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Posts: 2
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  Regular
Registered:  18 Oct 2003
Full Name:  Carter HANFORD
Age:  38
Location:  Lyon
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  60
Country:  France
Avatar:  Default
Homepage:  be•drunk•free•fr/
Config:  None uploaded
Drafts:  0
Judgements:  6 made, 3 received
Bets Placed:  0 (Rank: -)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  2000
Buddied by:  0 users
Last Login:  9 Feb 2004
Theme:  Custom theme

My nickname is druNK or HAnford. My name is Carter HANFORD and i am 17 (18 soon).
I am american by my father and french by my mother. I have left Los Angeles (CA, USA) for nine years. Now I live in Lyon, the second bigger city in France.

I have a lot of interests and hobbies. I like Kung Fu (i have 8 years of experience) and others martial arts, Basket-Ball, Cinema, watching TV etc.
But my two favorites hobbies are the music and the computer & video-games. I grew up in a musical world, my father played to the guitar, bass and drums.. My favorites kinds of music are Rock & Punk (Rock'n'roll, Punk Rock old school, Punk Rock, Rock'n'roll old school, Hard Rock, etc..). My favorites bands : The Hives, Gluecifer, Turbonegro, Hellacopters, New bomb turks, NOFX, Anti-Flag, The Distillers, and of course, The Beatles..
I am also playing in band whose name is "Useless" and we play some Rock'n'Roll old school. We are three in the band and i'm playing bass and singing. Captain at the drums and Julian at the guitar. Some friends bands : The Hijackers, The Flying Trolleys, The Vegas Hookers. :)

I have played for a lot of Video-Games Console.
My favorite game is Counter-Strike.

Counter-Strike history :

- February 2002 : I join the famous french clan "PxL", of the south of France (i was living in Aix-en-Provence, near Marseille)
- August 2002 : I move to Lyon and leave "PxL". Had a breack of CS.
- October 2002 : Join "Arobaz", a new team created and sponsored by a cybercafe.
- December 2002 : I leave Arobaz (no results and not enough motivation) and go back in PxL.
- February 2003 : "PxL" is dead, because of disappointments with sponsor and some members. I leave the team, some ex-PxL players move to "team d4".
- February 2003 : I join and co-create the cs french team "TheSix" with a lot of good friends. Line-up is, at the beginning : KabaL, Freeman, rico, PaCMaN, ArtiK, druNK, and FabEr as manager.
- September 2003 : i goes inactive in TheSix and become VIP of the team. ArtiK stop cs, KabaL move to Ireland and so become inactive too. Enibib & CrevaR join TheSix.
- October 2003 : Now i only play gathers and do a lot of pcw with some friends...

Counter-Strike awards (CS 5on5 LAN tournaments) :

- February 2002 : Win (1st) the Nokia Fise LAN 1 (Montpellier, FR) with "PxL".
- February 2002 : Win (1st) The Nokia Fise LAN 2 (Montpellier, FR) with "PxL".
- June 2002 : 2nd at the Lan2mars with "PxL". aT won the LAN.
- July 2002 : Top8 at LAN ARENA 7 (Paris, FR) with "PxL". Win all matchs (win aAa,, gmpo, d4, etc.) until 1/4 final, lose vs [FFR].
- October 2002 : 4th at REZOO VI LAN (Moulins, FR)with "team Arobaz", lose in 1/2 Final Loser Bracket vs won the LAN
- February 2003 : Win (1st) QUAD 4 (Lyon, FR) with TheSix.
- May 2003 : Win (1st) Lyon Qualifications for at Hobby-One Cybercafe with "TheSix".
- June 2003 : top16 at

Waiting for others lans now..

Links :

- : My FTP (not finished yet but visit it!)
- : My Sogamed profile.
- : TheSix French cs team website.
- : My CS Movie's Trailer.
- & : Some greats Esport french sites.

You can find me on MSN : . And on mIRC, server Quakenet, Channel : #TheSix

Carpe Diem :)

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Re: Best Metal Drummer
Posted @ 11:38 GMT 24 Oct 2003
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Re: britney, more nude than ever.
Posted @ 17:47 GMT 20 Oct 2003
I Hate her ! Pure symbol or the down of USA.. And i'm american... Sniff..
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