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Registered:  13 Jul 2003
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Country:  France
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Last Login:  12 May 2006
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Re: Finnish it by Electry
Posted @ 17:36 GMT 20 Jan 2006
Editing is very good but as usually music is shit (only the blur song is ok) but
Re: "jesus" new ut2004 movie by cristal
Posted @ 02:10 GMT 26 Jun 2005
I can understand for some types of music like jazz or pop, musics I don't like b
Re: "jesus" new ut2004 movie by cristal
Posted @ 20:45 GMT 24 Jun 2005
Rofl the classical reply. Someone can give his opinion on something, even if he
Re: "jesus" new ut2004 movie by cristal
Posted @ 18:11 GMT 23 Jun 2005
Well : 1) music is really really crap. This song : "fear factory - archetype" i
Re: Status: Critical UT2004 movie releas
Posted @ 13:01 GMT 20 Jun 2005
Just a basic movie, without anything really good. Frags aren't high skilled at a
Re: POWAH 2 Movie Released!!
Posted @ 22:28 GMT 19 Jun 2004
lol you will have a lot of friends with this reply. Anyway, I will explain mysel
Re: POWAH 2 Movie Released!!
Posted @ 19:05 GMT 19 Jun 2004
nop, only 65% :p Anyway, I also dislike the "ok let's make only ffa frags" thing
Re: POWAH 2 Movie Released!!
Posted @ 16:23 GMT 19 Jun 2004
ok my opinion : + editing is good + good xvid encoding + music is not as c
Re: UTK2004 Movie by tom and THERAILMCCO
Posted @ 17:44 GMT 16 Apr 2004
rofl, nice joke =) Now I hope ppl can see how crap is linkin park music =) But y
Re: daddy -vs- el_put0
Posted @ 11:58 GMT 10 Oct 2003
he's polish => maybe it's SK|Cloud ? his nickname is elputo => maybe it's SK|ic
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