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Homepage:  www•ngl2000•com
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Re: Pro gamer's disease
Posted @ 14:11 GMT 19 Jun 2005
so they're checking their real-life fps ? ;)
Re: le-fooKi -vs- All*Z4muZ
Posted @ 19:14 GMT 5 Dec 2003
well that demo was fuck'n cool.. :> most of the times you managed to put that z
Re: le-fooKi -vs- All*Z4muZ
Posted @ 19:08 GMT 5 Dec 2003
agree.. sens 2, accel 1.3 .. and i usually win in close fights due to quick move
Re: GitzZz -vs- steka
Posted @ 08:44 GMT 28 Jul 2003
well gizZz plays damn good as being a newbie.. and he's having fun as far as i c
Re: GitzZz -vs- steka
Posted @ 08:27 GMT 28 Jul 2003
so use the ut-campground version!!
Re: Answering a question from Chaperonro
Posted @ 19:18 GMT 15 Feb 2003
i'm impressed by all your knowledge.. but did it look like i've been serious? :>
Re: Answering a question from Chaperonro
Posted @ 09:35 GMT 15 Feb 2003
i meant world area network... today it's [b]just local area network[/b].. since
Re: Answering a question from Chaperonro
Posted @ 23:36 GMT 14 Feb 2003
i read between the lines and i read something like: [b]we should have more onlin
Re: eoe-diablo -vs- cd-geniuz
Posted @ 02:58 GMT 26 Jan 2003
who r u!!? :>> the diablo i know doesn't speak english at all! :P hehe
Re: eoe-diablo -vs- cd-geniuz
Posted @ 17:04 GMT 25 Jan 2003
is it just us that run this stupid conversation? :> and lol about the "being ga
Re: eoe-diablo -vs- cd-geniuz
Posted @ 14:36 GMT 25 Jan 2003
if he'd be a woman. with these skills in bed.. ehmmm.. sure.. :> but since he's
Re: eoe-diablo -vs- cd-geniuz
Posted @ 21:27 GMT 24 Jan 2003
Not boring, but it :> looks like asterisk was happy to see diablo in action. :>
Re: eoe-diablo -vs- cd-geniuz
Posted @ 22:42 GMT 23 Jan 2003
i love friendly games :> if u r watching this demo see how diab manages to get
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