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Posts: 23
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  Regular
Registered:  28 Oct 2002
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  Jeeva
Age:  41
Location:  Cape Town
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Africa/Johannesburg
Country:  South Africa
Avatar:  Kitty
Homepage:  www•ventusgaming•co•za
Config:  None uploaded
Drafts:  0
Judgements:  2 made, 1 received
Bets Placed:  0 (Rank: -)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  2000
Buddied by:  0 users
Last Login:  17 Jul 2010
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Ventus Quake Live Sprint Cup #3 Open
Posted @ 14:14 GMT 12 Jul 2010
Now that the 2010 Football World Cup is over it is back to [flag=ZA] Ventus eSpo
Re: The devil
Posted @ 19:49 GMT 2 Oct 2006
fsck telkom!
Re: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation
Posted @ 16:22 GMT 3 Oct 2005
stfu halfbake
Re: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation
Posted @ 10:01 GMT 29 Sep 2005
half k00n
Re: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation
Posted @ 10:00 GMT 29 Sep 2005
You're a k00n.
Re: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation
Posted @ 09:56 GMT 29 Sep 2005
I'm not ashmed? k00ns.
Re: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation
Posted @ 13:08 GMT 28 Sep 2005
This is where I live
Re: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation
Posted @ 10:34 GMT 28 Sep 2005
I know you no nothing whats going on arround you, just playing games the whole d
Re: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation
Posted @ 10:14 GMT 28 Sep 2005
Haha, Yes I'm the brick. What are you then?
Re: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation
Posted @ 10:13 GMT 28 Sep 2005
Dont you mean PC DOOR MAT?
Re: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation
Posted @ 19:28 GMT 27 Sep 2005
Sorry to hear about your shit. You should have phoned the care police.
Re: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation
Posted @ 19:21 GMT 27 Sep 2005
emm, Remember the South African Rand was stronger than the US Dollar sitting at
Re: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation
Posted @ 19:17 GMT 27 Sep 2005
Easy for you to say, you're not white
Re: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation
Posted @ 19:16 GMT 27 Sep 2005
I dont aggree with this. I think a white person in this country only has another
Re: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation
Posted @ 19:10 GMT 27 Sep 2005
he means blacks, for people that don't know
Re: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation
Posted @ 19:09 GMT 27 Sep 2005
Football as in Soccer ? I don't support the banana eaters either.
Re: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation
Posted @ 19:08 GMT 27 Sep 2005
Firstly - What a load of shit. My house doesn't have a fence or a wall in the fr
Re: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation
Posted @ 19:04 GMT 27 Sep 2005
67% of black females 16 and under, are HIV +
Re: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation
Posted @ 19:02 GMT 27 Sep 2005
and non-whites
Re: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation
Posted @ 19:01 GMT 27 Sep 2005
I knew it, Quad6ix is gay!
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