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Registered:  7 Mar 2003
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Location:  Denver
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Country:  United States of America
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Judgements:  6 made, 11 received
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Last Login:  10 Feb 2004
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Re: President Bush's resume
Posted @ 19:21 GMT 9 Feb 2004
"and this is the ONLY dispute that the liberals (half of which were controlled b
Re: President Bush's resume
Posted @ 01:58 GMT 8 Feb 2004
McCarthy with his McCarthyism was a plague: it was a big paranoia persecution we
Re: President Bush's resume
Posted @ 21:25 GMT 6 Feb 2004
nice :) it seems that this is similar like happened in Britain. Then it was "Ro
Re: President Bush's resume
Posted @ 18:55 GMT 6 Feb 2004
"Democrats, since the cold war, have been a) infiltrated by the KGB" lol. "I
Re: President Bush's resume
Posted @ 15:52 GMT 6 Feb 2004
lol :D no,but those that want to get married should be allowed to do that. the
Re: President Bush's resume
Posted @ 11:24 GMT 6 Feb 2004
"still, he's better than any democrat" This is totally ridicilus,any likely Dem
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