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Posts: 9
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Level:  Regular
Registered:  24 Nov 2001
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Age:  41
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Timezone:  Europe/Brussels
Country:  Belgium
Avatar:  XSR text
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Drafts:  0
Judgements:  7 made, 9 received
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Buddied by:  2 users
Last Login:  22 Mar 2011
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Re: Mouse Lag and Motherboards
Posted @ 16:00 GMT 28 Oct 2003
so true i really dont get what can make you better by buying all the same thi
Re: Mouse Lag and Motherboards
Posted @ 20:22 GMT 27 Oct 2003
youre saying it like everyone has this bug, this is not true ive seen mice th
Re: Mouse Lag and Motherboards
Posted @ 14:52 GMT 27 Oct 2003
so do you think the lag would be gona when i bought a motherboard that the cpl u
Re: Mouse Lag and Motherboards
Posted @ 15:59 GMT 25 Oct 2003
yes but i personally would like to play normally under windows ! there are so
Re: Mouse Lag and Motherboards
Posted @ 19:20 GMT 24 Oct 2003
i just want to say my motherboard is not listed between those mentioned in the t
Re: Mouse Lag and Motherboards
Posted @ 21:15 GMT 22 Oct 2003
i would feel if i had it or not, 95 % sure of that i even feel the lag in win
Re: Mouse Lag and Motherboards
Posted @ 16:38 GMT 20 Oct 2003
i used to have a P II 266 MHz without mouselag (and it showed, i could play Unre
Re: brandan -vs- a bunch of cool people
Posted @ 22:18 GMT 2 Jul 2003
not a very entertaining demo, but youre pretty good though its a shame you ca
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