if youre going to make cs then why not improve it in obvious ways?
I havent tried the game but from the trailer it looked like it had two of those shitty features that make cs unplayable. You have to stop your movement before shooting to get any kind of accuracy. And you have that large bullet spread that ruins the game.
Everyone not realizing how great this actually is missed the point.
I for one haven't laughed so hard uncontrollably for a long time. It's poe's law in action - I cannot for the life of mine figure out if this is a parody montage or an actual game. You know how games like Goat Simulator and similar got popular mid 2014? This is how I view this game. One guy is crouching and spawnkilling dozens of people who shoot at walls and a "ITS A TEAMWORK" banner appears.
This gives off an Eric Andre vibe or even tim and eric tomfoolery.
This is art, you just have to appreciate it for what it is. Not to mention kills get labled with karate style notifications.
Overall I had a lot of fun watching this trailer
This is terrible :D
Played some TDM and basically you just march to the other side of the map and spawn kill. There's nothing else to do. And why is movement so painfully slow?
What would be any advantage to play this game, compared to the originals? de_dust2 and fy_iceworld seems to be shipped in,... but honestly ... what is the difference? It's 2016, almost two decades have passed since the original mod...
Do you actually have any rights concerning the content of the games you make?
I mean next to this game you also have a Naruto game on there and a One Piece game... Those licenses don't come cheap you know.
I would also heavily advice Valve not to just give out rights to de_dust for example.
Or do you consider this as 'fan art'? Meaning that you intent not to make ANY money out of it?
the iphone corners are patented, which is slightly different from copyright.
A patent usually also includes stuff like 'how is it manufactured' and 'to what end' and 'by which technology' etc.
Copyright is simply the right to copy / redistribute / re-use in other context etc. etc. of anything which is made by someone and was deemed copyright material. (meaning it must be something specific and skillful and or special in some way)
If you want to make a square shaving device with corners exactly shaped like an iphone... I would guess you would have no real legal issue with the patent unless you use the exact same method of production.
You would however run into trouble on the copyright side (if they have that....) on the design (aka 'artwork') of the iphone.
Similarly if you would make a painting of an iphone without their consent and you claim it's art and sell it for a million dollars.... Copyright would give apple a legal claim to (part of) that million, not the patent.
Legally that actually doesn't "really matter".
What matters is that everyone here can see that it's the cs map.
Perhaps the other examples (Naruto / One Piece) are easier for you to accept as having legal issues attached to them.
(although I'm pretty sure that any judge in Europe/N-America would rule in Valve's favor if they were to press charges if it's clear that infiplay makes money off of this.)
Nah man that game uberstrike, that you can play trough Facebook, ships with a remake of q3tourney4. Copying map layout is fair game. I never argued that that game isn't a copy and I'm sure if valve pushed it to court they'd win.
As i realized if you are North American, this game has another name titled Global Strike, same thing as this game. but only had to rename it for US players i guess.
Edited by Vig1lante at 21:08 CST, 23 February 2016
The one you called is made for NA, and doesn't associated with us at all. We are trying to make it better, at least in things which we are able to change / improve.
I actually like the idea despite all the bashing. I cannot be arsed to install Counterstrike. And If the performance is good, fps-wise, mouse input etc. then I will give this a (head)shot.
Liked the "real photos" backgrounds kinda reminded me the early days os ps1 on tekken that had infinite arenas with a 2d background but it looked awesome (ex: the forest yoshimitsu stage)
Keep them coming Mikes, a company that sponsors quake players is a friend of mine. Its easy to bash people, anyone with a clue knows that doing any kind of game is hard stuff. It might not be my type of game, but wishing success from here, surely you can get a lot of negative feedback which is the best feedback, negative people will be totally sincere and attack the weaker points first, which are the ones you need to attack first too. Ofc while ignoring "change this game into quake" nonsense.
Thank you for support! You are absolutely right, we have never expected to get any positive feedback from good old quake community there, as this game is for different auditory. Though we are hoping for constuctive criticism, which would help us make it better and teach us some lessons in our further work, if some day we decide to start developing our own games.
Only thing that makes this better than Crossfire is the fact I don't have to uninstall it after trying it and realizing it's awful. I'm 72% sure they're just collecting our passwords with that site, there is no way someone actually tries to make a game and creates this load of shit.
you cannot simply compare id putting their own game in a browser with a these suspicious credit card stealing boys who blatantly steal other content and act as "publishers".
This has nothing to do with supporting quake or quakers, these are stolen assets of questionable source and I will be really surprised if it's not just an email grabbing scheme.
How can you watch that trailer and not see that it's not only a rip-off but like someone before me said, looks fishy like those google play bootleg games called "Grand Auto Theft: V" or "Call Of Modern Warfare: Battlefield"
It's a scam and everyone falling for it is rly naive. Stop trying to make this about quake or quakers!!
excuse me, but how is this different to Crossfire or CS online?
Looks exactly the same.
So you basically want to stuff the same old games down our throat with a new marketing strategy?
to be honest , I didn't. But it's not about just this news and some forum threads.. I think time came to ignore esreality , as I did for some LTU news sites..
I understand what you mean, but clearly this is a giant rip-off. Im no game developer, and ofcourse it takes some kind of skill to get this running in a web browser, but the rest is blatantly stolen materials/design. The sound effects is a direct copy from cs1.6 for fuck sake, they aren't even altered.
This project doesnt deserve much else than being criticized for what it really is.
Is this Jibo's company? Are you just publishing or do you have a development team? Because right now unless you're buying the license which I doubt they'd give or you could afford, everything is basically being ripped without changes.
Company been running from 2013 until now, so obviously there's more to this than any of us currently know!
Out of interest Mikolah it would be great if you could clear up this information:
Who owns infiplay (jibo?)?
Does it only publish or develop too?
If only publish, who developed all those game?
Does Infiplay have the licenses require to publish these games legally?