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Posts: 137
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Level:  Regular
Registered:  4 Dec 2002
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Age:  Undisclosed
Location:  over your shoulder...
iM Replies:  Y
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Country:  Netherlands
Avatar:  RTCW (Trans) By Ratem
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Drafts:  0
Judgements:  67 made, 147 received
Bets Placed:  49 (Rank: 266)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  1600
Buddied by:  5 users
Last Login:  4 Oct 2014
Theme:  Custom theme

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I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid. You're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world... without you. A world without rules and controls. Without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there, is a choice I leave to you.

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Re: Recommend me a claw grip mouse
Posted @ 07:40 GMT 21 Sep 2014
Been playing with it for a week now... I'm in love with it <3 Thanks guys!
Re: Recommend me a claw grip mouse
Posted @ 06:26 GMT 12 Sep 2014
I've started dreaming about the g100s because of this thread. It haunts me. Y
Re: Recommend me a claw grip mouse
Posted @ 05:56 GMT 11 Sep 2014
But guys, the G100s only has 500Hz polling rate... isn't that going to be a prob
Re: Recommend me a claw grip mouse
Posted @ 23:14 GMT 5 Sep 2014
Sent you an iMsg with some more questions!
Re: Recommend me a claw grip mouse
Posted @ 19:34 GMT 5 Sep 2014
Can you elaborate why the latest firmware is worse?
Re: Recommend me a claw grip mouse
Posted @ 17:19 GMT 5 Sep 2014
What about the Xornet guys?
Re: Recommend me a claw grip mouse
Posted @ 13:23 GMT 5 Sep 2014
I'm starting to see a pattern here...
Re: Recommend me a claw grip mouse
Posted @ 12:35 GMT 5 Sep 2014
Thanks everyone for the replies so far. I have medium hands btw :)
Recommend me a claw grip mouse
Posted @ 11:18 GMT 5 Sep 2014
My requirements: - Needs to be designed for claw grip - Doesn't need high dp
Posted @ 13:37 GMT 14 Jan 2010
Dear God, I haven't logged in to this site in ages! Brings back memories brow
The most disturbing thing I've seen
Posted @ 02:52 GMT 9 Oct 2005 o_O'
Posted @ 22:43 GMT 29 Jun 2005 Pizazz pizazz c'mon!! P.S. UNR-Lord R
Re: EPIII (spoiler thread)
Posted @ 17:58 GMT 24 May 2005
How have I done well?
Re: EPIII (spoiler thread)
Posted @ 15:26 GMT 24 May 2005
Seen the movie today. First word that springs to mind is EPIC. I'm a suck
Re: Nilbog vs Ragnaros
Posted @ 20:55 GMT 15 May 2005
edit found it
Re: Nilbog vs Ragnaros
Posted @ 20:52 GMT 15 May 2005
Re: EuroCup X RtCW Movie Released
Posted @ 19:02 GMT 27 Apr 2005
Please *($$@ k?
Re: Doom 3 MP Trix by Nizmo
Posted @ 12:57 GMT 21 Apr 2005
Man! Those comments are so bad... I must see it now!
Post 1k!!!
Posted @ 11:25 GMT 15 Apr 2005
Yay! Post # 1000... please all care with me.
Re: Nilbog killing Onyxia
Posted @ 10:50 GMT 14 Apr 2005
So did you get an epic item? Or did you all roll for it? :)
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